Ive just been watching some videos on fertility friend, and after watching them, Im sort of thinking, that you could use your bbt to tell if pregnant..
from what Im gathering, the day after you have ovualated, your temperature spikes, and stays up, but if you are pregnant, it stays around that temperature for the entire pregnancy... and if you are not, then you can tell by your body temperature coming down ..
or am I totally reading this wrong !
I just thought it would be good if you can.... think of all the money on wasted pregnancy tests !
lisa x
oh to add, it looks like from the charts that I have read, you would be able to tell from day 9 to 10, if you are pregnant as your temperature has dropped around this day
Ive just been watching some videos on fertility friend, and after watching them, Im sort of thinking, that you could use your bbt to tell if pregnant..
from what Im gathering, the day after you have ovualated, your temperature spikes, and stays up, but if you are pregnant, it stays around that temperature for the entire pregnancy... and if you are not, then you can tell by your body temperature coming down ..
or am I totally reading this wrong !
I just thought it would be good if you can.... think of all the money on wasted pregnancy tests !
lisa x
oh to add, it looks like from the charts that I have read, you would be able to tell from day 9 to 10, if you are pregnant as your temperature has dropped around this day