Hi there!
I hope this is not TMI..
I am new in this board and feel soo discouraged TTC after 8 months of BFN...
I really do not know what is wrong with me as I have 27-29 days cycle and ovulate every month. I feel ovarian pain every mid cycle and I even took Clearblue OPKs last cycle again to make sure my LH surged!
I track my symptoms (not BBT) and we BD right on time : before, during and after O almost every single day!
But I have noticed that these last 4 cycles I had brown discharge 5-4 days prior AF. I have never had brown spotting before TTC, so maybe there is something happening..?
I told my GP about it and just said "it happens, it shouldn't be a problem" ...
Am I the only one to get those brown discharge only since TTC?!
I read it can be related to low progesterone...but why do I spot only now?
Did you have similar experiences? Any ideas?
I am so confused
I hope this is not TMI..
I am new in this board and feel soo discouraged TTC after 8 months of BFN...
I really do not know what is wrong with me as I have 27-29 days cycle and ovulate every month. I feel ovarian pain every mid cycle and I even took Clearblue OPKs last cycle again to make sure my LH surged!
I track my symptoms (not BBT) and we BD right on time : before, during and after O almost every single day!
But I have noticed that these last 4 cycles I had brown discharge 5-4 days prior AF. I have never had brown spotting before TTC, so maybe there is something happening..?
I told my GP about it and just said "it happens, it shouldn't be a problem" ...
Am I the only one to get those brown discharge only since TTC?!
I read it can be related to low progesterone...but why do I spot only now?
Did you have similar experiences? Any ideas?
I am so confused