Bloody Show???? What was yours like??


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2014
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Ok this is gross and luckily I opted against taking a pic because it was so gross.... so a few hours ago I used the bathroom and there was a HUGE glob of brown/clear/yellow swirled mucus in the toilet. I swore there was no way that came out of my vagina... figured maybe I had some anal mucus...*PUUUUKE* or something disgusting. But then throughout the day today the mucus on my panty liners has gotten darker, from clear to yellowish and pinkish now to brown. Not as dark brown as the glob earlier tho. And stringy. God this pregnancy stuff is gross. I went and walked the mall and was having what felt like a CONSTANT contraction the entire time I was walking (an hour). It didn't hurt, my belly was just a giant boulder and it was hard to breathe and walk!:growlmad: If I sat down it went away and I'd just have occasional braxton hicks (got a 30 min foot massage while I was there). I've had BH alllllll day, too. Back to back at some points. Anyway, I'm a FTM and this is all foreign stuff to me lol Did anyone get a big brown mucus glob as their "Bloody Show"?? Because now I'm thinking that must be what that was????? I'm feeling crampy now that I'm home and sitting on my couch but it also feels like I might have to go to the bathroom. Tried all damn day to get a hold of my doctor but she never called back and this evening I got a really rude operator who said if it isn't an emergency to call back on Monday. I got really pissed off and said I'm F'ing 40 weeks pregnant and having contractions it's my first baby and I'm also group b strep positive, what the fuck am I supposed to do just rely on DOCTOR GOOGLE!?!?!?! And she gave me some more attitude and I said F YOU (but the real thing...) and she hung up.... I was furious. So yes, I guess i just get to rely on the internet until I feel like it's time to go to the hospital. WTF!?!?!?!
I'm with you! I had my bloody show last night, cramping all day and nothing else!
Mine came out as I wiped and wiped and wiped. Huge globs of snot streaked with blood both last night and this morning and now just a darker mucus discharge. I'm so sure it was my bloody show and I thought: Yay, labour has to be so soon! But all day, it's just been terrible cramps! I've had maybe one or two tightenings and definitely constant pressure when I'm standing.
I'm GBS+ too. My doc just said to get to the hospital for the antibiotics when I'm in active labour or if my water breaks.

Good luck and hope it's the start of something for us both!
Honestly, I've looked up 'what do contractions feel like' on Google... Cuz I have no clue but honestly, I think we'll know em when they come
I haven't even hardly had the cramping!! Mild!!! My only pains are when my baby is battling with my intestines LOL Like if I have gas or anything else passing through it's like she wants to beat the hell out of it and it's excruciating!!!! Bouncing on my ball now and just hoping for some progress!!!!!! FINGERS CROSSED FOR THE BOTH OF US!!!!!!!!
Usually once you've had a 'bloody' show you'll go in to labour in the next day or 2. Good luck ladies
I only had a show/plug thing with my first.. And it was an actual gross chunk, quite solid and fleshy looking.. Streaked with red blood, the consistency of hard jelly. And the size of 50p in UK currency, was not what I expected at all, but everyone's can be different, I think some lose it gradually, but I think mine came out whole!! I was actually in early labour, having contractions.
Good luck..
And sorry it was so graphic! Lol..
That could b your show I did not have bright red blood it was brown in mucous I would file a complaint u don't want to wait too long n it's best to get checked out I thought my contractions were 5 min apart I got to the hospital they were actually 2!! If u are having more pains I'd call back today and hopefully u get someone nicer
I had something similar happen when I was in labor with my first, after my water broke.. I was in the birthing tub and I could feel my waters go. The nurses looked into the tub and said my waters looked nice and clear and then all the sudden I could feel something coming out and it was this huge bloody glob! I was freaked out but the nurses seemed totally un-phased, they just calmly scooped it out with the fish net and took it away. I ever had any spotting throughout my pregnancy or bloody show. Lost some mucus plug a few days before I went into labor but it was totally clear. That weird bloody jelly glob was the closest to a bloody show I ever had and it didn't happen until well into my labor. Either way, I would definitely say its a good sign that things are happening :thumbup:
Honestly, I've looked up 'what do contractions feel like' on Google... Cuz I have no clue but honestly, I think we'll know em when they come

Contractions feel like really really really bad diharrea cramps you get them low down and in your back

That's the best way I can describe them hun
Honestly, I've looked up 'what do contractions feel like' on Google... Cuz I have no clue but honestly, I think we'll know em when they come

Contractions feel like really really really bad diharrea cramps you get them low down and in your back

That's the best way I can describe them hun

They feel different for every woman, mine felt like really bad menstrual cramps with both of mine
Unfortunately NOTHING progressed into ANYTHING yesterday!! Walked another couple miles today and only got more braxton one long constant boulder belly the whole time I was walking. DAMN IT, BABY GIRL!!!!! Woke up feeling good this morning then I had my usual decaf coffee from starbucks and some oatmeal and after that my heart was totally racing and I felt super nauseous. I think starbucks didn't give me decaf?? Went back to bed for a couple hours and felt a little better. Now I'm nauseous again. Very slight period-like crampiness and (TMI warning) loose-ish bowels. PLEASE be a sign!!!!!

