August testers lucky thread...11 BFPs 2 Angels..

Weebles - it does look like you may have just O'd, if temp stays up.

Kristy - I'm right there with you! Have fun! ;)

My temps are doing weird things this's like a waterfall! Last cycle they were super stable before O. Who knows! I started fertilaid, Royal jelly, coq10, and baby aspirin this cycle.

Anyone else have a hard time distinguishing CM when actively BDing every day/EOD? TMI - but when I wiped this morning there was lots of ewcm but when I checked my cervix it seemed somewhere between creamy and watery (thin but had slight white color to it). We did use preseed 2 nights ago...could that be the ewcm I see on the tp?

Hoping to see more BFPs here soon! :dust:

Yep it was hard to track cm this month. I only look in paper when wiping so not checking much but still... and becausr.I didnt see I.dpnt know when I ovulates so I dont know how far I am. I thought AF was due today but got good lines last friday and they are similar to what I got the day AF should come when I tested and got pos when pg with my sons.
12dpo and still negative. Breast are starting to get sore and kinda dull cramps on and off. Pretty sure AF is on her way.

I'm feeling exactly the same! Also 12dpo today. A fish due and 2 days and I'm super crampy. That means tomo I'll have a migraine too. Good luck still!
Puppyluv- I know what you mean about AF smell. Hopefully stays away!

Weebles I am CD 12 today. I usually get pos opk around CD 13-15. So I was totally surprised yesterday on CD 11 with a positive. I'm not sure how long after a pos I ovulate. With sono HSG i'm just imagining the saline/air blasting the egg away. Hopefully the egg can hang on lol. The RE said the testing will not effect fertility (and might improve it). We'll see how goes... if not might be IUI next cycle.

Fishy- yes hopefully Implant dip!
Thanks stategirl. How're things going for you?

Dbrbernie, I hope everything works out with the jag and O doesn't get interrupted. (I'm about to look up Hsg to see how that works)

Puppyluv- things are going well so far. First doctors appt to confirm pregnancy and not sure if other stuff will be done is scheduled for August 24th due to my vacation and my doctors vacations. First pregnancy so everything is a new experience. Extreme fatigue is my main sign right now and increased sense of smell.

I do totally know what you mean about smelling af come so I hope this means she is staying away for you! Fx'd and keep us updated!
I'm feeling angry and irritable this morning. Probably PMS which means AF will be on its way. That thought makes me so depressed. I know its too early to count myself out (only 9 dpo), but my mood always starts to tank around this time in my cycle.

I'm going to focus on my plan to call the doctor tomorrow to see if all of my test results are in. That might distract me from my feelings. I might cancel/reschedule that dinner date next week if I'm feeling truly miserable. I don't need to subject myself to that on top of everything else. I actually have no desire to see her at all
Bellenuit- sorry your emotions are making this time difficult for you. You have the right idea focusing on other things and avoiding what may be too much for you right now. Hang in there. *hugs*

So AF didn't show yesterday like it shouldve. I REALLLY hope it's not one of those weird cases where I had a real AF month after coming of BCP and now a month after my real AF I'm becoming irregular. Idk what I'd do lol. Thinking of testing tomorrow morning if AF doesn't show today. On cd33 which may be the longest cycle I've had before. Don't quite remember how long my cycles were before going on the pill but I know I've always been regular on and off the pill. *sigh* today I'll just be waiting. As I type this I keep feeling wet down there. Checked it already just watery/ thick creamyish cm.
Sorry you are feeling down, Belle. TTC is such a rollercoaster of emotions. :hugs:

FX have good willpower!

I think I O'd yesterday. Lots of EWCM, ovulation cramps, and an almost positive OPK. OPK was blazing positive this morning at 9:30am. Temp jumped .4 this morning. Anyone else ever ovulate the day before your OPK turns completely positive? This happened last cycle too.
Bellenuit- sorry your emotions are making this time difficult for you. You have the right idea focusing on other things and avoiding what may be too much for you right now. Hang in there. *hugs*

So AF didn't show yesterday like it shouldve. I REALLLY hope it's not one of those weird cases where I had a real AF month after coming of BCP and now a month after my real AF I'm becoming irregular. Idk what I'd do lol. Thinking of testing tomorrow morning if AF doesn't show today. On cd33 which may be the longest cycle I've had before. Don't quite remember how long my cycles were before going on the pill but I know I've always been regular on and off the pill. *sigh* today I'll just be waiting. As I type this I keep feeling wet down there. Checked it already just watery/ thick creamyish cm.

