I do think every baby is different, but I also think they get used to what they get used to, so their normal is what you make normal for them. I almost never stayed at home all day, except for maybe when my daughter was really little. So for that reason, the only place to nap was when we were always on the go and that just became what's normal. I also never planned activities around nap times. If there was something to go to, she napped in the car on the way there or she napped in the pushchair as I got a coffee and we took a walk around town after. I don't think she has ever really napped in her cot during the day, though she did sometimes nap in her swing when she was really little and sometimes we would lie down together for a nap during the day. But it was never like we were at home at 11am and she was put down in her cot because it was "naptime". She just slept as and when needed wherever we happened to be, which was rarely at home. And that's just what she was used to. As a result, it was always really easy to go anywhere with her because even as a toddler, she'd sleep in the car on the way there or if the time she happened to need a nap was around lunch time, we could put her in her pushchair, push her around a couple minutes, and then she'd sleep while we sat down at the pub and had lunch with family. In that sense, it was great, because it never interfered with us going anywhere and we never needed to be home for naptimes. The downside is that she was so rarely at home for a nap that it was hard to get her to sleep at home when we happened to be home for a nap. She was just used to sleeping in the car, or in the pushchair or in the carrier when we were out for a long afternoon walk. So that was a little bit annoying too! But they just get used to whatever their normal is, so if it's going to be more convenient that your LO sleep when you're out rather than at home, I'd just try to get them used to that. It might not happen right away, but in time, it will get easier.