Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

DM - those were the exact mattresses I was planning on getting so nice to know that they are good ones! Just waiting to order for a day where I know I can be at home for delivery or organise for them to be sent to the in laws!

And my money's actually on you MrsF!!
lol, thanks Mars - i'll see what i can do for you hun ;) x x x
oh sh#t ladies, what the F does a contraction feel like???!! :shock:
I had a serious painful tightening (achy over my upper abdomen) that lasted a full minute about an hour ago, please do not tell me this is the start of anything.... We are seriously not ready for her and I have a month of work left!. bag not packed, house still in renos, birthing classes only started......please, please please....let that just have been gas.

If I am I blame you ladies, for jinxing me on this thread.. :wacko:
oh and my bump has nearly disappeared its so low...

DM, advice please, this can happen weeks before delivery right????? please say yeah!! :) I am not even full term yet

hello to you ladies,
okay to counteract my jinx on this thread, I think this will be the order of delivery:
MrsF, DM and then me at 40+ weeks!! :haha:
Just checking in quick from sunny whitby. You girls are panicking me! I'm due to cone back at 36/37 weeks for a week, now I really am thinking I'll be giving birth!!!!!
Britt, not that I know at all, but it could be braxton hicks. contractions wouldnt usually last for a minute and Id expect youd get more than one. Cross those legs!

Had my Oscan scan today, all fine and lovely but I have either a v stubborn or v laid back child- would NOT move off its side to get pic taken. Had to have it done internally because of my spare tyre so I was 45 mins with the probe up my neenah. They go to sleep every 5 mins for 5 mins, so Dr kept poking around up there to try and wake it up!

Meant that we got to see it wriggling round loads, and had a good look at the brain and everything, just had a view of its bum pretty much the whole time.

They said Im Rhesus negative which I dont think is anything to be worried about, just need a jab at 30w or something. Im back in 4w for a checkup at hospital to monitor my blood sugar (all is fine atm) and also seeing MW at the GPs that day.

Heres my pic :)


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oh well we successfully managed to put the shits up Britt then! :rofl:

Sorry hun!

I popped into work today to sort out my maternity pay. we have this really rubbish software called People Solutions which acts as a go-between between resources, HR, payroll, us and our line managers. And it's complete crap. It never works. So last week I get a letter through saying er... PS has gone a bit wrong, none of your mat leave has been authorised, (despite me specifically phoning round all of the above departments on my last day to check) please fill in this form on this piece of paper or you won't get paid. Sigh..... So I went in to make sure it was actually DONE and everyone was saying to me OMG your bump is TINY, where's it gone??? Now I don't think my work maternity shirt helped as it always made me look bigger than I was, but she's very engaged right now (got my sexually abused cowboy walk back again) so I think most of her is now in my pelvis.

britt my contractions with H started as mild period pains every 10 minutes or so then got gradually stronger. I've had some pains like you've described and I think it's a combination of baby getting very engaged, BH's and general strain. xxxx
i know i shouldn't laugh, but :rofl: so sorry Britt for jinxing you hun :hugs: DM - you made me snot hun with your comment :haha: Britt, it sounds like it could've been a practice one, or maybe even bubb's laid on a nerve or something? for goodness sake woman, get your bloody bag packed just in case!!!!!

i've just got back from another trip to the assessment unit - junior decided to go all quiet on me. Turns out he was just hiding and playing silly buggers - as soon as they put the monitor on he was throwing shapes left, right and chelsea.....but the monitor did pick up some irregular contractions again - stronger than braxtons :)

dm - does this mean you're not getting paid hun?

cranberry - cute scan :) not sure really what rh-ve means / entails, but my friend is and she just has a few jabs now and again i think

mrs-g - lol, sorry hun ! Hope you're having a fab time in Whitby :)

well, off to lie down again as my boobs are killing my back......thought i'd share x x x
rhe negative is fine for first baby I think, but during the birth we might mingle blood, so my body would fight off the babys blood if it was rhe +ve. From then on any more rhe +ve blood in my body (ie 2nd pregnancy) I would have the antibodies already so would reject the baby. They give you a jab which basically clears out the rhe +ve blood in the first preg so you dont develop the antibodies.