Wow Puppyluv,I don't think I would have the will power to wait for a late AF before testing,super impressed with you! Fx!
Lol call it willpower or cowardly. I don't like seeing those BFNs. It's too depressing so I wait lol.

I'm glad all is well stategirl. :) hope you have smooth sailing and a h&h 9 months.

Still no AF. Also I just called in a sub for work because just as I was going to walk out of the house my tummy started turning and ran to the bathroom. I'm now sitting at home with (Sorry TMI) water consistency diarrhea. Not sure what's causing it. I've felt queasy all morning too. But I've had queasiness as a PMS sign just not so intense for so long. Ugh we shall see. Def testing tomorrow if no AF.
I'm the same puppy lol. Hate BFNs so much that I've sworn off testing until a later AF. As a result I haven't had to take a test for a few months now lol. Way easier emotionally this way
Puppyluv- how many dpo are you? When I came off the pill it took several months to get my first af. Then once I did it took a few months to figure out my length and then it changed again but in a good way ( bit longer luteal phase) which likely helped me. The wet feeling and creamy cm is one thing I noticed and still have. Fx'd but if you are around 12-14 dpo then I would think testing is a good idea with a high possibility of showing a bfp if you are!
NannySarah - how are you doing today?

Puppy - I hope AF stays away for you!

Belle - you're in that terrible part of the tww now, hang in there.

Ask - I've never heard of anyone ovulating before a positive opk. I know you can miss the surge, never see a positive and still O. Also, some people have positives for more than one day. My guess is that maybe you missed the initial surge for o and might be someone who will show a positive for a longer period of time. My other guess is that maybe you are a slow riser as far as progesterone and temping is concerned.

afm, Looks like my temp spike yesterday wasn't because I O'd. Sometimes during the night I pile a bunch of blankets on while I'm sleeping and I did that the night before last. I think it's enough to make a difference which is kind of annoying. I still think I might O a little early this month just because of CP and CM but not a whole week early which I'm relieved about.

I just feel like the universe is setting things up for us this month. My tubes were blocked and now they're not. AND my husband has a very good chance at a first shift position. Right now I am on evenings and he is on nights.. One of us has to get on days for this whole baby thing to work out (trying to avoid day care) so it feels like things are falling into place.
13dpo. I didn't test this morning bc honestly I feel out. AF supposedly due tomorrow. Technically I have no clue when AF is due bc I don't have cycles on my own and this cycle was completely medicated with femera and trigger. So doc says 14 days after I bd with trigger and AF should be here.

At the moment my breasts are still super tender and painful. Nips are kinda tender if I squeeze them lol. And I'm having dull cramps on my left side.

Considering I had a very negative test yesterday at 12 DPO I'm sure AF is just around the corner.... ughhh
Temp dropped today, so I'm thinking AF is on her way. Right now I still have creamy CM, but that's how it was last cycle and then BAM there she was a couple of hours later. FX for those nearing the end of their TWW. Time for another BFP!! Those still waiting to O happy bd'ing :)
Mom15- how long is your luteal phase typically? Looked at your chart and last month was only four days, I would normally say the dip could be implantation if your luteal phase isn't normally that short? Typically you want it to be 10 or more days to help with implantation.
Help please - I was wondering if anyone else has been through this and if so can help me out. My last cycle was very light, no clots, very little cramps but tons of back pain. I thought it was an odd cycle. My breast continued to hurt even after my cycle was over with which I thought was not normal for me also. Well yesterday at CD10 I noticed a little bit of brown on my panty liner. Today on CD11 when I went to the bathroom and wiped I have pink spotting. I shouldn't even be ovulating for another week. I have never had this before. Does anyone have any idea what is going on? I did take a digital CB 3 days ago because I was curious about the breast pain and the light period but it came back negative. I wasn't sure if I should call the doctor or just wait to see what happens. Oh and I should also probably mention we haven't BDed so that couldn't be causing this. Any help?
Thanks Weebles, this is definitely the worst part of the TWW. I know I can get through it with you ladies!

Your O signs are sounding good! That's nice you'll get an extra couple days (possibly) to BD in there before you O too!!
Uhgggg I woke up with what feels like a UTI. Been chugging water hoping to flush it out naturally, which usually works (has this happen a couple of times before). Any advice? Really don't want to go to the doc and be put on antibiotics considering I think I just ovulated. Also don't want to take ibuprofen. I guess if it's not gone by tomorrow I'll have to go in.
Cranberry juice! As natural as you can find! That and a lot of water. It's helped me a couple times if I catch it quick enough.

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