Birth Plans - Homebirths/natural/water


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
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Alright ladies I think I finally have my birth plan! It's a bit longer than I would have thought but I the main sections "labour, delivery, third stage" are all on 1 page with everything else on the second. So hopefully that's not too bad.

Have a read if you want, but also use it for reference as well. Mainly though, if anyone else has their plan and wants to post it that would be great! It would be good to have a thread women can go to with all sorts of examples. I had to google all over to search for the wording for some of mine. Maybe I can get some better ideas from some of you as well! A few things I decided to do to personalize it was bold those points that I felt were extremely important and would be easily looked over. Also I wanted to my DH's name on there so the midwives would see him as a person and not just "another dad". Not really sure why, just something I thought would be good.


Jenniflower’s Birth Plan​

  • We ask that staff honour the need for quiet and refrain from references to “pain” and “hurt”.
  • NO offer of medication unless requested.
  • We would like a “hands off approach” when possible to allow optimal relaxation. Our home is your home, feel free to relax in any room you are comfortable in.
  • I intend to use a birth pool and I wish to be able to move around and change position at will throughout labor.
  • I would like to eat and drink to my comfort.
  • I would like to minimise internal examinations / avoid internal examinations if possible / I am happy to have one internal examination to check presentation, but would like to avoid them otherwise, unless there is a particular reason why you think one is necessary.
  • Please do not offer to break my waters, and please be very careful to avoid doing so during any internal examinations.
  • In the absence of a medical necessity, only intermittent monitoring of baby’s heart and if possible to be done without having to get out of the pool.

  • I wish to remain in the birth pool for birthing.
  • I do not wish to have an internal examination to confirm whether or not I am “ready”.
  • I will be using Hypnobirthing breathing techniques instead of staff prompts.
  • I would like to birth in an atmosphere of gentle encouragement during the final birthing phase without “coaching” - Please use calm, low tones.
  • Please NO use of the word “pushing”. I will be breathing my baby down when I feel comfortable to do so.
  • I would like myself or Callum to help receive the baby if at all possible.
  • Please do not suction mucus from the baby's nose and mouth 'just in case' - only suction if necessary.

Third Stage
  • I would like a physiological third stage.
  • I wish no drugs to be used unless specifically indicated.
  • It is important to me that you do not clamp the cord until it has stopped pulsating, unless you need to take emergency steps which preclude this.
  • Please do not pull on the cord or use fundal pressure unless there is a specific indication to do so.
  • I wish to remain in the birth pool to deliver my placenta if possible.
  • Please offer Callum the opportunity to cut the cord.
  • I would like to keep my Placenta.

Care of our Baby
  • I would like to breastfeed my baby as soon as possible after the birth.
  • I would like to keep the baby unclothed and close to my skin immediately after birth, to maximise skin-to-skin contact.

In case of transfer
  • If transfer by ambulance becomes necessary, please do not strap me in on my back - I would prefer to be on my side, to make contractions easier to deal with.
  • I would like to keep an open mind about my pain relief options; please suggest anything you think would be appropriate.
  • I agree to student doctors being present during my treatment.
  • I am very keen to avoid a caesarean section if it is at all possible, as I do not want to enter future labours with a scarred uterus. I particularly would like to avoid a caesarean just for slow progress. If labour is simply taking a long time but my baby is not in immediate danger, please would you encourage me to keep going and perhaps to try changes of position or movements which might help. Please do not offer a caesarean unless my baby is in danger.
  • If a caesarean section becomes necessary, I would prefer to remain awake with epidural or spinal block anaesthesia. I would like my partner to stay with me at all times, and would like to breastfeed the baby as soon after birth as possible.

  • I would like to make a video recording of labour and the birth.
  • I would like to have photos taken at various stages of labour and/or birth

I have 2 birth plans, one for the birth centre and the other for a homebirth if the centre is closed when I go into labour.

First is the homebirth one, copied below:

My name is D T and my husband is C. This is our 3rd baby together. We have a son (8) who was induced and born while I was in a squatting position at C H and a daughter (5) who was a spontaneous delivery born in the pool at JBC. For both labours I had Entonox but I became quite unfocused during the second stage of labour with our daughter. I felt shocked that we’d not been at Jubilee that long before my body started pushing of it’s own accord and I couldn’t do anything about it. This is why I have been practicing hypnotherapy in preparation for my 3rd delivery, in the hope it helps me stay calm and focused.

