I posted this in baby club, but didn't get many replies so I figured I'd ask my fellow BFing ladies. For the last few days LO's breath has been smelling kind of bad. Anyone know what this could be?
could be thrush; it causes a foul, sour odour to the breath and can cause digestive issues also; sometimes it doesn't show up physically (ie white patches, white tongue) until a bit later xx
it is hard to get rid of if you are bf.. causes sore raw nipples also makes the mouth and throat sore, so that she may not be feeding as well as before. Thats what i experienced anyways..
Nystatin apparently isn't very effective, I had Daktarin recommended to me.
Also cut out dairy
Reduce sugar
Change breast pads after each feed
Change bra regularly, even more than once a day if you can
10 minutes of sunlight daily on the nipples can help
The doctor called in nystatin for her and a vaginal yeast medication for me... i guess it does the same thing but its safe for BFing. I'm only in a little pain and LO doesn't seem to be too bothered by it. She's been unusually fussy at my breasts lately so hopefully we caught it early and it'll all be cleared up.
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