Approaching the 1 year mark...


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2010
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Hello Ladies...

The subject says it all !! ugh!! My DH and I have been ttc for 1 year now... with zero success. This process has been extremely difficult for me.I really thought i'd be pregnant by now! I managed to cry my way into the infertility dept about 3 months ago... with a result of "unexplained infertility". They did notice that my hubby had a "mild" sperm issue... count/motility issues. We went through one cycle of treatment with the infertility dept .. clomid/IUI.. resulting in a BFN.

I try not to think about it much.... we are taking a 3 month break from infertility in order for my DH to try to build his sperm count/motility with proxeed.. fingers crossed. The unexplained category is very frustrating. I keep thinking.. if there really isnt an issue.. then why haven't i gotten pregnant yet?!!

I'm usually not this down about TTC... I give myself one pity party a month.. then try to move on . I guess this is my one pity party... thanks for listening ladies!!

I guess i just needed to vent. I don't want to stress out my hubby... and the last thing I want him to feel is that it's his fault. He is already placing a lot of the problem on him.. and feels bad that he hasnt been able to get me pregnant yet.

Thanks for listening ladies... sending sticky vibes your way!!! :)
Hi there... My Depo injection was supposed to wear off exactly one year ago today. (Technically yesterday)
I recently just got my periods back in Jan, had pretty regular cycles, except the month before last it was spotting on and off. Anyways. I'm not sure exactly when I'm supposed to start my period. Anywhere from today to Aug 1st. I think... ??? I just tried OPK for the first time even though AF is due really soon. Had a + opk, so got a lil excited I might be pg, took another opk two hours later and negative?? Its the answers brand... dunno if its crap or not but. Took a hpt test even though its a tad bit too early. :bfn: blah. :cry: I'm here with ya. :hugs:
Be my ttcc buddy? :flower:
Hello Sammyjo!

Thanks for the reply! I am not sure what to tell you about the positve/negative result... those can be frustrating! I was a POAS aholic months ago.. I've managed to wean myself off from them... probably because I am running out of tests... lol..

We are pretty much on the same cycle.. Im due to get a visit from AF starting 7/31 or 8/1. Of course I took a pregnancy test yesterday... and it was a BFN.. so i'm preparing myself for that to be the end result.

Hope yours turns positive again!!!

Hang in there...and I'd love to be your ttc buddy!

Take Care!!


Hello Sammyjo!

Thanks for the reply! I am not sure what to tell you about the positve/negative result... those can be frustrating! I was a POAS aholic months ago.. I've managed to wean myself off from them... probably because I am running out of tests... lol..

We are pretty much on the same cycle.. Im due to get a visit from AF starting 7/31 or 8/1. Of course I took a pregnancy test yesterday... and it was a BFN.. so i'm preparing myself for that to be the end result.

Hope yours turns positive again!!!

Hang in there...and I'd love to be your ttc buddy!

Take Care!!



Thats funny that we're on the same cycle, and both got a bfn yesterday.
I too am prepared for that to be the end result.
But I'm excited for next month, I just (finally) started taking prenatals and dha supplements about a week ago, so I think that'll help a little.
:cry: I'm also in process of quitting smoking. (I know, I know) I didnt want to wait till I fell pg to quit so I'm gonna give it my all! --which could also be in the way of me conceiving.
I try not to test too early, its a waste of money. I like to be at least a day or two late to test. Unfortunately my cycle in May threw me off a little. I'm generally pretty damn regular. Usually 29-31 days. but I didnt really have an actual period in may. I just started tracking my cycles, and marking when my period comes in June. But for some reason last month I started over at 26.
I'm always a 5 day person, and oddly AF left two days later than usual. :/

I can sometimes be a hypocondriac hah.

Good to hear back from you,

Hi Sammy!!

Happy Friday!!!

I agree with you on being a hypochondriac... lol... if it was up to me.. I'd have every ailment in the world! lol

Hope you get your BFP this month!! Keep me posted. I am days away from a visit from AF.. i'm hoping she forgets to visit me for a good 9 months!

