Calling all mums - please help

Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?
 19 yrs and under

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child?

Q3. Did you plan for a ...
Hospital birth

Q4. Did you give birth at a …
Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?
Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?
Spontaneous vaginal

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
 Gas and air only

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
Gas and air only

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?

 Magazines
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? 2009

Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Hospital birth

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Caesarean Section

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

Hypnosis / MeditationNatural

 Gas and air only
Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

None of the above

(Please state your choice) Research Clinic

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

 NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes - but never got to attend them due to premature birth

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?

 Books

 Magazines
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?
20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? 2009

Q3. Did you plan for a ...
Birthing Centre

Q4. Did you give birth at a …
Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?
Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?
Induced vaginal

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
Hypnosis / Meditation

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
Hypnosis / Meditation

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?
NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?
None of the above

11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 19 yrs and under

 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? …………………..


Q3. Did you plan for a ...


Hospital birth

Birthing Centre

Other (Please state) ……………………………………………..

Q4. Did you give birth at a …


Hospital birth

Birthing Centre

Other (Please state) ……………………………………………..

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal ...up until I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and suspected obstetric cholestasis...then...

Induced vaginal

Caesarean Section

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Spontaneous vaginal

Induced vaginal

Caesarean Section

Ventous (although this


Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Hypnosis / Meditation

Natural – no pain relief AT ALL


 Gas and air only

 Pethidine

Epidural if needed

Other (please state) ……………………………………

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Hypnosis / Meditation


Natural – no pain relief AT ALL

Gas and air only


Other (please state) ………………Pethidine……………………

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

NHS standard midwifery care PLUS Doula

NHS standard midwifery care PLUS Independent midwife

NHS standard midwifery care PLUS attendance at workshops, conferences or other independent investigation

Independent Midwife only

None of the above

(Please state your choice) ……………………………………………………

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife or doula only

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes

 National Childbirth Trust (NCT) led childbirth classes

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes PLUS National Childbirth Trust (NCT) led childbirth classes

Independent childbirth classes

Workshops, conferences etc

Word of mouth / advice from friend / mother

None of the above

(Please state your choice) ……………………………………………………

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?



 Magazines

Other (please state) …………………………………………………………
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?
19 yrs and under

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? 2010

Q3. Did you plan for a ...
Hospital birth

Q4. Did you give birth at a
Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?
Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?
Induced vaginal

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
Gas and air only

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
Gas and air

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?
NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?
No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife or doula only

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?
also used internet
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? 2009

Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Hospital birth

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

Gas and air only


Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?


 Magazines
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? …………………..


Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Hospital birth

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

Natural – no pain relief If I could handle it

 Gas and air

Epidural if needed

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

None of the above

(Please state your choice) … Canada OBGYN regular visits

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

Independent childbirth classes

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?


 Magazines

Other (please state) …… Online
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? …………………..


Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Hospital birth

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

What type of delivery you have?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Gas and air only

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

Gas and air only

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes

Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?


 Magazines

Other (please state) internet
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 19 yrs and under

 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? …………………..

Q3. Did you plan for a ...


Hospital birth

Birthing Centre

Other (Please state) ……………………………………………..

Q4. Did you give birth at a …


Hospital birth

Birthing Centre

Other (Please state) ……………………………………………..

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Induced vaginal

Caesarean Section

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Spontaneous vaginal

Induced vaginal

Caesarean Section



Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Hypnosis / Meditation

Natural – no pain relief AT ALL


 Gas and air only

 Pethidine


Other (please state) ……………………………………

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Hypnosis / Meditation


Natural – no pain relief AT ALL

Gas and air only


Other (please state) …General Anesthetic for emergency C-Section…………………………………

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

NHS standard midwifery care PLUS Doula

NHS standard midwifery care PLUS Independent midwife

NHS standard midwifery care PLUS attendance at workshops, conferences or other independent investigation

Independent Midwife only

None of the above

(Please state your choice) ……………………………………………………

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife or doula only

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes

 National Childbirth Trust (NCT) led childbirth classes

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes PLUS National Childbirth Trust (NCT) led childbirth classes

Independent childbirth classes

Workshops, conferences etc

Word of mouth / advice from friend / mother

None of the above

(Please state your choice) ……………………………………………………

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?



 Magazines

Other (please state) …………………………………………………………

Thank you very much for taking the time to fill in the questionnaire.
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child? 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? 2008

Q3. Did you plan for a ... Hospital birth

Q4. Did you give birth at a … Hospital

Q5. What type of delivery you plan? Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have? Spontaneous vaginal

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

Natural – no pain relief AT ALL

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

Gas and air only

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife or doula only

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?

Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 19 yrs and under

 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? 2009

Q3. Did you plan for a ...


Hospital birthBirthing Centre

Other (Please state) ……………………………………………..

Q4. Did you give birth at a …


Hospital birth

Birthing Centre

Other (Please state) ……………………………………………..

