Birth centre is closed again so am seriously considering a homebirth

Greta Chick

Happy mum of 3 :-)
Aug 23, 2010
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I'm 36 weeks pregnant and am supposed to be having an antenatal check at the birth centre on friday, but they rang and left a message today to tell me the birth centre closed from lunchtime today (I've no idea how long for) so they've offered me an appointment at one of the childrens' centres instead.

I'm going to ring the midwives tomorrow and ask them again about booking in for a home birth as it's really stressing me out now that JBC may be closed when I go into labour.

I'm not going to the main maternity hospital, NO WAY, :nope: so a homebirth is the only other option for me. I really wanted a waterbirth though and don't know where I can get a cheap pool in time now. It's likely to only be used once so I don't want to be spending £40 or more on one.

Having a homebirth doesn't worry me, but can anyone offer any advice please as to what to say to the mw tomorrow, what I need for a homebirth etc:help:

Thanks in anticipation!:flower:
No idea what to say to the MW but here's come of the stuff I was told to have on hand for a home birth:

Birth Mat
Lots and lots of old towels

I can't think of anything else right now but I'll dig out my list :)

Good luck!
You dont really NEED anything hun!! If you'd like a pool then you could start looking on eBay for one. I think £40 might be pushing it but you should be able to pick one up for £50 plus P&P :)
Go on a big search in the homebirth support groups in your area for anyone that might be willing to lend one on short notice.

If not, you don't need it to have a positive experience. Take comfort in labouring while holding onto furniture around you that you see every day and know and love.
also remember, if you buy a birthing pool, I am sure you can make your money back on it but reselling it, After a good clean of course!
Thank you everyone, I really appreciate your replies:flower:

My midwife appointment went well and she already knew I wanted to ask about a homebirth. We go away tomorrow and get back on 30th Dec so she's put it in her diary for someone to ring us on new year's eve and they'll then come round and speak to us about homebirth and leave a kit if they think our house is suitable. I didn't think to ask, but what kinds of things make a house unsuitable for a homebirth?

Re a pool, I'll see if there are any homebirth groups in my area who might lend me one, otherwise I think I'll do without. I really wanted a waterbirth, but can't justify buying one (especially at such short notice). When I was in labour with DD at home I was more than happy to rock on furniture etc so am hoping if I do end up having a homebirth I'll feel the same as then.

Fingers crossed the birth centre is open when I do go into labour, but if not at least we know a homebirth is ok for a back-up.

I see your in East Yorkshire,
If it's Jubilee birth centre you're referring to, they've had to close because the midwives have all got swine flu apparently

It seems to close a lot at the moment as they're shipping midwives from Jubilee to HRI when staff can't get in cos of the snow

Either way, congratulations for when you finally have bundle in your arms :)
I see your in East Yorkshire,
If it's Jubilee birth centre you're referring to, they've had to close because the midwives have all got swine flu apparently

It seems to close a lot at the moment as they're shipping midwives from Jubilee to HRI when staff can't get in cos of the snow

Either way, congratulations for when you finally have bundle in your arms :)


Yes, it is JBC that I'm referring to. The media have blown it up as usual, there isn't swine flu, the midwives have had to be taken from JBC to care as nurses for the masses of people that are ill with normal flu. That's what I was told when I had my antenatal check on Xmas Eve by the community midwife.

I've got a community midwife coming tomorrow to go officially book me in for a homebirth, go through it with us (hubby is still a bit anxious about it) and leave us a kit so that'll be my back-up if JBC is still closed when I go into labour.

I'm planning on using a children's sized pool that I'm borrowing from a friend (she used it for her homebirth too) and in the USA you can get one for $20 or less. I'm sure they can't be much more over there. Maybe you could look into that as an option?
I've been looking at them on e-bay but can't find one high enough. I shall keep looking:thumbup:

I was also hoping to go to Jubilee, and am also considering a home birth for the same reasons. (I'm now 30 weeks) Just wondering how you got on with arranging a home birth with your midwife & what makes your home "suitable"?
I was also hoping to go to Jubilee, and am also considering a home birth for the same reasons. (I'm now 30 weeks) Just wondering how you got on with arranging a home birth with your midwife & what makes your home "suitable"?


It's nice to see someone from our area on here, I thought I was the only one.

I've been told today by someone at work that she read Jubilee is re-opening on Monday next week. Possibly too late for me but may be ok for you?

Re the homebirth, I just told the midwives that I wasn't going to W&C (I didn't say I would like a homebirth, I told them I was having one and unless mine or the baby's health is at risk there's no way I'm going to W&C). One of them tried once to persuade me to go there but I was having none of it so she gave up lol :thumbup:

When the midwife came to do the "check" and leave the homebirth kit, she said as long as you have working heating and hot and cold water then that's basically it. Oh and they need to get a good signal on their mobiles apparently (she did)! She asked us loads of questions, asked hubby if he was ok about a homebirth (to which he replied he wasn't sure as there's no medical equipment etc at home, she reassured him that she brings a resuscitator in her car if it's needed). She said they'd send 2 midwives straight away when I rang and was contracting 10 mins apart, to reassure hubby and also as I progressed quite quickly with DD. We talked about waterbirths but as I was still only having a homebirth as a back-up and was still being told JBC would still be open when I got to my due date, I wasn't able to find a pool cheap enough that would deliver in time.

HTH and if you have any more questions please ask :flower:

Welcome Dawn :hi: Maybe Greta will be back here before too long saying 'sod the JBC! Have a home birth!' :winkwink:

Welcome Dawn :hi: Maybe Greta will be back here before too long saying 'sod the JBC! Have a home birth!' :winkwink:


Hehe :happydance: It's my due date tomorrow (from the scan) and my own due date on sunday, so we shall see what happens :thumbup:


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