Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

what one have you got? and where are you looking? its usually a lot lower than people think.
ive got the angelsounds one, im looking mostly along my pubic bone, a wee bit higher. the problem is you cant rly angel it. I can hear my guts if i go higher up and i can hear my own heartbeat so its doing something. ive spent ages trying as well - early morning with full bladder, after dinner, before bed, nothing. You have to turn it up so loud to hear anything at all and its so bloody hissy which just cancels out anything which you might actually hear.

found a bebe one on here for £40 so gonna have a try with that one. Should resell quite well either way

oh and that recording sounds amazing :) you should def keep that for her to listen to when shes older. we never had any of that ofc but imagine seeing pics of yourself when you were in the womb and hearing your own hb as a baby, amazing
I know! I love my early scan pic too. She's jsut a tiny peanut on a stick. SOOO cute!

Hmmmm 1730 and all I have eaten is a bowl of fruit and fibre.... not good....
Cranberry, I hired mine off of ebay (£10 per month) I didn't get it till I was about 18 weeks so can't tell if it would pick it up earlier but I found baby straight away. After the first month they offered me 3 for 2, TBH I don't use it since she started moving about, unless she has a quiet day which I think she's done once. Think you'd get away with just a month or two. Only thing is you have to pay the postage back and I have no idea how much this will be!!!!!
Here is my hospital bag list - have I missed anything, got something I don't need?


2 x Baggy Nightdresses for labour (PRIMARK TO BUY)
New Nursing Nightie
Dressing Gown
Clothes to come home in
Toothbrush & Toothpaste
Shower Gel
Large Towel
Small Towel
Water Spray
IPOD & Dock
Phone Charger
Cheap Pants
Hair Bands
Make Up
Maternity Notes
Breast Pads
Nursing Bras
Carrier Bags for dirty clothing
Nipple Cream
Face Wipes
Hand Fan
Toilet Wipes


Change of underwear
Change of T-Shirt


5 x Vests
5 x Sleepsuits
1 x Outfit
1 x Going Home Outfit
Scratch Mits
Cotton Wool
was getting worried bout you isi, pleased all is well hun x x

cranberry - if your placenta is at the front, this could interfere with bean's hb sound on the doppler. I dont think i got anything til week 14 (ish)x x

britt - nasty scare hun, but pleased all is good - now keep them feet up more often!!! x x

DM - love the recording! i've got a photo of this one as a 6 day blasto just hatching!!! amazing photo to have of yourself!!!

went to flicks today with dh as one of our "last dates" - bloody knackered me out sitting there for two hours :sleep: not even gonna mention the cankles i hobbled out with...

anyone else feel really bloated and michelin-man like? starting to get all huffy n puffy now, and feel yuck with my double chins.... think tomorrow i'll be mostly chillin with my feet and arms raised to shift some water!!!!

x x x
Hi again. I just wanted to give an update. I know you guys aren't spending all day thinking about me but I want to drop in and let you know how things are going so you don't think anything is too wrong. The twins are ok. They're still breathing with a cpap. Aidan continues to have episodes of apnea so he has a cpap with a rate but he's still on room air. Ian seems to be outgrowing his apnea. Both are being given breast milk and on the whole they're both tolerating the feeds. We had a scare the other night as the doctors thought that Aidan may have had an infection but all turned out ok. I'm still home but will probably return to work next week once I'm cleared to drive. I had an episiotomy so I have to wait 2 weeks to drive. Hope everyone is doing well.
I probably should get rid of my ticker - ha ha.
straightners seem a bit ambitious tbh :) do you rly think youll use em?

also dont forget carseat, maybe too obvious

maybe shampoo?

oh and glad the twins are doing well

:thumbup: list mrs-g- pretty much what i got give or take. What you gonna wear during day in hosp? i got those lounge pants from primark and a couple of vests as i know that i'll get my nightwear all sweaty and yucky at night. just thought - camera batteries / charger? does your hubster read? we've got a couple of mags and a book for dh - as soon as i have that epi i'm getting me some sleep!!! x x x ooo, tell you what else i thrown in my bag, that anti-bac gel stuff - hand wash stuff - just for hosp - please dont think i'm a clean freak!! I also picked up a small cocoa butter travel size from superdrug to make me feel nice after a bath. and some sea salt for my first stingy bath!!! x x
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: maxxi - so good to hear from you - and of course we've been thinking about you gal!!! so so pleased to hear the boys are ok, sounds like they're getting stronger by the day x x x please take care sweetheart, update when you can x x
oh yeah def use the handgel. hospitals are for sick ppl mostly after all. My Dr thought I had TB once as I work in hospitals a lot and boring story but ofc I didnt, it wasnt the height of unlikelyhood tho.
Hospitals are full of anti bac gel aren't they??????

I was kinda hoping I'd be in and out, thats why I wasn't packing any day clothes! lol perhaps I should!

