My labour wasnt that bad really. I had on n off contractions for a few days before he decided it was time but they was jus like poo cramps haha. but the real thing i was in bed and thought i was weeing myself, but i wasnt lol as i stood up the waters went everywhere, was really funny lol. Contractions started maybe an hour later? got to hosp half hour later and they started comin think and fast. there was only the one midwife on at that point n 3 women labouring so i had to wait in the waiting room and i swear standing up hurts alot more, BUT it makes it go so much quicker, i went from 2-5cm in an hour lol. It wasnt really that bad as it all just became abit of a blur really. I had gas n air n pethadine (which made babys HR drop dramatically so wont be using that again) But was 6hours35 mins so wasnt that bad really for a first labour! Well cant be as im doin it again haha. Weird to say, as much as it didnt go to plan ( had a ventouse delivery *suction cap lol* and tore slightly ) i loved it, as i new it was all good pain and the baby id longed for was makin his way into the world hehe