L Louisex Well-Known Member Joined Apr 21, 2011 Messages 819 Reaction score 0 Sep 23, 2011 #1 Described as silucking his thumb. I can't really describe it but it's going up and down up and down in a rhythm of like sucking. Dies this make sence?
Described as silucking his thumb. I can't really describe it but it's going up and down up and down in a rhythm of like sucking. Dies this make sence?
F FeistyMom 3 DDs, 1 DS & Preggers Joined Aug 6, 2011 Messages 1,751 Reaction score 0 Sep 23, 2011 #2 Babies do practice sucking and breathing in the womb - your LO very well might be sucking a thumb right now~! My LO doesn't seem to do that as much as my girls did, but he has been getting hiccups lately which is so odd too!
Babies do practice sucking and breathing in the womb - your LO very well might be sucking a thumb right now~! My LO doesn't seem to do that as much as my girls did, but he has been getting hiccups lately which is so odd too!
M Mazzy Well-Known Member Joined Mar 9, 2011 Messages 649 Reaction score 0 Sep 23, 2011 #3 My LO has done this a few times...so darn cute. I thought he was sucking on his thumb, but could also be practice breathing.
My LO has done this a few times...so darn cute. I thought he was sucking on his thumb, but could also be practice breathing.