hey guys,
just wondering when most of you have had your booking visit? im 10 weeks on sunday, and still havent heard from my allocated midwife.....(last time i rung her for advice there was a message on her answerphone, saying she is on the sick and not to leave a messgae!! doesnt sound good does it?)
I was told that she would ring me aroung the 10 week mark to arrange, but a bit anxious as i know she is the one who will arrange my scan, & i dont fancy being more that 12 - 13 weeks when i have it?
just wondering when most of you have had your booking visit? im 10 weeks on sunday, and still havent heard from my allocated midwife.....(last time i rung her for advice there was a message on her answerphone, saying she is on the sick and not to leave a messgae!! doesnt sound good does it?)
I was told that she would ring me aroung the 10 week mark to arrange, but a bit anxious as i know she is the one who will arrange my scan, & i dont fancy being more that 12 - 13 weeks when i have it?