Birth preferences for a homebirth

C will be my birth partner throughout labour and delivery. He will give me general support and help me with my hypnotherapy where he sees I need it.

I have been practicing Natal Hypnotherapy with lavender oil at home from early on in pregnancy and I will be listening to the birth music tracks on my ipod during labour and delivery whilst using the lavender oil.

I would like the midwife attending my homebirth to be in the background taking notes and observations to check on the baby’s and my own safety and wellbeing, but otherwise not be actively involved in my labour unless I request it. I feel I will know what my body wants to do during labour but I do appreciate the support of a midwife to help with any unexpected or emergency situations.

I would like to be able to move around my home where I feel most comfortable at any one time.

I would prefer the room I am labouring in to stay quiet and for anybody who enters to knock first, introduce themselves by name and job title to C and then to myself quietly if I haven’t met them before.

During labour and delivery I would like the lights in the room to be dimmed and just my own music playing.

I would also like as little intervention as possible and to be able to sip a drink during labour if I feel I need it.

If I feel the need for pain relief other than the hypnotherapy, I will ask for Entonox or C will ask on my behalf, for example if I am going through transition and unable to ask for myself. I don’t want Pethidine or any other form of medication.

During the second stage of labour I would like to follow my body’s instincts to push when it’s ready, but for the midwife to let me know (in a quiet voice so as not to distract me from focusing) how things are progressing if necessary.

On delivery of our baby I would like to see the gender for myself, or for C to tell me if I can’t see properly. I would like our baby to be placed straight onto my chest/into my arms for skin-to-skin contact then C would like to cut the cord after it has stopped pulsating. If for any reason I can’t have skin-to-skin contact, we would like C to share it with the baby.

I would like the baby to breastfeed as soon as possible if s/he is willing and for baby to be weighed and checked over after that.

I would like to deliver the placenta without the use of medication and for baby to be given Vitamin K after it’s first breastfeed. Should I suffer a post partum haemorrhage I am happy to have emergency drugs.

And this is my birth plan for the birth centre:

My name is D T and my husband is C. This is our 3rd baby together. We have a son (8) who was induced and born while I was in a squatting position at C H and a daughter (5) who was a spontaneous delivery born in the pool at JBC. For both labours I had Entonox but I became quite unfocused during the second stage of labour with our daughter. I felt shocked that we’d not been at Jubilee that long before my body started pushing of it’s own accord and I couldn’t do anything about it. This is why I have been practicing hypnotherapy in preparation for my 3rd delivery, in the hope it helps me stay calm and focused.

Birth preferences for JBC

C will be my birth partner throughout labour and delivery. He will give me general support and help me with my hypnotherapy where he sees I need it.

I have been practicing Natal Hypnotherapy with lavender oil at home from early on in pregnancy and I will be listening to the birth music tracks on my ipod during labour and delivery whilst using the lavender oil.

I have no problem with one student midwife being present but I would prefer the room to stay quiet and for anybody who enters the room to knock first, introduce themselves by name and job title to C and then to myself quietly if I haven’t met them before.

During labour and delivery I would like the lights in the room to be dimmed and just my own music playing. It would be helpful if the birth pool was filled prior to our arrival at the birth centre ready for me to get into if I feel the need.

I would also like as little intervention as possible and to be able to move into the positions which are most comfortable to me at the time. I feel most comfortable either in water or sat on the bed leaning slightly back against C who would be fully supported by pillows against the wall. This way he can stroke my hand/s to keep me focused if I need him to and give me as much support as I need.

I would like to be able to sip my drink during labour if I feel I need it.

If I feel the need for pain relief other than the hypnotherapy or water, I will ask for Entonox or C will ask on my behalf, for example if I am going through transition and unable to ask for myself. I don’t want Pethidine or any other form of medication.

During the second stage of labour I would like to follow my body’s instincts to push when it’s ready but for the midwife to let me know (in a quiet voice so as not to distract me from focusing) how things are progressing if necessary.

On delivery of our baby I would like to see the gender for myself, or for C to tell me if I can’t see properly. I would like our baby to be placed straight onto my chest/into my arms for skin-to-skin contact then C would like to cut the cord after it has stopped pulsating. If I can’t have skin-to-skin we would like C to.

I would like the baby to breastfeed as soon as possible if s/he is willing and for baby to be weighed and checked over after that. I would like the baby, C and I to be left alone to have some time together.

