this is my first month off thr pill.this past week i have been really tired to the point all i want to do issleep, feeling sick and cramps that come and go plus ahd a constant headache.
could these be my first symptoms?
im on cd17 and due my af on 5th april!
im not sua if ive ovulated because i was on antibiotics for 3 days wen i was dueto ovulate and i have read that antibiotics can affect CM.
what do u think are they pregnancy symptoms or just symptoms of coming off the pill?
could these be my first symptoms?
im on cd17 and due my af on 5th april!
im not sua if ive ovulated because i was on antibiotics for 3 days wen i was dueto ovulate and i have read that antibiotics can affect CM.
what do u think are they pregnancy symptoms or just symptoms of coming off the pill?