Hey ladies feel soo sad :& bummed out! Even had day off work its that bad! So I have a condition called panhypopituarism and basically I don't have normal cycles or periods etc. On a whim I bought some preseed, have only used it twice but all this week I've felt AF pains and had backache, I'd convinced myself I was pregnant! But all I.keep getting is Bfn! I've had creamy discharge too and sensitive nipples. Up.until.last night I'd been getting clearblue. But once I'd heard about frer I.got.some, I.even.did.it at 345 as it was my first wee! I was positive I was gonna see 2 lines but no.just one do you think.there's a chance I could still be pregnant? Also ive tried too book a blood test @ docs but aparently they dont do them Any advice be.appreciated xxxx