Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Bought my pram, car seat and seat base today. For some reason I just wasn't excited by it all. It was more hesitant with this than buying the car! I still sometimes have the odd feeling it might not all be okay so maybe I was just worried it was too soon to get this stuff even though it won't be delivered until nearer the time.

My friend came round last night and she hasn't seen me for a few weeks so was liking my bump. She even got to feel smartie kicking although he wasn't really giving it his all like he sometimes does. He waited till I was just going to sleep for that!

Allow yourself some exitement! Blue Smartie's first wheels! :happydance: As a mum of boys I'll tell you now- get used to vehicles of all types! They will be getting underfoot in no time! :haha:
I never meant you had fears about your OH more that that is your brains way of looking at your mc/loss fears. I don't have any doubts over my OH but, in the past, had dreams about him leaving. I usually wake up wanting to punch him! lol

i know that is not what you meant. i think i am just being silly worrying about any of it at all.

i have had dreams where i have wanted to punch dh when i got up too. haha!

lozdi, sounds like you are going to have a great sleep tonight! :happydance:
welcome ginny :)

talking about dreams i have had so many where oh has went off with someone else and i always feel the same way as you pink lol i still joke with him the one where he got someone else pg with twins i just ask him how theyre doin every now and again :haha:

i agree with loz pink i understand how you feel but let yourself be excited, i think i was more excited about the stroller we bought then his actual pram :haha: i soooo wanted a maclaren techno xt stroller throughout ds being in one but never got one i ended up spending more on ones that fell apart after a while, but i was determined this time i was having one and got one last weekend i love it although i havent had a chance to play with it as it is staying in my parents loft for the time being :haha:

thanks to my parents and my much missed grandma i have a brand new swing for him the same as i did have but lent it to a friend who lent it to her brother who then sold it, dont know if anyone will remember me talking about this ages ago but anyways :haha:

Hope everyone else is doing great :)
Sorry about the horrible dreams TS. I haven't suffered too much with them this time, my dreams have been more weird than anything, but I know how bloody unsettling and horrid it can be.
Ginny, welcome! Good to have you over here.
Loz, I used to quite enjoy my Braxton hicks as well!
Crayz, hope gorgeous Yeardley is doing ok.
Clo, how are you feeling?
Re sleeping, I don't have hip pain it tends to be in my lower back when I wake up. I think it's time to get the Big Pillow out again.
Pink, nearer the time I'm sure you will allow yourself to get excited. I saw some baby clothes in a shop yesterday and looked at them longingly- it took a while before I realised that actually, I am pregnant. I don't think I have allowed my subconscious to accept it yet. I realised most pregnant ladies at 17 weeks would be treating themselves to a couple of bits by now but that hasn't even occurred to me. If my scan goes ok in 3 weeks I might get my head around it. I'm sorry you had such a bloody awful week at work that it made you cry. Big hugs.
Well it's been gorgeous weather in the UK today and it's meant to be good next week so my plan for the week? Staying in and potty training!
Ginny, congratulations on your BFP, ill say the same thing to you as all the others …. One day at a time and stay positive!! :dust:

Pink, I still have those little niggly feelings to but you must stay positive, try to enjoy what you are doing chick, its not too soon, after your 20 week scan is more than acceptable to start buying stuff. See you have a lovely baby in there kicking away!! :hugs:

TS, dreams are just that, dreams chick, really don’t worry about them xxx

Thanks ladies, yep the sciatica is awful, its not constant so that’s good and as long as I get up and walk around a fair amount its not too bad, makes getting out of bed and going to the loo at night a bit of a mission though!! :loo:

Loz, :rofl: Ben has been away this weekend and although I have missed him loads it was nice to have some evenings to myself (and baby and Lola)!!!

MrsMig, yay for big pillow!! Mine is a lifesaver!! Why not try outdoor potty training, less mess on the carpets!!!

Yes that's what I'm doing right now! We've had our first accident already and she didn't notice, which doesn't bode well!
aw good luck on the potty training. there is a good book i got recommended on Potty training but it's more so for her than you - hehe

Pink - what sort of pram are you looking at? x

clobo- not long for you now!

TS - pregnancy comes hand in hand with weird/scary/sad dreams :( i keep having one of relatives dying but i think it's to to with being scared of lack of support? :shrugg:

found out today we might not have our pram adapter in time so need to hunt out another supplier and quick >_< gah!