Maxi - we're all thinking of you and your boys constantly, I have no idea what you were saying but it sounds like things are going ok but slowly. Going back to work! Are you mad?
oh you guys are sooo organized, havent even started my hospital bag lol... :)

Maxxi- we actually comment about you every day so thanks for the update, we HAVE been thinking of you. but did I read that right, are you planning on going back to work right away?? :shrug: I really hope you are taking some time to rest. look forward to the next update and pic's!! :)

just grazed through everything, so sorry for not commenting on everything but Cran- I never got this portable sounds thing working, i ended up giving it back to my who knows. I am glad I didnt have one, I think i would have used it too often.

as for me- good doctors apt today, Kitten is measuring 35cm now so up 2cm from a week ago!! no weight gain essentially from last week for me though :thumbup: which is great because I am already up 35+ pounds.
also Kitten has no intention of coming out anytime soon. Doctor did an internal exam, cervix closed and head is very high lol...
I had to get tested for Strep B, (they check anally too...:wacko:) so not fun on that part. I guess I may have a mild yeast infection too, so have to take some over the counter stuff, its safe apparently (sorry tmi)
My bump was very deformed last night!!!! I have no idea what she was upto! It's still a bit wonky today?!?

Omg just 13 days left at work now, can't wait to finish, although we are moving offices next Friday so I'm not gonna be getting much work done! Think my boss thinks I'm wonder woman, he is trying to get me to work next weds, thurs, fri and sat am as normal, plus sat pm, Sunday, then mon, tues, weds and then asked if I'd cancel my leave!!!!! I growled at him and he said that it was extra ordinary circumstances and a one off, so I pointed at my expanded bump and said yeah, so's this!!! I'm shattered after two full days in that place! Bet I end up giving in though!
They have gel when you enter ward usually and staff usually carry one but most visitors won't use it and they'll touch stuff you touch later on. I'm not a clean freak - you should see my house and car but in hospitals the staff are usually fine but visitors are the dirty ones. They go in lifts etc with ppl who have any kind of illness then visit new babies with those germs on their hands

They might have one in every room but I wouldn't count on it
sex?? say what now?? have to admit I just haven't fancied it a lot in the last month or so, so much for your sex drive going crazy in second tri! I also hate the way my bump feels after the big 'O' so I guess that doesnt help!

Isi - glad the stitch went ok and that you're doing so well!

Britt - I still can't believe you're travelling for trips! Did you fly for this one too?? And StrepB test up the bum?? That makes me pretty glad they found mine in my urine now!!

Cran - yay for a scan coming up soon, they are the funnest bit! I hired a doppler from amazon at 10 weeks and was lucky to find at least one HB straightaway but then I guess I did have two to aim for! I hired it for two months before sending it back when I could feel the babies moving as didnt feel the need so much then. (It cost about a fiver to send back from memory).

MrsG - I have copied your hospital list so thanks for that as I didnt have a clue where to start! My bump was really deformed out the left side this morning, pretty sure that little boy was pissed cos I slept on him and was just sticking his bum out to make a point! Don't give in to work, they have had plenty of notice of your intentions! Make it like Custer's last stand! or something :p

Maxxi - have been thinking about you an awful lot and so so glad to hear that your boys are doing so well especially when they were so preemie. Can't believe you are going back to work! Will you stop again when they come out of special care and come home?

My cots arrived yesterday so hoping that I can get someone to give me a hand to put them up over the weekend!! Then I can start fluffing in the nursery and doing all the fun stuff! :D DH away for work at the moment which is pants but all the extra space in the bed is pretty lovely!
ola ladies - what a beautiful day!!! waddled to the shops this morning for a couple of magazines and gonna sit in the sun and catch me some rays :)

yay for the cots mars! I love going in the nursery and rearranging stuff, i unwrapped the mattresses today (moses and cot) to give them a good airing and i can't wait to make up the beds :) hope you can find someone to help put them up x x

mrs-g i would defo pack something hun, otherwise Mr-g will be bringing you the most uncoordinated, impractical clothes :haha: i know my dh would grab anything that a) wouldn't fit and b) look rubbish!!! i'd end up with a skirt and wellies if i didn't put stuff in now ;)

britt - don't apologise gal, i reckon we all lost our dignity a while ago ;) i had to have a pessary for a horrible bout of thrush last week, but cleared up fine. I asked about the strep b and the midwife and doc said there's no point??!!!!!! they said if it's negative, it could come by the time i give birth...would be interested to hear other people's views on that! we have to have it done privately here - £30-£40 i think it is. Yeah, i had heard it was an anal swab. not sure what to do really as i have heard so much about it...

my bump can throw some shapes too - it's so bizarre!!! It'll be sticky out on one side, and flat on the other. Whenever i get the camera out though, he's moved again.

much love ladies x x x
ooh I meant to say about anusol for the hospital bag list too! I guess we can be optimistic and hope we don't need it but best to be prepared!!

MrsF - re strep B, I thought testing for it was standard as if you are found to be a carrier then you need to be given IV antibiotics during labour to prevent it being passed to the baby as it can be really dangerous for them. They found I was a carrier as I had it as a UTI early on and now I have big warning stickers all over my maternity notes. It is one of those things that you can carry without knowing or it causing you any harm and it is true that early treatment will not prevent it coming back but the antibiotics during labour are the really key thing so unless they plan to do that automatically then I would certainly ask for a test!
Having looked at the info they gave me again it looks like you only really need to worry if you have one of the risk factors being premature labour, waters breaking early or if you tested positive or they found it in your urine during pregnancy...

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