It might take a while to be able to pump enough to feed LO at night. I pumped daily from 2 weeks, and for weeks I was getting between a drizzle and 1 oz only. LO is way more effective at removing breast milk. You also may lose supply at the time OH feeds LO. I waited till LO was SSTN to stash some freezer milk. Now I pump at the times she used to wake to eat two times during the night, most nights. 10pm and 1 am, or midnight if I just do it once. This is not an ideal time for pumping, I have lower supply at this time, but I want to maintain my daytime supply because LO eats almost all day long, atleast every hour when awake. I can't see a time that I could sneak a pump in. If I pump in the morning (If LO happens to sleep in) I get a full bottle (5oz) for her to have when she awakens, but it took till recently for me to be able to get that much. Everyone's breasts are different though. You might do way better than I have!