I saw a thread a bit ago that ended up being a potty training argument :wacko: because someone looked down on someone they know irl for not starting potty training at age 2!!! Talk about ridiculous! Not every child is ready at age 2 I think my boys were closer to 3 if I remember right when we started getting them interesting in the potty. Once a child is interested in using the potty and then the Big Toilet there is no stopping them and potty training becomes easy. :flower:

Fingers crossed for the pram adapter!
Oh yeah I have seen threads like that. That children should be potty trained by 2 etc. Not all children's speech is developed enough at 2 to be able to tell you they need the toilet so how can you potty train them? What bollocks. I thought she might be ready and had a chart with magnets and sweets shaped like medals but after 3 accidents she wasn't arsed about the magnets and medals and more, she just wanted to stop feeling like she had got it wrong. I'll keep trying but I'm not going to make a big deal out of it.
Pichi I hope the adapters do arrive in time.
thanks ladies :)

i know nothing of potty training, but i did read something on pinterest the other day that i thought was interesting. i don't know if it was a good idea or a bad idea (like i said, i know nothing about this) the lady wrote a blog about trying to potty train her 3 year old son who wasn't interested in it at all. she tried bribing him and he said no. she tried rewards and it didn't work. she eventually decided to try to convince him that his diapers were too small for him. she tried to put a newborn size diaper on him and told him he was too big for diapers now and then they had a "peepee party" and she gave him lots of salty treats and lots of juice. and every time he had to pee he would watch his dad to it first. she also gave him skittles as a reward. it worked for her. it seems like a bit of a risk to me. if you tell the kid that he can't fit anymore and then he is still not interested in going potty then you are stuck with messes all the time. i don't know.

i hope the adapter comes in time, or that you find another one soon, pichi!
TS, that sounds like a brilliant idea in theory, id be really interested to see if it actually worked ... i guess different things work for different kids.

Bit like dummies, my friends girl gave them up on her 4th birthday by giving them to the dummy fairy before she could be a big girl and go to school!

i really think there is no right answer/right way to do anything to do with children (beside the obvious...haha!)

it is going to be an adventure for sure :happydance:
It's a good idea, but I think if my girl was ready the magnets and medal sweets would work. She isn't very confident and I think the extra pressure of feeling that her nappies were too small might make her feel even worse. Having said that, if in a few months time I'm still struggling I may try it. It might actually be a reality, she is very tall and in a size 6 nappy now.
The whole potty training thing is so difficult. All kids are different. DS was NOT ready at 2 to potty train, even though he could speak fairly well and for the most part he was ahead of the curve on everything else. He just was not interested in it. I just would periodically let him sit on the potty when he wanted to and by 2 and a half he was ready to start. We used a reward chart with stickers. The biggest difficulty with him was it had to be his idea, he was stubborn and would not do anything just because I wanted him to. But by 3 he was completely potty trained and rarely had accidents after that and he has never wet the bed, which I think is amazing!
ive only just managed to get ds potty trained now and hes 3 and a half, had some ppl make me feel like there was somethin wrong because their child started when they were 2/2 and a half, but the first potty i bought hurt his bum so after that he refused to sit on it and was petrified of the big toilet so i couldnt do anything but wait and try and encourage him which thankfully paid off as he starts nursery in sept, i say he was late with his speech but accordin to textbook he was but as far as i was concerned hed do it in his own time but that didnt stop his health visitor getting speech therapy people involved telling me to do what i was already doing anyways, and yet he did pick everything up in his own time, same as walkin he didnt take his first steps until he was about 20months bless him lol
there is certain things a kiddie has to be able to do and understand before Potty training can be a complete success - some people manage it with their kids being 18 months - some kids 3 years + they all get there in their own time. i think confidence is one of the things so maybe Edie is ready but just needs to be a little more confident in her self - bless :flower:

it's THIS book we got to get pixie interested - i think it's working :thumbup: it might get Edie feeling more confident in what she needs to do :D

biggest thing is for them to understand they're needing a wee (and poo) although some kids can say they've gone for one, they need to know when they need to go too if that makes sense?

when your little one is on the right 'level' it can be successful in as little as 2 weeks! but if they're not bothered about the toilet it's a little harder to get them motivated. pixie is scared of the big toilet and the little potty she sits on and goes 'pssssss' on it - :haha:

wow that was a long winded post :dohh:
To a person with a Little Bum, the Big Toilet is very scary! The Big Toilet in my house is double scary because the seat wobbles! :dohh:
We have a cool toilet seat that has both an adult and toddler part to it. We thought of putting little stickers on a wee stool to make her want to use it lol.

Haha wobbly seat, at least its not the whole toilet that wobbles! Now that would be scary!
:rofl: at the scary wobbly seat!!!

So how is everyone?? Ive had a day from work today, pooch was going to a friends today anyway so ive stayed at home all day lolling about, ive actually managed to relax for a change, its been lovely! Too hot now though, cant win can we!!

The whole toilet did used to wobble! OH fixed it! :haha:

Super hot today- the kids have been having an epic water fight....I sat in the firing line of the fan and scrubbed the kitchen floor with a brush :haha:

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