I have decided to do the clear blue easy fertility monitor again for a few months until we go back to infertility treatments. It helped me track my ovulation... and made me feel a bit more positive about things... but..also caused a bit of anxiety in the same way if that makes any sense. I was always soo anxious to make sure we baby danced on the peak days.. this time around.. i wont tell my hubby when i'm at a peak.. and we'll see what happens . I feel like I give him performance anxiety at times! lol....

About POAS... if i waited until I was 2 days late.. I sure would save a lot of extra money! lol.. I'm never late! :( I bought some cheapy strips... had like 30 of them.. so i was totally a poas aholic for a good few months! lol...

hope to hear from you soon!

Hi Sammy!!

Happy Friday!!!

I agree with you on being a hypochondriac... lol... if it was up to me.. I'd have every ailment in the world! lol

Hope you get your BFP this month!! Keep me posted. I am days away from a visit from AF.. i'm hoping she forgets to visit me for a good 9 months!

I have decided to do the clear blue easy fertility monitor again for a few months until we go back to infertility treatments. It helped me track my ovulation... and made me feel a bit more positive about things... but..also caused a bit of anxiety in the same way if that makes any sense. I was always soo anxious to make sure we baby danced on the peak days.. this time around.. i wont tell my hubby when i'm at a peak.. and we'll see what happens . I feel like I give him performance anxiety at times! lol....

About POAS... if i waited until I was 2 days late.. I sure would save a lot of extra money! lol.. I'm never late! :( I bought some cheapy strips... had like 30 of them.. so i was totally a poas aholic for a good few months! lol...

hope to hear from you soon!


Good to hear back from you! :)
I'm not expecting a BFP this month, which makes me anxious for AF to come so I can get my next cycle onward. If AF didnt come then it'd be a huge surprise to me. I'm usually always on time too, but in May I didnt really have one. I had some spotting on and off?

I have a good feeling about next month for some reason! Birthday present maybe? It'd to awesome to conceive on my B-day and then deliver around our wedding anniversary! I have a good feeling about the Preseed because that may be the only real problem, as far as I'm concerned atm. I've been trying to encourage my hubby to take vitamins, since for some reason neither of us have had a real appetite lately. Not getting those importent nutrients.

My hubby, about the whole situation, is that, when it happens, it will happen naturally. So he's not too focused on babymaking. He sure does like to :sex: more than I do though. He's shy about it, he seems to be concerned that it hasnt happened yet. I think its me though, not him. But I'm getting anxious after this long. My :blush: dryness is getting better, so that'll help a little... thats why I'm excited for the Preseed, it'll make a HUGEE difference. :spermy: will have a better chance. I kind of think the Answers OPKs are bunk... so Im just gonna baby dance allll monthh longg! I dont know why I have such a good feeling about next month. But I'm also trying to get over the anxiety about my mc two years ago. :sadangel:
If it weren't for depo I'd already have our lil baby. :dohh:
We already have names picked out haha.

AF got me.. that darn Bizatch!! lol... Like clockwork... I'm on a 25 day cycle! I'm concerned I have a short Luteal phase.. as well as hubby's sperm issue :( I tend to ovulate a bit later.. around day 15-17.. and get my period on CD 25.. which is about a 9-10 day luteal phase. I sorta stopped worrying about that since I was seeing the infertility specialist.. who knows!! This whole process is frustrating!

How about you.... any BFP's yet?! ;-)

If you use messenger... feel free to add me. I use MSN messenger

my screen name is : [email protected]

or you can email... annettec1977@ ya


Keep me posted!!

AF got me.. that darn Bizatch!! lol... Like clockwork... I'm on a 25 day cycle! I'm concerned I have a short Luteal phase.. as well as hubby's sperm issue :( I tend to ovulate a bit later.. around day 15-17.. and get my period on CD 25.. which is about a 9-10 day luteal phase. I sorta stopped worrying about that since I was seeing the infertility specialist.. who knows!! This whole process is frustrating!

How about you.... any BFP's yet?! ;-)

If you use messenger... feel free to add me. I use MSN messenger

my screen name is : [email protected]

or you can email... annettec1977@ ya


Keep me posted!!