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Induced vaginal

Caesarean Section

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Spontaneous vaginal

Induced vaginal

Caesarean Section



Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Hypnosis / Meditation

Natural – no pain relief AT ALL (In the US Aromatherapy/Hypnosis are not considered to be pain relief) :lol:


 Gas and air only

 Pethidine


Other (please state) ……………………………………

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Hypnosis / Meditation


Natural – no pain relief AT ALL (see above answer)

Gas and air only


Other (please state) …………Diamorphine…………………………

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

NHS standard midwifery care PLUS Doula

NHS standard midwifery care PLUS Independent midwife

NHS standard midwifery care PLUS attendance at workshops, conferences or other independent investigation

Independent Midwife only

None of the above

(Please state your choice) …Regular OBGYN visits…

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife or doula only

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes

 National Childbirth Trust (NCT) led childbirth classes

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes PLUS National Childbirth Trust (NCT) led childbirth classes

Independent childbirth classes Hypnobirthing

Workshops, conferences etc

Word of mouth / advice from friend / mother

None of the above

(Please state your choice) ……………………………………………………

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?


Hypnobirthing text

 Magazines

Other (please state) …………internet………………………………………………
I am a midwifery student looking into the Psychology Of Birth and would appriciate your help. Please feel free to post answers below or PM me.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to explore the standard of antenatal care and education. Your details will remain confidential and will be destroyed once the data has been gathered.

If your first pregnancy and birth experience was within the past 5 years I would be very grateful if you could spare a minute to complete this questionnaire.

Please answer the question based on your first pregnancy and birth experience only.

Thank you.

Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? 2009

Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Birthing Centre

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Birthing Centre

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


 Gas and air only

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Gas and air only

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?


Thank you very much for taking the time to fill in the questionnaire.
1. over 20 (26)
2. 2008
3. hospital
4. hospital
5. spontanious vaginal
6. spontanious vaginal
7. didnt plan pain relief or not
8. had gas and air and pethadine ( wouldnt have it again tho it didnt help much atall)
9. standard nhs classes ( didnt get invited to them but was taken on a last minute tour of labour ward)
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 19 yrs and under

 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? …………2008………..

Q3. Did you plan for a ...


Hospital birth

Birthing Centre

Other (Please state) …………………………………………..

Q4. Did you give birth at a …


Hospital birth

Birthing Centre

Other (Please state) …………………………………………..

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Induced vaginal

Caesarean Section

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Spontaneous vaginal

Induced vaginal

Caesarean Section



Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Hypnosis / Meditation

Natural – no pain relief AT ALL


 Gas and air only

 Pethidine


Other (please state) ……………………………………

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Hypnosis / Meditation


Natural – no pain relief AT ALL

Gas and air only


Other (please state) ……………………………………

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

NHS standard midwifery care PLUS Doula

NHS standard midwifery care PLUS Independent midwife

NHS standard midwifery care PLUS attendance at workshops, conferences or other independent investigation

Independent Midwife only

None of the above

(Please state your choice) ……………………………………………………

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife or doula only

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes

 National Childbirth Trust (NCT) led childbirth classes

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes PLUS National Childbirth Trust (NCT) led childbirth classes

Independent childbirth classes

Workshops, conferences etc

Word of mouth / advice from friend / mother

None of the above

(Please state your choice) ……………………………………………………

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?



 Magazines

Other (please state) …………………………………………………………
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 19 yrs and under

 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? 2009

Q3. Did you plan for a ...


Hospital birth
Birthing Centre

Other (Please state) ……………………………………………..

Q4. Did you give birth at a …


Hospital birth

Birthing Centre

Other (Please state) ……………………………………………..

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Induced vaginal

Caesarean Section

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Spontaneous vaginal

Induced vaginal

Caesarean Section



Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Hypnosis / Meditation

Natural – no pain relief AT ALL (In the US Aromatherapy/Hypnosis are not considered to be pain relief) :lol:


 Gas and air only

 Pethidine


Other (please state) ……………………………………

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Hypnosis / Meditation


Natural – no pain relief AT ALL (see above answer)

Gas and air only


Other (please state) …………Diamorphine…………………………

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care
NHS standard midwifery care PLUS Doula

NHS standard midwifery care PLUS Independent midwife

NHS standard midwifery care PLUS attendance at workshops, conferences or other independent investigation

Independent Midwife only

None of the above

(Please state your choice) …Regular OBGYN visits…

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife or doula only

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes

 National Childbirth Trust (NCT) led childbirth classes

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes PLUS National Childbirth Trust (NCT) led childbirth classes

Independent childbirth classes Hypnobirthing

Workshops, conferences etc

Word of mouth / advice from friend / mother

None of the above

(Please state your choice) ……………………………………………………

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?


Hypnobirthing text

 Magazines

Other (please state) …………internet………………………………………………
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? 2009

Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Hospital birth

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


 Gas and air only

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Gas and air

Other (please state) …pethedine…………………………………

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?


 Magazines
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child?


Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Birthing Centre

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?


Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

 Gas and air only

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

Gas and air only



Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?

Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? 2009

Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Hospital birth

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Induced vaginal & Ventous

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

 Gas and air only

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

Gas and air only


Other (please state) Pethadine

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife or doula only

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?


Other (please state) Internet
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 19 yrs and under

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child?


Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Hospital birth

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Caesarean Section

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Other (please state)

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Other (please state)... Until I had the epi I guess positive thinking & prayer!

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

None of the above

(Please state your choice) Well I'm in Canada so I had my GP and nurse practitioner split my care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife or doula only

Word of mouth / advice from friend / mother

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?


 Magazines

Other (please state)... online articles

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