Call or wait?

Eleanor ace

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2010
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I've been using evening primrose oil for a few days, when I remember. Yesterday I used a different brand and about 30 minutes after inserting a capsule I started having constant period type cramping. I also had a little gush of fluid which I assumed was the epo. It was slightly green in colour and (tmi!!) smelt gross which again I assumed was the epo. I was sore through the night but not sore enough to stop me sleeping. This morning I'm cramping again with backache and wetter than normal. I had a pantyliner on but my underwear was wet too, but it is only a very thin line not a pad. I popped an epo capsule to double check the smell but the capsules don't smell, so now I'm paranoid that the discharge was leaking waters with meconium (I know it sounds ott, especially as I was only a bit wet, I think I'm paranoid because my 1st LO passed meconium during labour so it's in the back of my mind). I am supposed to have a MW coming to me for my 38 week appointment so I figured I'd wait and see what she says, but she was also supposed to come yesterday morning and I waited all day and she didn't show, so now I'm worried she won't turn up again. But I don't want to be ott and call up over what is probably just discharge, especially as I know the MW's are super busy and I'd feel bad going in to get checked over nothing. I can't find anything on-line about what leaking water with meconium would smell like or if epo would start to smell horrible when inserted (my old ones didn't).
Hmm wwyd, wait for the MW or call L&D and see if they say get checked?
I'd deffo call hun. Can you get hold of the mw due to arrive today to ask her to prioritise your appointment? I think given the colour, smell and history it is best to get it checked out. Hope everything is ok xx
Call. Meconium was my first thought when you said green and smelly. Good luck hun. Hope it's all ok.
Are you able to call your midwife team? maybe call and ask them if they think you should wait for your midwife (they maybe able to confirm when she is coming) or if you should call L&D?

Better safe than not :hugs:
I agree with the other ladies. Give your mw / assessment unit a call.
Call. There is no need to sit and worry, this is what they are there for. Hope all is well.
CALL WOMAN!!! :p xxxx
Definitely call! It's better to be safe, than sorry. They won't think you're being silly or anything, they're there to help. GL :)
I ended up waiting (and now I feel bad, I don't know why I felt so reluctant to call, I would always advise others to do so, I'm such a wimp!) and the MW came. I told the MW and I got swabbed (I had to do it myself for some reason and I managed to poke my urethra first which really hurt! :shock:) and she's taking it up to the hospital with her. But she said I won't get the results until Monday which seems a long time! So I still feel worried. But she said that it might have been my show, especially as I've had a little brown streaking to the discharge since which she said is likely old blood. I think I will see how I get on and if I have more (it's eased off now) I will call L&D and see if they can swab me and get the results quicker (which I think they must be able to do as I've seen lots of people on here get their results much sooner).
That just seems crazy to me that you would not get the results until Monday :wacko:

Hope it is just your show and nothing more sinister :hugs:
Me too, especially as they induce 24 hours after you leak waters if you don't go into labour yourself at my hospital, so if there's any chance it is waters surely Monday would be way too late, especially if there was meconium?! I don't feel like its my show either, it was nothing like the show I had with DD, this was like watery discharge. Ugh I hate not knowing!
I would maybe still call L&D and see if they will let you go in to be checked :shrug:
I would also call L&D, I wouldn't be happy with the midwives response and actions, as you say you are waiting an awful long time for important results, not good enough, make the call hun and get into L&D to see what they say, good luckx
The swab will be checking for infection (causing green, smelly discharge), not checking to see if your waters have gone. That's why it takes a few days as it has to have a chance to grow the bacteria before they can see if there's any there. The swab to check if your waters have gone can only be done in hospital as it requires a special machine, but that isn't always done anyway as it can usually be confirmed/ruled out just by a speculum check.
I'm assuming she didn't think it was your waters based on what she heard/saw as she could have done a speculum check there and then (they do carry them). Waters don't tell to smell offensive, even with meconium so it sounds like she thought it was just heavy/offensive discharge if she's sending an infection swab - but if you're not happy you can always call the hospital and ask to come in and be checked to make sure..? :)
I would also call and get checked out I think my waters were leaking for a week before my son was born everytime I would pee I would get an extra gush but I didn't think anything of t because everyone told me waters have a sweet smell and it'll trickle down ur leg and bla bla but I've come to learn that is not the case for everyone well... When I went in l&d having contractions n what not after my sweep they ended up breaking my water but not much came out. I didn't have that big gush like w my daughter so when it was time to push the doc noticed the waterbag was still around my son she was trying to pop the rest with a tweaser she got it but again not much came out.

My son did not have much fluid around him at all and I am glad and thank god I was admit about being induced. (The sweep. And they ended up giving me patocin)
When they delivered my placenta she noticed that it was darker then what it should have been and that it pretty much stopped doing its job and if I would have continued to be pregnant my placenta could have abrupted. This was not detected at any appointment or anything nothing during my nst.

I'm not sharing to scare anyone that reads. But I am one of those people who don't like to call and go in to get sent home.

But I recommend you have any concern please go in and get checked for the safety of you and you baby. We know our bodies best. And when something don't seem right we need to listen :)

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