I'm offically late. I was supposed to start yesterday or today and nothin.
I dont IM but I check frequently check up on here for any responces.
I did check on the 26th I think and it was a BFN, but I think I'm gonna wait a few days and test again. My last test before I need to buy a new box. I just dont really feel pg. But sometimes it would surprise you. Like I said I've been expecting AF and want her to come and get her done with and go for next month.
As long as you can track your O, I think it doesn't make a big difference.
Like I said before, it was super odd that AF came at cd26, instead of 30 or 31. And also how may through me off........... :( I'm usually so regular. And may and June and July have confused me!!

Dust for next month!! I say just try to stay as positive as you can, and try to not worry so much about. Patients..... everything will work out for us!!

Hope to hear back from ya soon. :)
Oooohhh... keeping my fingers crossed for a :bfp: for you!! I have never been in the " late" category.. AF is always on time!!

I'm pretty good with tracking ovulation... I did temping for awhile... and clear blue easy fertility monitor ... both showing ovulation around 15-17... so I'm sorta trying to stay away from tracking every month... as it sorta stressed me out. IDK.. I say that.. but.. why am I trying to bid on ovulation sticks on ebay right now?! lmao!

Keep me posted! Totally off topic.. and not related to ttc... but.. I started the "INSANITY" work out yesterday.. and I'm soooo sore!! Unreal! It's like bootcamp!!

ttyl.. im off to work!! blah!!!



AF got me.. that darn Bizatch!! lol... Like clockwork... I'm on a 25 day cycle! I'm concerned I have a short Luteal phase.. as well as hubby's sperm issue :( I tend to ovulate a bit later.. around day 15-17.. and get my period on CD 25.. which is about a 9-10 day luteal phase. I sorta stopped worrying about that since I was seeing the infertility specialist.. who knows!! This whole process is frustrating!

How about you.... any BFP's yet?! ;-)

If you use messenger... feel free to add me. I use MSN messenger

my screen name is : [email protected]

or you can email... annettec1977@ ya


Keep me posted!!

I'm offically late. I was supposed to start yesterday or today and nothin.
I dont IM but I check frequently check up on here for any responces.
I did check on the 26th I think and it was a BFN, but I think I'm gonna wait a few days and test again. My last test before I need to buy a new box. I just dont really feel pg. But sometimes it would surprise you. Like I said I've been expecting AF and want her to come and get her done with and go for next month.
As long as you can track your O, I think it doesn't make a big difference.
Like I said before, it was super odd that AF came at cd26, instead of 30 or 31. And also how may through me off........... :( I'm usually so regular. And may and June and July have confused me!!

Dust for next month!! I say just try to stay as positive as you can, and try to not worry so much about. Patients..... everything will work out for us!!

Hope to hear back from ya soon. :)
I definitely need to track my o. So I'm gonna start the official opk sessions after my period comes.... if it comes?!
Like I said I just dont feel it this month though.
I want that biz to get here already so I can try next month!!
Have fun at work!!

I just got accepted for fafsa to go to college so I'm starting for horticulture in fall. My husband goes to Evergreen state college and a community college, he's going for his masters in hort.

My associates calls for 90 credits, so if I have 45 I can homeschool for children someday. :)
Do you use email more than checking up on this site??
Still no AF... going to test today. We'll see. Keep you posted.
:hugs: I have just hit a year of trying, my cycles are irregular and sometimes no ovulation, can't use opks or fertility monitors as they don't work on me, DH has been tested and is fine so I am awaiting for tests for myself.
Welcome Damita! So after a year you can get tested for what the problem might be? They told me to wait TWO years... errg.

