Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Thanks ladies, sorry I've been away for a few days just been so busy and trying to take my mind off the pregnancy for a bit, nothing has gone wrong as such it's just I find my brain gets the better of me if I think about it too much! I've been a little concerned as my symptoms seem completely different to my previous 3 and kinda come and go, suffering mostly with lightheadedness (is that even a word? Lol), dizziness (when standing up and moving about), feel a bit tired and a little nauseous but only if I'm hungry. Hubby and I are trying to keep conversation about the bean to a positive minimum, i.e. practical but unexcited chat about what where we can get a decent 2ndhand stroller, what cot we'll get and what sort of sling to look out for. So obviously we're hoping this one has a happy ending but we're desperately trying not to get excited but it all just yet. I've posted in 'pregnancy after a loss' about chances of an early scan but I'm not sure about whether or not I really want it, it's just that I hate 12 weeks scans (background: never made it to 1st one, 2nd one great (DD) but no one with me as DH had to work and I bawled my eyes out and 3rd was where we discovered mmc). So I feel like I would like a heads up if anything is likely to go wrong sand I can prepare for worst, don't want to prepare for worst now as really want to enjoy this pregnancy as I have spent the previous ones freaked out.
TS - absolutely fab news!! Any pics?

Debzie - can't believe its 10 weeks already! Who sorted out your 12 weeks scan? EPU couldn't do that for me I had to do it through my GP mw. I was very insistent this time as the hospital never recieved my first 12 weeks referal from her (in the end not needed but still).

Miss B - we all kwow what you are going through. There were times I had to step back a bit, even from here, as it all seemed to overwhelming to think about. As for symptoms nearlty everyone wil tell you that each pg has been different, me included. The first I had little sickness but the soreet boobs ever and that ended in mmc. This time the boobs have been tender but the nausea was horrible. Although we try to compare good with bad it just isn't possible. AS for scans I never made it to 12 weeks until this pg. I really wanted an early scan with pg 2 and 3 but they wouldn't see me till near 8 weeks (which I know is still early but not as early as some get) there was no way I could wait till 12 weeks. I think having a mmc makes you want an early scan more as then 'you'll know' it was the thinking everything was okay for so long that was the worst. The chance of everything being good for you is very high, so try to stay +ve as best you can.
Miss B. this is my 4th pregnancy. I have a similar history with 12 week scans, my first one was an emergency at 11 weeks as I was having pains which turned out just to be round ligament pains. Scan was fine, the result of that is a curly haired little girl of 2 covered in baked beans. My OH wasn't present at the scan though. Pregnancy 2 ended at 7 weeks, pregnancy 3 ended 2 weeks before my 12 week scan. This time I wasn't offered an early scan. I got to 7 weeks and went to the doctor in floods of tears convinced it was all over as I had had a couple of days without symptoms. Dr took pity on me and rang epu telling them I had cramps. I went the next morning and all was well. Symptoms returned immediately.
12 week scan followed and all was well. If you can persuade someone to give you a scan at 7 weeks, or if you can afford a private scan ( I couldn't at the time) I really think you should. I just couldn't make it to 12 weeks. I lost the plot!
ts - great news bout the scan

wonder if anyone can help me if theyve had the same thing etc went to the loo before and had what can only be described as quite a bit of ewcm the only time ive ever had this wen pg was with ds 4days before i went into labour which would of been the mucous plug comin away which was gr8 then, only now because thats the only time ive ever seen it im in a bit of a panic, spoke 2 midwife who said it sounds normal but if i get a lot more or if turns watery over the next few hrs 2ring back, but im still panicking
Hope - having never had a mucus plug so not sure if this will help. I can only say that my cm has been in overdrive since becoming pg and have to wear panytliner everyday. I suppose it is more creamy/watery than ewcm though. :hugs:
thanx pink, my cm has increased a lot to since becoming pg but nothin like 2day, i cant believe how relaxed i must of been wen i was pg with ds1 found out i was pg and just expected the baby at the end never thought of anything going wrong thankfully it didnt, but this time im fully aware not everything goes 2plan and anything like 2day just sends me into a panic
Mrs. B - I think we have all felt the same way :hugs: I only got a really early scan because my Hpt was really dark and I was having pain on one side. I told the Dr I was scared of an ectopic so he sent me for one. It is still way too early for me to feel comfortable about this pg but I am happy I know everything is ok so far. I don't know when I will get another scan, maybe 12 weeks, but I am also nervous since I never made it to 12 weeks before.

Hope - I haven't had experience with that before but I wanted to say I really hope it is nothing and I'm sure your little baby is just fine :hugs:
Mrs. B- I have only had 1 mc, but it ended at about 8 weeks, 2 before my first Dr. appt. I knew I couldn't wait until 10-12 weeks when I got pregnant again and my Dr. was great. He did blood work to make sure my hormone level was rising and brought me in for a scan at 7.5 weeks. I ended up having a scan before that due to bleeding (it was about 5.5 weeks, but it was too early to see a fetal pole. I am in the U.S however and I know that early scans are more common here. Oh I did get an early scan with my MC which is when I found out that the pregnancy wasn't viable, so I completely understand a fear of scans, even early ones are scary!

