Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Also make sure you are slightly over from the edge of the bed too. The closer to the end you are I found the worse the ache and pain is
Ts - I am struggling atm too, I have a long body pillow that I either put one leg on or put between my knees and that helps. I doo have to try to haul it over when I switch sides. I used to sleep on my front so finding this side sleeping difficult. Early this morning I woke with really bad right sided lower back muscles spasms. My trying to breath through them, hoping they might fade, even woke OH up. In the end I had to get up and walk for a bit to ease the pain. I am like clobo, up 2-3 per night to pee too!!

Lexi - what a gorgeous cutie, she looks so tiny!!

afm- had a very stressful week at work, so glad its the weekend as its a long one as I am off on Monday- yay!! We picked up the new car, it was sad to see my little 3 door Yaris go but we will need the space and I'll admit, although much bigger, it is a nicer drive. We were sitting in the new car after just getting it when I was telling OH about my bad day and started crying. The salesman came out to see it everything was okay as we hadn't driven off yet. He probably thought I was crying because of leaving my Yaris! Bit embarassing.
:hugs: pink :hugs:

sorry you had a bad week at work. that really sucks. i hope you are able to relax and de-stress so you will be feeling much better by monday. i hope you are able to get some nice, restful sleep.

i usually sleep on my side so it isn't new to me. i have been putting the pillow between my knees and that helps my top hip but the bottom one hurts still. this morning i tried rolling over so both my knees were on top of the pillow at an angle and that helped some. i think it was because i was angled back some.

maybe i am too close to the edge of the bed, like you said pichi. Shawn and i both sleep at the edges of the bed. i hate to be too hot when i sleep so i don't cuddle at all. maybe i will have to move in and figure out how to cool down. haha!
thanks ts - just realised how 'me,me' my post sounded. How about sleeping slightly rolled on your front. I used to sleep stork like, i.e top knee bent upward (still put pillow underneath) bottom leg straight out so the bottom hip wasn't directly side on to the mattress. Hope that makes sense. I found out memory foam topped mattress to be too firm, and ended up changing it. We went for a latex topped one as it was supposed to have more give but tbh although softer I still struggled with it (even before pg). I really should have gone with my original choice of normal pocket sprung mattress.
i feel like all my posts lately are all me me me :blush: i'm sorry.

i don't think you should ever feel bad for venting about a bad week! :hugs:

i am not really sure what a latex mattress would be. i think we have different names for things over here. our mattress is quite soft and i found it really comfortable up until the last few days. haha!
Dont be silly you two, thats half of what we come here for, to listen to what other people are going through!!

Id deffo try sleeping tilted forward .... i had a bit of pillow between my knees and my bump kind of between the bed and the top of the pillow for support! Hope trying some new positions help ... otherwise speak to your MW at your next visit.

I think ive got sciatica, hurts right down my right hand side of my buttocks when ive sat still for a long time then get up or if i lift anything! :dohh: The joys of being preggo hey!!

oh sciatica is the worst :( i hope you feel better soon! i used to go to the chiropractor for sciatica but i don't think that is an option for you now. is there any stretches or anything you can do for it?
:hugs: clobo. Thats one thing luckily I haven't had although my Mum gets it now and then as she says how bad it can be. I was reading about it this morning when googling back spasm and it mentioned sciatica when the baby, especially if back to back, presses on the nerves.
ts - i found a v shaped pillow between my legs helped, thankfully i havnt had 2 much hip pain this preg (yet) lol

pink - sorry to hear you had a not very nice week

clobo - i feel for you woth the sciatica, i had it with my first pg which got really bad around 25weeks to the point i could barely walk, ive felt it a few times this time but not to bad as of yet its more when im at work, i work in a kennels so walk quite a bit and by the time i get round to the last few dogs ud think i had tourettes as ill suddenly jerk and say a word similar to ouch that hurt :haha:

this is totally un pg related but after a few posts ago im now thinkin do i dont i, basically my parents are treating me and oh ot a new mattress they both swear by the ones with so much memory foam on the top of it, but then as ive just seen i think it was ts and pink mentioned about them not being gr8, are they really badly uncomfy?
Hope the first memory foam topped one we had was quite firm but it depends on teh number of springs underneath. We had it 5 years before we got rid of it so gave it a good run. I fouind the firmer matresses are slightly better for bd as you don't sink into them :blush:

This one, latex topped felt really good in the shop (Dreams) and was recommended by the shop guy (not over selling as it was cheaper than the 'normal' sprung untopped mattress we were going to buy) and on the whole it was been good. Its just me I think atm.

I know some poeple swear by the full memory foam mattresses (tempur) but I couldn't even get used to the pillow!!