I would like to deliver the placenta without the use of medication and for baby to be given Vitamin K after it’s first breastfeed. Should I suffer a post partum haemorrhage I am happy to have emergency drugs.

After the baby, C and I are ready to move out of the delivery room I would like us to go into one of the private rooms to settle in. I would then like C to be able to go and collect our older children when we are ready for them to visit JBC.

I would like baby and I to stay for one night in the private room at JBC to successfully establish breastfeeding before going home.

Hope this helps someone:flower:
These are awesome....thanks for sharing, both of you!

I am beginning to think about putting something together...I have a pretty clear idea of what I want but haven't started to word it or put it all together so it is fantastic to see examples of how others have done it.

Thanks again!
Mine was as follows- He was a homebirth

* I will move as I need to for pain relief and to help labor along
* I will eat and drink as I need. I do need to be reminded to drink sometimes as I sometimes forget while in labor
* I will give birth where it feels right
* I will breastfeed as soon as possible
* Cord is to be cut after the placenta is out and has stopped pulsating
* Placenta is to be stored in the refrigerator until I encapsulate it
* Photos and video are allowed during labor, birth and of the baby after he is born
* I will have a private period of atleast 2 hours after baby is born to bond and breastfeed. I would like some help to get into the bedroom if I do not birth there
* Anyone attending the birth is allowed to eat and drink freely

In case I transfer to the hospital

* I would like as little of interventions as possible. Only interventions that I medically need
* Baby is to NOT leave his father or my mother (if baby has to leave me afterwords)
* NO vaccines
* NO circumcision
* NO formula
* NO pacifire
* Baby is returned to me as soon as possible to breastfeed and bond and we are to co-sleep
* If baby needs to be in the NICU then I will do Kangaroo care and breastfeed or give him expressed breastmilk
LuckyD it's nice to read other people's plans isn't it. I had a look around at other plans online to get some ideas of what I wanted to include this time and I adapted it to suit me.

I tried to make them both as short as possible, but I also wanted to cover most eventualities which unfortunately made them both quite long lol:winkwink:

I really like all your birth plans! They are all well written and thought about.

Jen, yours is very easy to read, but also gives some of your personality.

A good point Natural Momma made was about vaccinations - with my first it wasn't mentioned to me until needles were at the ready with the Vitamin K injection.

I didn’t have a written birth plan with my first, but I did let my mw know what I wanted when I was in early labour - this time around, I will certainly be making some bullet points!
Just wanted to add about fetal heart rate monitoring here in the UK 'intermittant auscaltation' just means using a doppler and not a continous ctg the guidelines mw are expected to follow re auscaltation are every 15 mins when labour is established for 1 minute after a contraction and every 5 minutes in the 2nd stage.
Obviously your baby so your choice how often you want auscaltation, just thought I'd say what the frequency is as a lot of women are not aware of how often mw listens in.

Also re homebirth plans I would state whether you would agree to a student mw being present as when there is a homebirth occuring and our mentor is attending then we will often accompany her/him with the woman's permission.
This is great, I've been looking for some home-birth birthplans and these are really useful!

There's one of the midwifes who may be attending that's a bit bolshy so hopefully my OH can use my birthplan so she doesn't just charge in lol!

Still, any improvement after last time will make me very happy - strapped up in stirrups on my back is not my favourite birthing position!
This is great, I've been looking for some home-birth birthplans and these are really useful!

There's one of the midwifes who may be attending that's a bit bolshy so hopefully my OH can use my birthplan so she doesn't just charge in lol!

Still, any improvement after last time will make me very happy - strapped up in stirrups on my back is not my favourite birthing position!

No way! But it's like the position of choice! [/cheek] :winkwink:

RE Luna: Thanks for the info regarding the heartbeat. That is an awful lot of listening in!
Well, I've just finished my 'ideal' birth plan. Just need to do my just in case back-up so I still have some control if things don't stick to my 'ideal'! :)
Ideal Labour and Delivery

• I would like to be able to move around my home where I feel most comfortable at any one time. I intend to use a birth pool and I wish to be able to move around and change position at will throughout labour. Please discourage me from labouring on my back.

• I would like to avoid references to time-scales unless absolutely necessary - no ‘clock watching’ unless there is any sign from changes in the baby’s heart rate that they are in distress.

• I would prefer the room I am labouring in to stay quiet and for anybody who enters to knock first, introduce themselves by name and job title to Dave and then to myself quietly if I haven’t met them before.