Hope- I had a bunch of strange discharge between 20 and 22 weeks. Like you it was kind of like EWCM and I was convinced it was my plug and I was dilating. I also had some light spotting. I called my Dr. and he checked me and said my cervix was nice and long and closed, so nothing to worry about. I guess mine was caused by changing hormones. It never hurts to check with you Dr./midwife though. Just to warn you, my discharge is now more watery than anything, which is even more concening because it is hard to tell the difference between that and amniotic fluid, but I try to stay calm and just watch the amount that I have. If I ever think it is too much to be discharge I will be calling the Dr. again!

TS - yay thats brilliant news!! So pleased it all went well chick, it wont be long till your 12 week appt, it feels like it will take forever but it will come around!!

Hopeit, Ive been getting all kinds of wierd discharge since early 20's weeks, i was told as long as it doesnt turn yellowy-green and doesnt smell then its ok, if it continues though id go back to the doctor just to put your mind at rest more than anything!!

MrsB, I know what you mean even after 1 mc, scans never had the same excitement again, but you mustnt compare this time to what happened last time, yes if you can afford it book a private scan ... how many weeks are you at the moment??

Big hugs ladies, THINK POSITIVELY!!!!! It will help your state of mind and keep you calmer which is in turn better for your and your babies health :hugs:

Great scan Mindy! I bet the spotting was late IB, I got that, mine was kind of orange! I had it with both my boys but not with the mmc, so seeing it with this one was very reassuring, not that you would think orange discharge would be reassuring!

MissB my MMC totally freaked me out, so much so, that when I was in the hospital for the medical management I extracted a promise of an early scan from them next time I fell pregnant- which happened the first proper cycle after the mmc. They scanned me at what they called 7 weeks (I had been charting so was aware that I ovulated on day 20, not 14, so I was actually 6 weeks) They scanned me and were not happy with the findings because although there was a bean with a HB, my sac was massive, about twice the size it should have been and of course they were determined I should have been measuring 7 weeks not 6 and they just don't listen when you say 'actually, I ovulated on day 20' so they had me back 2 weeks after to check progress, which I was fine with because I knew bean was spot on for 32 dpo, which is what I was on the scan day, and I googled large sacs and couldn't find any horror stories about large sacs once there was a bean with a HB. 2 weeks later the baby was measuring spot on still, and the sac size had regulated back down to normal. Normally I would have had to go get a gp referral for an epau scan, but I called them, reminded them they had said they would scan me next time, and pointed out that I don't have any relationships with my local gp's so didn't feel I could explain my worries and be taken seriously.

I started taking low dose asprin at about 5 weeks because I got it into my head that my blood was too thick and caused the mmc, I still think thats what caused it and I'm approaching the point now where it time to stop the asprin and to be honest I'm a little worried to stop it. If the heart palpitations come back I will probably just half dose it til 35 weeks.

As for the discharge WELL I have never seen so much EWCM lol, pregnancy really made that stuff common for me- the only time beforehand I ever recall having it was around the time I ovulated and released the egg thats kicking me as I type, and even then I only saw it after I had used my speculum to have a look at my cervix! :haha:

Cheeky boy you have there then Pichi...or maybe a girly? Mine was obvious, much like my other boys, he was all 'look! I have a willy!' Mooning us at the gender scan at just 15 weeks :haha: Thats my boy, he will fit right in!

Lil Fella keeps trying to stretch his full length, its very funny and feels like there is an octopus in my tummy! He is so active I love it, he even did some breakdancing while my little brother was watching yesterday (I say little, but he is 18 and massive lol) He was amazed that the baby can make my tummy move like he does.

Debzie I held back too...but when I got the pram urge I became obsessed and had my dream pram by the time I hit 16 weeks. Early for pram buying I know, but it was get it early or risk there not being any left! Maybe you could treat yourself to a little something after your 12 week scan? I did, I went out and bought a little teddy that had the same crl as Lil Fella did at the scan. I got some funny looks when I got the ruler out and measured the crl of a teddy :haha:

Sorry for such a rambling reply, I am feeling high on hormones and a little all over the place today, just having a bacon sarnie then I am going to tame my kitchen into submission!:ninja:
Mrs Miggins...your signature makes me want jellybeans :haha::munch::munch::munch:
thanx twinkle and clobo, i feel better now, took ds for his nursery visit for sept so that took my mind off it for a while, safe to say i think hes goin to enjoy it as he didnt want to leave :haha:
thanks again everyone :) i really am so relieved. now i just have to sit back and relax while the little baby in there does what it should.

pink, i forgot to mention before, i don't have any pictures. they don't give any (well, let you buy any) until 12 weeks. actually they won't even let your partner in the room until 12 weeks. :( the only scans i have ever had all had to do with my mc's before this one. it is awful to lay in there and just stare at the ceiling.

