August testers lucky thread...11 BFPs 2 Angels..

I haven't O'd yet but this cycle seems to be going faster than normal for me too Belle. I think it's all the tests being done, it makes for something else to focus on besides DPO. Think there's any chance you'll get the results back before the weekend?
Your probably right weebles, the testing this cycle makes it seem like it's going by faster.

I will call on Friday to see if results are in. But might have to wait till next week.
Welcome new members <3

Weebles- Your welcome girlie <3
Nope decided to test the 11th :D Sticking with my 1st plan. Still having cramps :/ They have subsided a lil though but now I have this odd weird feeling in my uterus, though I cant tell if its my uterus or cervix? I'm just chucking it up to my brain hoping in over drive...
Weebles - our charts always seem to resemble each other! Ha! Looks like we are both going to O soon!
Hey ladies! I'm back in the tww for #3. I'm on cycle 1 after Mirena removal on July 11th. I am currently 2 dpo according to FF and body signs of O. Hoping to test around 8/20. I am not symptom obsessed as much since this is my first cycle ttc in 3 years. Hope some ladies get their BFP's this month. Fingers crossed.
hey ladies! I am back after being off for a bit. I think today (CD13). is my O day based on OPK's and my normal cycle length (26/27 days). This was the first cycle in a few months that we actually covered my good fertile days so I'm really excited! DTD on CD8, CD10, CD11, and this morning CD13. Trying not to get my hopes up too much but I really hope this is it. Not even at 1DPO yet lol. Let the symptom spotting begin!!!

Going to hold off testing until the 20th and will post symptoms every few days. Anyone with me? :af:

Hi Sara I'm also going to test on 20th (if I can stand to wait that long) - it would be 14DPO
Hey jt! I noticed it's your first cycle ttc#2. Did you just come off BC? Or just preventing by watching cycle?
I need advice ladies. This is my second cycle of femera and trigger. And no luck so far. I'm due for AF in 2-3 days. I messaged my RE nurses today and asked what the next step is. She said it's up to me. My RE will normally do 3 cycles and if it doesn't work in 3 consult again.. my thing is I haven't had a test on my tubes yet and my husbands sperm hasn't been tested. Should I do one more cycle and then demand the tests or should I go ahead and demand them when I go in for cd3 blood work? I think I've read sometimes it can take a few cycles with the meds but idk.. I'm feeling so down and out. Like I thought femera was going to be my lucky drug and if it's not working I'm feeling doomed as I don't ovulate on my own and I don't have cycles on my own..
Jbuggx - Sweetie I have no idea, i am sure someone will help you.

Off to read the secret circle <3 Nighty ladies, sleep well and hope to see some more BFP's!
JBugg, first off :hugs: second, I'm sorry. I've been in your shoes and it's an awful feeling. I had a SA and laparoscopy done before I started Clomid to make sure everything was okay to start meds, and I wish they had done that for you too. I would demand to have those tests done before continuing more rounds of medications. I've researched this a lot and it's very textbook to do preliminary testing of semen and tube patency before treatment administration. Your RE should know that. It's pointless to take the meds if your tubes aren't fully patent, or if there's a male factor. Well, not pointless with MF, but they could have advised you better and done IUI. I thought Clomid was going to be it for me, but after 6 rounds, I sat empty handed feeling like dirt. I don't O on my own or have my own cycles either. I'm now on Femara, but if this doesn't work the next step is likely injections like Follistim or Gonal-F. The good thing with those meds is that they do help egg quality, where Clomid and Femara do not. Injections have higher success rates. The downside of course is it's more expensive and the fact it's injections if that's not your strong suit. Another option would be IVF - and while I've been avoiding it due to costs, I know it's probably a better option. By the time I spend all this money on more cycles, I could have paid for one IVF and likely got my BFP. But, that's just a personal decision and you and SO will find what's right for you. Anyways, hope I'm not rambling too much and you found this to be helpful. Maybe there is still a chance at that second line coming back, you never know. Sending you nothing but positive, feel better vibes and stay strong. This journey sucks and it's devastating, but you will be a wonderful mom someday! <3
Just popping by to read, wish the newcomers good luck and all of you girls good luck! &#128522;
Wow, a good 10 pages to catch up on! Good luck and congrats to the ladies who got their BFPs , we seem to be doing well this month! And of course lots of baby dust to those of us still trying/waiting! :dust:

AFM: I'm 6DPO, no symptoms as such. I'm taking vitex and have noticed I'm wetter down there (am usually pretty bone-dry, but I'm sure I have some PCOS issues) anyway, yes, more CM, so either I'm pregnant or the vitex has done something to my hormones. Trying to hold out testing until I'm 12DPO, will see how that goes! lol My birthday is on the 31st so it would be quite nice to have a BFP by then! I also love the idea of a late April baby, but then I'd be open to an any month baby at this point!

Anyone used vitex? How did you find it affected your cycles?
Cinderella - I am taking vitex! Ttc my first I noticed an increase in cm almost immediately and got my bfp the cycle I started vitex. Now I am taking it again hoping it will help with my short luteal phase due to breastfeeding. I definitely believe it gives me stronger O. I have three friends who got pregnant within 3-4month of taking it after I recommended it. All of them had been trying at least a year. Good luck and I hope you get your bfp soon!

Gagrl - how are you? Good to hear from you. Honestly I lost track of the bfp's. I think Catalyst just got hers.
I admire your will power Janis, FX!!
Jbugg, I'm sorry.. I agree with wifey, I would demand to have some tests done. SA is pretty standard right off the bat and my OBGYN told me that nothing except IVF will help me if my tubes are blocked. I can understand how frustrating it feels.

Ask, last cycle was so uncanny, all my dips and spikes were about a day behind yours.. And up until today they were pretty close too..

I think the HSG messed up my cycle, I bravely checked my cervix and it's high and open. I think I have ewcm but I'm spotting still so I'm not 100% certain. This is so early for me. I ovulate consistently around cd16-18 and with my temp spike his morning.. Is it really possible? I guess we will BD again just in case. I was planning to just be staring my fertile window, not catching the tail end of it and hoping for the best!
Mom thanks for checking on me.. I'm good thanks. I think I have gotten over the initial shock. I'm still sad but I think we are more than ready to try for our sticky bean.
Gagrl - I'm glad you are doing better and have found a way to look forward to trying again. I look forward to chatting in September when you start again. I'll probably just be on my next cycle as the last two I O'd CD 28 and 33
Weebles, if your temp goes up higher tomorrow then I would say that's a definitive O! I feel your pain though, I often O by CD 12, and it doesn't seem right to be in the fertile window by CD 8 lol
Hey girls!

CD 12 today. This is my fertile week and we're workin on it :)

I hope everyone has a good day :)
Weebles - it does look like you may have just O'd, if temp stays up.

Kristy - I'm right there with you! Have fun! ;)

My temps are doing weird things this's like a waterfall! Last cycle they were super stable before O. Who knows! I started fertilaid, Royal jelly, coq10, and baby aspirin this cycle.

Anyone else have a hard time distinguishing CM when actively BDing every day/EOD? TMI - but when I wiped this morning there was lots of ewcm but when I checked my cervix it seemed somewhere between creamy and watery (thin but had slight white color to it). We did use preseed 2 nights ago...could that be the ewcm I see on the tp?

Hoping to see more BFPs here soon! :dust:

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