• I am happy for a student midwife to be present.

• I would like to eat and drink to my comfort.

• I would like to minimise internal examinations / avoid internal examinations if possible / I am happy to have one internal examination to check presentation, but would like to avoid them otherwise, unless there is a particular reason why you think one is necessary.

• During the second stage of labour I would like to follow my body’s instincts to push when it’s ready, but for the midwife to let me know (in a quiet voice so as not to distract me from focusing) how things are progressing.

• If I feel the need for pain relief, I will ask for Entonox or Dave will ask on my behalf, for example if I am going through transition and unable to ask for myself. I don’t want Pethidine or any other form of medication, as last time this made me very dozy and unaware.

• On delivery of our baby I would like to see the gender for myself, or for Dave to tell me if I can’t see properly. I would like our baby to be placed straight onto my chest/into my arms for skin-to-skin contact then Dave to cut the cord after it has stopped pulsating.

• I would like the baby to breastfeed as soon as possible if s/he is willing and for baby to be weighed and checked over after that.

• I would like to deliver the placenta without the use of medication and for baby to be given Vitamin K after its first breastfeed. Should I suffer a post partum haemorrhage I am happy to have emergency drugs.

As you can see I've pinched alot of phrases from other people, some things you just read and go - yes! thats exactly what I'm trying to say!
• I would like to avoid references to time-scales unless absolutely necessary - no ‘clock watching’ unless there is any sign from changes in the baby’s heart rate that they are in distress.

Love the wording in this, I think I'll be adding this to my list. :thumbup:
thanx 4 sharing ur plans ladies as this is my 1st baby and all new 2 me its given me some ideas on my birth plan and how 2 word it theres things there i wouldnt even have though about putting in so it will be very helpfull 2 me :)
i see that alot of u want 2 use the pool i 2 would love 2 use the pool
the hospital where im having my baby only has 1 so i really hope its free 4 me 2 use and home birthing isnt a option 4 me lol i no im a bit early with the birth plan stuff 26wks
hello agen ladies now most of my plan is taken form what u all have put in urs (i hope u dont mind) as i had no idea about birth plans before i read this all i had down was i wanted 2 use the birthing pool but anyway here it is any fed back would be gr8.
thanx agen 4 posting this 4 a 1st timer like me i have found it very very usefull and i feel alot more confident about my birth now having this xx


• I wish to be able to move around and change position at will throughout labour and have the use of a birthing ball in the early stages of labour.
• I would like to use a birth pool when i reach 5 centimeters dilated and remain in the pool to deliver my baby.
• I would like to use gas and air as a form of pain relief and avoid any stronger forms of pain relief if posable.
• I would prefer the room I am labouring in to stay quiet and not be brightly light with minimal amount of people present and for my babys heartbeat to be monitored by hand held droopler at intervals whilst remaning in the pool if posable.
• I would like to minimise internal examinations / avoid internal examinations if possible , unless there is a particular reason why you think one is necessary.
• On delivery of my baby i would like my baby to be placed straight onto my chest/into my arms for skin-to-skin contact.
• I would like to deliver the placenta whilst remaining in the pool and for my baby to be given Vitamin K.
• Please offer my birthing partner (mum) the opportunity to cut the cord
I think it's fantastic. Very easy to read and you really get your main points across. Don't bad for taking any of "our" ideas, as most of them probably weren't ours in the first place! haha. At least I know with mine I went everywhere on google trying to just the right wording for half of them. :thumbup:
I think it's fantastic. Very easy to read and you really get your main points across. Don't bad for taking any of "our" ideas, as most of them probably weren't ours in the first place! haha. At least I know with mine I went everywhere on google trying to just the right wording for half of them. :thumbup:

thanx alot i feel im better prepared for it all now :thumbup:
i see ur on scotland also :thumbup:
im in renfrewshire and having my baby at the R A H in paisley
All the birthplans look great! They will be very helpful when I finally come to do mine.
I think it's fantastic. Very easy to read and you really get your main points across. Don't bad for taking any of "our" ideas, as most of them probably weren't ours in the first place! haha. At least I know with mine I went everywhere on google trying to just the right wording for half of them. :thumbup:

thanx alot i feel im better prepared for it all now :thumbup:
i see ur on scotland also :thumbup:
im in renfrewshire and having my baby at the R A H in paisley

I'm in South Lanarkshire and though I'm having a home birth Wishaw is my hospital to call and go to. Not to far off from each other eh? :)

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