the tech is the same one who did all my scans here who was terrible. this time he was fantastic. at first he asked if i had a dr appt right after the scan and i said yes. that scared me since that is exactly what he asked me after my very first scan that showed my mmc. but this time he went on to tell me that he saw the sac and the fetal pole and that everything was measuring on schedule. then he told me about the cyst and that it could be causing pain/spotting. it was so much better. he said to me "i did your first one, didn't i?" and i said he scanned both my mc's. :( he was so much better this time.

i have to go back to see my dr in 3 weeks but i don't know when my next scan will be. i think that if i don't have bleeding/pain then i won't get a scan until much later. in my province the first scan is not until 18-20 weeks if there is no complications. i am hoping i will get one at 12 weeks.

i am trying really hard to have a PMA and not to stress anymore.

i hope everything is well with you all. i hope you all have a great weekend. we have to leave in a few hours to drive our dogs to a kennel. we are going to a concert tomorrow and will be gone for about 12-14 hours so the doggies are going to dog daycare/boarding until sunday. we have to drive them 1.5 hours to get there and then tomorrow we have to drive 2 hours to the concert. :S but, it is all worth it because we have VIP tickets to see Aerosmith!! WOOOOOOOOOO! haha!
wow how archaic is that not letting your OH in, thats quite barbaric especially is there may be problems. I am glad though the scanner guy was much nicer this time. Have a fantastic time at the conert, lucky you getting to see Aerosmith, nevermind the VIP tickets!!

Hope - glad ds had a good time, that will make it easier when he does go properly.

loz - different people have said different things to me about aspirin. One mw (at the Epu which is worrying) said at my 10 week scan that I could stop now as it had 'done its job' - wth? Clearly I ignored her. The community mw said 32 weeks and the mw at the hospital on wednesday said 36. So who knows!! I t strange now feeling thses movement is must be so much more when they are bigger.
The movements now are crazy! i guess they are they biggest now, baby is bigger and still has room to move, I actually get a proper jolt sometimes!!! :rofl:

TS, wow sounds like a lovely weekend planned chick! so glad the sonographer was nice this time, it makes so much difference! So what do you guys do about screening for Downs Syndrome then?? That has to be done between 12 and 14 weeks doesnt it?? Just wondering. Will you pay for a private scan do you think??

I didnt start buying anything untill after my 20 week scan but then i went mad!! Loz what pram did you get? I got I Candy Peach in sweetpea, i LOVE it!!!

i am not sure if they can do the NT scan here. maybe in St. John's. all they do here is the maternal serum screening. if something comes back scary on that then i guess they will proceed to the next step. as fast as i know they can't even do an amniotic fluid test here. although, i do know at one time they were able to do it because they were testing people for a genetic issue that is very common of people in newfoundland of french descent.

i do have a referral to a gyno in st. john's so i am sure they will do more testing there. hopefully i will get a NT scan.

i am SO excited to see Aerosmith. Dream On is just about my most favourite song ever.
Yay Mindy- baby's first concert! :happydance: So glad the tech was on better form today! I probably would have thrown a fit if I was told OH couldn't come into my early scans :wacko: Heres an idea- what if you tell them you want the NT test but would prefer to go by the nuchal fold measurement first instead of the bloods because you don't want to be prodded any more than you have to.

My pram is the Bebetto Murano...its like a monster truck! When the playroom (where the pram is) has been finished, its a bit of a mess right now, then I'll take some pics and post them for you all to see. It has great suspension and big fat proper tires! :happydance: I'm in a house of boys and having another boy, so figured a monster truck style pram would be perfect! My 7 year old is impressed with it, and thats the highest approval I could have gotten! :haha: (He likes ferarris etc)
Pink my midwife asked for my 12 week scan appointment at my booking in they then send out the date in the post. Also my next consultant appointment.

Loz I love that idea of a teddy. Managed to buy some maternity jeans today that's it. Noticed Chris eying up the baby stuff with Emily.

Mrs b I have had three losses and my dd Emily and have had more scans than I care to mention enough that the receptionist at the women's centre knows me by sight now. I had a scan at 6+3 and 9+3 with this one. With previous pregnancies I feel thst it gave me a heads up. All my miscarriages have been mmcs.

Ts hope the spotting has eased up. I know how scary it is. Glad the tech was ok.

Afm had a wobble this morning just kept thinking I hope everything has developed ok with my baby as i know by 10 weeks all the major organs have developed. Feeling better now.
TS I hope I catch you before you go. I missed your news before I typed my last post, then when I read back it wouldn't let me comment. I was terrified when i read you had been spotting, but over the moon that all is well. So pleased for you!!!
Thanks :)

I will try that, Lozdi, that is a good idea. thanks!

I think the spotting has slowed down now. I hope so anyway. I am keeping this PMA and plan to keep good thoughts.

At least baby is starting off with some good music for his/her first concert! :happydance:

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