I have some friends who say contractions are like WICKED menstrual cramps, some friends say they're more like WICKED gas/diarrhea pains. Another few friends said they're just like intense menstrual cramps, very tolerable. It's just different for everyone!! I've had everything (including nipples and clitoral hood) pierced and I have several tattoos, I think I have a high pain tolerance....but....I had a nasty stomach bug three times earlier in my pregnancy that gave me incredibly horrid diarrhea and the pain was so bad I was sweating and vomiting. That right there told me I'm gonna be a huge fucking wimp when it comes to labor probably LOL
I was really lucky with my first, never had any BH or false starts or anything. When I felt my first contraction it indeed felt like terrible diarrhea cramps to me and I had to go #2 immediately then 30 minutes later it happened again, then I started getting nauseous and vomiting along with the diarrhea (fun stuff) . I had the munchies so bad that day and ate everything in sight, so i figured I just over did it and maybe ate something that didn't agree with me, but when the pains started coming every 15 minutes I started to get suspicious that it was labor and it was :) within 3-4 hrs they were already 3-4 minutes apart. This time around it will probably start really slow, with my luck.

Contractions suck! I had a bad case of kidney stones and ruptured uterine cysts and dislocated shoulder and stuff and never went to the hospital (I hate hospitals). I would consider myself someone with a high pain tolerance and I made it through without pain relief, but it sucked lol. Just remember that the more it hurts the closer you're to the end. And the pain is there for a reason. If contractions didn't hurt so bad we woman probably wouldn't be so eager to push a baby out of our vajays!
Unfortunately NOTHING progressed into ANYTHING yesterday!! Walked another couple miles today and only got more braxton one long constant boulder belly the whole time I was walking. DAMN IT, BABY GIRL!!!!! Woke up feeling good this morning then I had my usual decaf coffee from starbucks and some oatmeal and after that my heart was totally racing and I felt super nauseous. I think starbucks didn't give me decaf?? Went back to bed for a couple hours and felt a little better. Now I'm nauseous again. Very slight period-like crampiness and (TMI warning) loose-ish bowels. PLEASE be a sign!!!!!

I have some friends who say contractions are like WICKED menstrual cramps, some friends say they're more like WICKED gas/diarrhea pains. Another few friends said they're just like intense menstrual cramps, very tolerable. It's just different for everyone!! I've had everything (including nipples and clitoral hood) pierced and I have several tattoos, I think I have a high pain tolerance....but....I had a nasty stomach bug three times earlier in my pregnancy that gave me incredibly horrid diarrhea and the pain was so bad I was sweating and vomiting. That right there told me I'm gonna be a huge fucking wimp when it comes to labor probably LOL

With my first I lost my bloody show during labour probably transitioning in to active stage.

With second I started losing it on the Saturday fully expecting to go in to labour that night. Was having regular contractions and back ache (been having them for a few days before) but wouldn't progress. Kept losing bits more for days. On the Tuesday (day before my due date) I got sent to hospital for a check up, they gave me a sweep and then I lost ALL of my bloody show, it was massive lots of dark red blood and plug this was at about 12pm had nothing else. Started with more regular contractions but had been having them all week so didn't think anything of it. This was at about midnight. I had a bit of a sleep. Woke up uncomfortable at like 3.45 got a shower, contractions were very very irregular 10mins, 7 mins apart etc very random and not very painful. Rang the hospital they told me to stay at home. Few mins later they became very intense. Waters broke. Baby was born on bathroom floor ten mins later haha oops!
If u have a high pain tolorence I say when u see them close together call ur doc
I had my show like that over night on the Friday and first contractions on the Saturday night then was I proper labour ob the Sunday giving birth in the Sunday evening. Sounds like the start of
things the you but worth remembering early contractions aren't as strong as the later ones, so what your feel could be early ones, I was like oh right I totally have this for the first 12hrs before they got painful (still managed in no pain relief though - honestly it wasn't that bad really)
Well... lost my mucus plug over a week ago. Bloody show was 3 days ago. Not a single legit contraction. Some mild crampiness in my lower abdomen and some nausea, but NOTHING has progressed to anything. Non-stress test is in L&D in the morning and they'll check her fluid levels. If things aren't perfect tomorrow they said they will keep me and induce :/ I just pray I go into labor on my own today!!!!!! But my hope is pretty much gone LOL waaaaaaah
Do you have a birthing ball hun? I've heard it can help x
Nothing going on here either. Just cramps (both menstrual and gas). No timing and don't hurt... for 2.5 days now... I'm getting annoyed. I want him out now!
OMG I SO FEEL YOU!! I've had such annoying gas and it refuses to pass unless I get on all fours and have my ass in the air LOL! Just got in my car to leave and I feel like my belly will explode it's rock hard and, what do you know, I have gas pains now that I'm in the car that I didn't feel when walking around my house!!!! UGH!!!

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