I am getting a positive result on my ovulation test kit very month since coming off microgynon 30 (2 cycles) but I've been told that you ca have a psoitive result and not O. Is this true?
Oh jesus yes.
I had multiple DARK positive OPKs after stopping birth control and blood test confirmed no ovulation every time. I didnt ovulate/get AF until I was prescribed provera and clomid.
Thank you ladies. I am still getting my af - so do you think I may be ovulating? I haven't begun doing temps yet as I promised myself (and OH) that we would be relaxed about trying - I haven't been able to maintain this though lol
Yes sadly you can have +OPK's and not ovulate. I just started using them last month and got one day of positive then back to negative and I have a regular 24-26 day cycle. I am going to start temping this month to confirm O. TTC really shouldn't have to be so hard or scientific, ugh!
Thank you ladies. I am still getting my af - so do you think I may be ovulating? I haven't begun doing temps yet as I promised myself (and OH) that we would be relaxed about trying - I haven't been able to maintain this though lol
See that is where I am confused. If you have regular periods it should still mean that you are ovulalting right? Temping does help but I have to admit - I almost wish I wasn't.
BDing then hoping it turns out in pregnancy is so much more exciting when you are oblivious to temping. Opposed to BDing and being disappointed the whole TWW when you are temping daily and there is no temp rise. It is taking the fun and hope out of it all!