Are thay sure it was crying???
I was thinking that but if u look at the way it kinda gasps it does look like crying...Are thay sure it was crying???
OMG, it made me sad too! I had actually wondered whether babies cry in the womb... Most everything else (breathing, sucking, swallowing, grasping) they practice in the womb, after all..... It makes me sad that my baby might cry and I don't know it, so I can't comfort her!
Arrh bless.
I think that this is cute (but I am biased)¤t=Flumpat18w1d.flv
Flump yawns somewhere between 55-65 secs into it. Excuse the fact that he looks like Skeletor off Heman
Oh that broke my heart, poor little thing!!
My husband already thinks I'm crazy as I worry that the baby might be 'lonely' in there and that I can't comfort them. I mean, I know that their consciousness is not quite as litteral as that and that they 'know' on some level that we are with them but I worry about the little thing in there all by itself.
Okay, maybe I'm a bit crazy lol
Lol, sorry for upsetting some of you. I think baby is practicing crying, as it is of vital importance once it is born.
looooooool no ur not crazy i think exactly the same, I have conversations with my belly!!!