Bipolar mom and mom to be here.
DX Bipolar disorder type 1, high cycling for 20+years. Medications before BFP: Valproate (EEEP, had to get off that quick!), seroquil and mirtazapine. Yep, I am the "I think I am an extraterrestrial that can fly and read minds when manic" type, and the "suicidal on those brief depression" type.
Meds during pregnancy: just loads of DHA and EPA omega 3 and mirtazapine
I've been extraordinarily lucky. I've been pretty stable, except very early pregnancy and a brief down spell for about 4-5 weeks around the end of 2nd trimester.
Intend to stay on only mirtazapine thru breastfeeding if possible, but not going to disobey dr orders or make myself crazy in an effort to reduce or stay off meds.
Bipolar moms and dads can be and often are EXCELLENT parents. Both myself and DH are bipolar, and love our kids to death. They also seem to be pretty fond of us.
I was told not to have anymore children because of the severity of my BP. I consulted with my drs and still have regular check-ins and like I said, I've been really lucky.
Anyone who judges me or my husband can suck it. Fortunately i have a very thick skin and can give idiots out there who say stupid shit a really good glossy eyed, blank stare. I had a dr in 2nd tri tell me i never should have gotten pregnant, and I told her she was a right bitch, that I was going to report her, and walked out. People who judge me on this can kiss my ass, because they are willfully ignorant.
I do worry quite a bit about postpartum depression, but I am also super in touch with a shrink and therapist, and my husband, being a sufferer himself, will be monitoring me for any psychosis, with direct orders to admit me (in writing) if I get dangerous.
I suggest making a plan of action for care if something should go haywire. I did and it helps tremendously just knowing it is there. My doctors (ob, shrink and family), my husband and my mom all have a copy on writing of what my wishes are if I should be mentally incapacitated at any time, detailing exactly what I define as incapacitated, and my wishes for involuntary admission, right down to when the cops should be called, when the dr should be notified, where my baby should stay, what ward I want to go to, what medications I am willing and unwilling to take, restraints that can be used, you name it, I've thought of it. I've been admitted before enough times and have suffered with this long enough to know when it's time for someone to step in and get me help. Often, I don't know or realize that I am floating over the deep end until it is too late. I've put in writing what my close circle and caregivers need to look for and expect based on my past experiences with suicidal days and manic days.
I also mood chart. I keep a daily log and bring it to my doctors every time I go in to see one. Not only does this benefit me as I can readily see when I am slipping away from normal, but it helps my circle see as well. The biggest benefit is for me though, as I can take action quickly if things start slipping to improve my mood or relax.
I can't say enough about the benefits of high doses of DHA/EPA Omega 3s. It takes a few months to see a difference, but I swear by it. Google about it and mental illness. The research is true, I am living proof.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I advocate for other suffers thru NAMI and have 20 years experience of my own. =)
Finally, DO NOT take medication measures into your own hands. changing or stopping your medication without dr supervision can lead to a very deadly condition called seretonin syndrome, not to mention suicidal behavior. I see too many women who just up and stop their meds without asking their drs and it scares the crap out of me.