Or something like that, I dunno rly :p

Is funny reading you, half are willing baby to come asap and poor britt is wanting her to stay in as long as poss. Im sure once your due date is here youll be on the raspberry tea and curry!
Yep i'm A negative, CB. I've had 2 anti d jabs at 28 and 34 weeks. Theyre not so bad really. And yes what you said is right. Your body builds up antibodies to the positive blood so any subsequent pregnancies will be treated as "alien" and your body will fight them off. Obv if DH is negative too then it's no problem. Both my DH an DS are AB positive so just as well I had my anti d's!

i know you can refuse them but frankly we had enough problems getting here in the first place, i cannot fathom why we would make the journey even harder the next time round! :rofl:
Oh god yeah. I just googled it and some said it causes autism, but I dont buy it tbh. Rich's Mum is Rhe -ve tho I know, so maybe his Dad was, I dunno. Not sure if theyll test him, for once Im going to just let things happen and not stress about the future. Lets see how long that lasts hey? :haha:

Im looking forward to the talk about contraception post birth, no WAY am I going to take anything. If it took me yonks to get preg again Id feel like a right mug. They say youre super fertile after a pregnancy so bring it on tbh. Cant see us being at it that much anyway, had quite enough sex while ttc this one thankyou very much.

I do agree tho, Britt, pack zee bag. It wont jinx you and make your contractions start :) Write a list and send DH out for the stuff :D
i'm going to go on Yasmin as i have heard it helps with the side effects of PCOS. Anything to slow my beard growth.... :rofl:
MrsF am on annual leave til the 21st so am at least getting holiday pay! But i should get paid now. I think it's all sorted. If not then i will be kicking up an ALMIGHTY stink!
That's rly annoying about your mat pay. They might backdate it if they screw it up
Hey ladies, was busy training the new girl all day, enjoyed reading all your posts, this thread is getting exciting!! I think we might have some babies soon....not mind though k?? :winkwink:

i'm going to go on Yasmin as i have heard it helps with the side effects of PCOS. Anything to slow my beard growth.... :rofl:

you're a nut, I absolutely love it :rofl:

oh well we successfully managed to put the shits up Britt then! :rofl:

Sorry hun!

I popped into work today to sort out my maternity pay. we have this really rubbish software called People Solutions which acts as a go-between between resources, HR, payroll, us and our line managers. And it's complete crap. It never works. So last week I get a letter through saying er... PS has gone a bit wrong, none of your mat leave has been authorised, (despite me specifically phoning round all of the above departments on my last day to check) please fill in this form on this piece of paper or you won't get paid. Sigh..... So I went in to make sure it was actually DONE and everyone was saying to me OMG your bump is TINY, where's it gone??? Now I don't think my work maternity shirt helped as it always made me look bigger than I was, but she's very engaged right now (got my sexually abused cowboy walk back again) so I think most of her is now in my pelvis.

britt my contractions with H started as mild period pains every 10 minutes or so then got gradually stronger. I've had some pains like you've described and I think it's a combination of baby getting very engaged, BH's and general strain. xxxx

thanks for the info DM, you better get that pay, I have to fight for my last bit of commission and let me tell you I will fight tooth and nail, I worked hard for it. I got the sexy cowboy walk too DM! I was at a restaurant today and I was walking past other tables to get to the washroom of course and my belly was at eye level, I felt like a carnival clown- everyone was staring at me as I was walking by. Yes people its a pregnant woman, pretty common actually!
oh and my bump has totally disappeared too, must mean that bubs is engaged hey? when is your next apt? my dr will be checking me out on Thursday

i know i shouldn't laugh, but :rofl: so sorry Britt for jinxing you hun :hugs: DM - you made me snot hun with your comment :haha: Britt, it sounds like it could've been a practice one, or maybe even bubb's laid on a nerve or something? for goodness sake woman, get your bloody bag packed just in case!!!!!

i've just got back from another trip to the assessment unit - junior decided to go all quiet on me. Turns out he was just hiding and playing silly buggers - as soon as they put the monitor on he was throwing shapes left, right and chelsea.....but the monitor did pick up some irregular contractions again - stronger than braxtons :)

dm - does this mean you're not getting paid hun?

cranberry - cute scan :) not sure really what rh-ve means / entails, but my friend is and she just has a few jabs now and again i think

mrs-g - lol, sorry hun ! Hope you're having a fab time in Whitby :)

well, off to lie down again as my boobs are killing my back......thought i'd share x x x

ha ha, no worries it was comical after that scary period pain that I had last night, reading your posts :haha: I dont know MrsF, sounds like bubs might be making an arrival soon :happydance: so glad he was hiding, I hear they get quite quiet before labour......

rhe negative is fine for first baby I think, but during the birth we might mingle blood, so my body would fight off the babys blood if it was rhe +ve. From then on any more rhe +ve blood in my body (ie 2nd pregnancy) I would have the antibodies already so would reject the baby. They give you a jab which basically clears out the rhe +ve blood in the first preg so you dont develop the antibodies.

