I'm also interested in this... I sterilized and tried my pump out the other night just to see what it would feel like and I got a massive amount of colostrum out of my left side in like 15 seconds, it freaked me out so I stopped!!! I don't want to run out of any of that good stuff for my lo! lol
I am going to ask my doctor for some 10mL syringes to store/freeze it in so baby can have it right away! It is good to know that I won't run out of it though lol
Thank you for you replys I didn't think you could run out but worried if you did it to much it would bring you milk in but I guess you body knows the baby isn't out yet lol. Any one done it and had contractions or it worked to bring on labor?
Because colostrum can be frozen and stored for 6 months, it's perfectly OK to express before birth and whether you express colostrum before birth or not, you will still only have colostrum when baby first comes, which has the same amount of goodness as the colostrum you expressed before birth. It's perfectly safe, fine and healthy to do.
I tried this the other night, I didn't get any contractions while using it and when I tried to do it the next day it was too sore so I stopped. However, the night I stopped it (I did do it for 30mins first - 15mins each breast) - I started getting cramps & tightenings about 2hrs after I'd done it and also had some of my bloody show.. I haven't done it since & haven't had anymore pains and/or show so I will be trying it again tonight.
Thank you, I'm getting desperate now I'm due tomorrow and have no signs what so ever, think I'll have a little pump and see if it works.
I've been leaking since 22 weeks so I guess you always produce more colostrum, wish me luck
I think it's less about the pumping and more about the nipple stimulation that can help induce labour. But you do have to do it a fairly long time though
Thanks my nipples are so sensitive that I can't stand to touch them it's strange because it's fine if OH does and I did pump this morning and that was fine just if I touch them my self it feels horrible lol.
I'll have to wit till oh gets home from work and get him to have a fiddle lol
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