I'm going to use OKPs for the first time once I period finally shows up... I've been slightly irregular since I got off depo, but not by much. But I'm anywhere between 4-7 or 8 days late. Hard to say for sure.
I'm going to also use for the first time the first responce fertility test on the third day of AF.
Got a :BFN: yesterday so I dont know. I want that biz to come already.
i completely understand your frustration! :hugs: I am on my 17th cycle ttc and i am unexplained infertility. When i was at one of my obgyn appts i looked at my diagnosis code paper for the billing and i saw "unexplained infertility" as my code and it was like a punch in the stomach! It really got to me and i felt so bad! I'm better now, but i try to tell myself if its unexplained, that has to be good, right? because they can't find anything wrong with you, so maybe its just not the right time? Thats what i tell myself, it doesn't make it any easier though, i know. I was on 4 rounds of clomid with ovulation and bd timed perfectly and still nothing! ugh.
Do you use email more than checking up on this site??
Still no AF... going to test today. We'll see. Keep you posted.

Sammy... Sooo sorry! I don't get emails that tell me when someone has responded. Ugh!! Email is usually quicker.. I check that tons since I get updates on my phone!

[email protected]
i completely understand your frustration! :hugs: I am on my 17th cycle ttc and i am unexplained infertility. When i was at one of my obgyn appts i looked at my diagnosis code paper for the billing and i saw "unexplained infertility" as my code and it was like a punch in the stomach! It really got to me and i felt so bad! I'm better now, but i try to tell myself if its unexplained, that has to be good, right? because they can't find anything wrong with you, so maybe its just not the right time? Thats what i tell myself, it doesn't make it any easier though, i know. I was on 4 rounds of clomid with ovulation and bd timed perfectly and still nothing! ugh.

I agree with you about the frustration of timing everything perfectly and nothing in the end! I have had my ups and downs throughout the months. AF just ended.. so I'm trying to get back in the game with a positive outlook!

Keep us posted and welcome to the thread!! :)
:hugs: I have just hit a year of trying, my cycles are irregular and sometimes no ovulation, can't use opks or fertility monitors as they don't work on me, DH has been tested and is fine so I am awaiting for tests for myself.

Welcome Damita! Hope you get your testing soon and that everything checks out ok! :)
Hi Ladies...

I just needed to take a moment to vent. My oldest sister, who has 3 sons, just told me today that she's pregnant again with her 4th child after 4 " long" months of trying! ugh!!! 4 months is NOTHING! Of course my initial reaction is to be happy for her and my brother in law.. but.. I have to admit that I am JEALOUS! She tried to warn me a few months ago by telling me she was thinking about trying for another baby... she probably wanted to hear my initial reaction. I'm happy for her.. but.. sad for me at the same time. I'm trying not to make this about me... but for some reason I'm feeling blah today over it. It's like when you are ttc... EVERYONE and their mother is pregnant EXCEPT me :-( My DH felt bad today too when he heard the news. It just sucks that we are trying so hard and coming up with BFN's every month . ugh!

Thanks for listening to me vent ladies... I don't want to stress my husband out anymore than he already is. He is already thinking it's his fault.. poor guy.

Ok.. that's enough of a pity party for me! Sending positive vibes your way!!

Hi Ladies...

I just needed to take a moment to vent. My oldest sister, who has 3 sons, just told me today that she's pregnant again with her 4th child after 4 " long" months of trying! ugh!!! 4 months is NOTHING! Of course my initial reaction is to be happy for her and my brother in law.. but.. I have to admit that I am JEALOUS! She tried to warn me a few months ago by telling me she was thinking about trying for another baby... she probably wanted to hear my initial reaction. I'm happy for her.. but.. sad for me at the same time. I'm trying not to make this about me... but for some reason I'm feeling blah today over it. It's like when you are ttc... EVERYONE and their mother is pregnant EXCEPT me :-( My DH felt bad today too when he heard the news. It just sucks that we are trying so hard and coming up with BFN's every month . ugh!

Thanks for listening to me vent ladies... I don't want to stress my husband out anymore than he already is. He is already thinking it's his fault.. poor guy.

Ok.. that's enough of a pity party for me! Sending positive vibes your way!!


Same boat, Anette.
My older sisters pregnant too . Took her one month of not trying.
She's had two other terminated pg's, and probably a mc or too unknowingly for sure.
I'm trying to not be blah too.
BFN, still no period.

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