Or something like that, I dunno rly :p

Is funny reading you, half are willing baby to come asap and poor britt is wanting her to stay in as long as poss. Im sure once your due date is here youll be on the raspberry tea and curry!

I know its so ironic isnt it?? well hopefully just false alarms and she will stay in another few weeks. I think RH-ve is very common they just need to know that you are to treat it but otherwise nothing at all to worry about

your scan pic is gorgeous....ahhh little cutie, I love the 12 week scan, bubs now looks like a baby :happydance:

alright talk to everyone soon
LMAO!! Clearly I have 'going slightly doolally' to look forward to in the last weeks of pregnancy if you ladies are anything to go by!! :p

cranberry - gorgeous scan pic!

DM - what a pain that they screwed up your pay but it sounds like they caught it in planty of time to get sorted.

I officially booked my annual leave and maternity leave yesterday so I am all set to go on 15 July! 6 weeks just feels like nothing now although I do find that sitting at a desk all day leaves me a bit uncomfortable by the end of the day. Have a few things to do out and about today so hopefully will go quickly.

Off to the midwife today just for a blood pressure check but hoping I'll get to hear the heartbeats again, just cos I love it! Does anyone know if the gtt is routine in the UK? It hasnt been mentioned by my mw at all yet?

Anyways love and bump rubs to everyone - hang in there! :D
Another question! I keep seeing things about pineapple being used to bring on labour - does that mean I should be avoiding it or limiting how much I eat now? I have been eating a lot just cos its yummy! I'm sure its not a problem as surely they would tell you if you shouldnt eat it but would just be interested to see what others had been told???
Only if you're high risk, MM. So: obese, family history of diabetes, any other likeliness towards diabetes, unusually large babies etc . I didn't have it with Harry but had it this time round as I was diagnosed with PCOS. despite me telling them repeatedly that PCOS has never had any effect on my glucose tolerance (hence 4 months of sheer misery on Metformin :sick:). Although I think some PCT's do farm them out to everyone. Nothing like Lucozade for breakfast. Yummah.....

Happy 12 weeks CB! That seems to have gone sooo slowly! Probably something to do with most of us being third tri now.

Britt only 2 more days til we're full term. O.M.G.
blimey ladies you lot can chat!

I'm not putting myself forward for the next in line as it's too soon but I might well be admitted as I've obstetric cholestasis (itching from liver bile yukkiness) and I'm still having a lot of acid puking :( Hoping all ok this week with new tablets and back to consultants next monday (then the following for another scan). Both girls were fine and growing - one definately bigger than the other as has been the case all along - twin 1 was 3lbs 11 and twin 2 was 2lbs 12. I'd like them to be at least 5lbs before being born but wow am starting to suffer now. Everyone kept saying how well i'm coping and how well I'm doing - I think that if they sat on the sofa not doing a lot most of the time they'd be ok too! haha Right we've now ordered / got everything for the girls to arrive just in case. Even got the pushchair sorted (got a deal on Baby Jogger City Mini double as it's last years model from John Lewis). Got everything to pack my hospital bag which now I will do - and the girls one but I'm hoping to stay out of hospital until Mrs F, Mrs G, DM and Britt all have theirs first! The girls are so active now - moving around constantly - still freaks me out when the bump goes tight when they move :(

MM - was told to stay away from real pineapple whilst doing IVF and up until after birth but pineapple juice was ok - not sure if this is true though.

cranberry - great pic :)

right off to bath and see if this sickness passes!

*hugs* to all x

bear in mind that you can refuse the gtt if you want - if you suspect that you might marginally fail it and your baby is a perfect size then it might not be worth the bother tbh. they make everything a MASSIVE hassle once they think your bloods are slightly high. Mine are fine/low and I still have to have all this nonsense done to me. Youd have to weigh up the pros and cons tho rly as in everything.

I feel like the last few weeks have gone fast, but up to 10 or so dragged. have to wait til 20 til next scan now. Ive had scans at 5 8 and 12, Im used to them being every few weeks, not every few months! Is this baby not cooked already?!

I read something about not eating the core of the pineapple (but the flesh was fine) or it would induce labour/contractions, but I dunno who would eat the core tbh so it might have been a bit wrong.

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