Maggie has been like this for 6 weeks now her cold just wont go away and she also wouldnt let anything near her mouth it was so stressful. I just gave her as much puree as possible but what has really helped with fluid intake is gibing her water melon to chomp on its full of water and bcus they are in control their likely to eat more of it. Whatever you do try not to panick as long as he seems ok in himself and not floppy,dry cracked lips,saggy skin, has wet tongue, has tears he will be fine. Just kep offering trust me if he was thirsty he would drink its a natural instinct we have in us as humans. My advice is relax and keep offering fluids,melon,sloppy foods. Food actually has a lot of wayer content in it. More than youd think. All the above advice came from my pediatrician at the hosp on thurs