Could you just get a foam topper to try, it is not exactly the same but might give you an idea.
i normally love my mattress. it is wonderful and cozy and usually i never want to get out of it. right now it is just the pg thing that is making my hips hurt. it was the same when i was pg the first time too around this time. i have bad hips anyway, so being pg is really aggravating it. i never have problems with this mattress when i am not pg. well, that isn't entirely true, my hips hurt when my 65 lb doggy thinks he is a 6 lb doggy and sleeps in bed with me. he sleeps where my feet should go so i am stuck in the fetal position for a long time. haha!
:hugs: clobo. Thats one thing luckily I haven't had although my Mum gets it now and then as she says how bad it can be. I was reading about it this morning when googling back spasm and it mentioned sciatica when the baby, especially if back to back, presses on the nerves.

it's when baby is back to back and you are getting contractions - back contractions are awful!

oh, and memory foam mattresses think depend on the individual. we tried one and weren't too taken by it and instead got a mattress that was so amazingly quilted on top it felt like sleeping on squishy moss :haha: that was our 'treat' after having Pixie (well, xmas present really) The old mattress was awful!
pichi, that is a great description for a mattress. :) sounds like ours!

this whole pregnancy i have been having bad dreams. not really bad, but scary enough. well, last nights dreams sure took it up about 100 notches. i had 2 separate dreams that i mc'd last night. in the first one Shawn had just finished telling me he wasn't sure he loved me anymore and then i mc'd. i woke up after that sure i would see blood when i went to the bathroom. i kept telling myself over and over again that it was just a dream. then i went back to sleep and dreamed again that i mc'd. it was so awful. i will not describe anything but vivid pg dreams about that are horrible.

i am telling myself that these bad dreams i am having are just because i am stressed about this pg. i am so worried that something might happen but i am not letting myself think that way, i am trying really hard to keep a PMA. i guess when i go to sleep at night the stress uses my terrible dreams to work itself out. i keep telling myself my dreams are NOT going to come true.

i am just waiting for Shawn to wake up now so i can tell him about the dreams and he can help make me feel better. he is such a great guy, i am lucky to have him. i have no idea why i would dream that he doesn't love me anymore and was thinking about leaving me for another woman. Shawn is the most loving, wonderful husband. it was also strange that in that dream my name was the name we are planning to call our baby if it is a girl, Molly.

i am just going to stop analyzing these stupid dreams now. i am just going to dust myself off and keep going with the one day at a time mantra.

(i really hope this hasn't upset anyone, that was not my intentions at all)

i hope you are all having a lovely sunday. it is warm and sunny here. after i force myself to eat some breakfast i am going to go out on the back deck with the dogs and my book and forget all about last night!
Hi ladies, I just wanted to pop in and say hello - I recognise a few of your names from the other thread...

I got my BFP a couple of days ago, but still super nervous as AF isn't due until Wednesday.

I really hope that I'll be able to join you all properly once AF is actually late as I definitely need some help in the PMA department!
TS - :hugs: Defiantly come on here to let us know about your dreams. Another one of the girls with rc mc (not on here) has been having very similar dreams about her OH. I think it is only natural your sub-concious is trying to process your feeling about loss and fear and that is how it is coming out. In previous pg I have has some bad dreams but on the whole I very rarely remember my dreams although recently I have had some recurring one (same dreams from before I was pg) about houses and hidden rooms. It is bound to make you more worried but once your OH wakes up and your days continues it will be easier to deal with, just remember they are not premonitions, only bad dreams.

Hi Ginny!! It took me ages (2nd tri!) before I felt confident enough for PAL thread!
Bought my pram, car seat and seat base today. For some reason I just wasn't excited by it all. It was more hesitant with this than buying the car! I still sometimes have the odd feeling it might not all be okay so maybe I was just worried it was too soon to get this stuff even though it won't be delivered until nearer the time.

My friend came round last night and she hasn't seen me for a few weeks so was liking my bump. She even got to feel smartie kicking although he wasn't really giving it his all like he sometimes does. He waited till I was just going to sleep for that!
yay for buying a pram :) i know it must be stressful, but i know everything will be ok. :hugs:

i am not worried about dh, i know he loves me, i am more worried about the mc's in the dreams. :( i just had a cuddle and a talk with him and i am feeling better.
I never meant you had fears about your OH more that that is your brains way of looking at your mc/loss fears. I don't have any doubts over my OH but, in the past, had dreams about him leaving. I usually wake up wanting to punch him! lol
Not long after my bfp I had a very realistic dream of going for a scan and being told baby's HB was only 40 bpm. Scared all heck out of me, but it was just a dream. Nowadays I dream all sorts of crazy stuff, including being caught in nuclear holocaust, chased by monsters, etc- all crazy!

Welcome to the thread Ginny :hugs: :flower:

Yes Clo BH are actually good, if a little scary at times! When my time comes I am expecting a pretty rapid labour if Lil Fella is in an optimum position.

As for sleeping positions- I still start off on my back with my feet up on a rolled up quilt!

OH just told me he might stay over at his friend's house tonight, as he is going over there anyway and staying over saves a taxi fare. For a moment I was a bit down, but then I remember that there will be NO channel hopping tonight, and I can sleep diagonally! :happydance: So yes, OH may stay over at his friend's with my complete blessing! :haha:

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