Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

glad he fixed the seat - it's be a balancing act while on the loo :haha: the toilet at work wobbles slightly, that and it seems you need to take a run and jump to get on it! it's hugeee!!!

it's been raining here :nope: so no hot hot hot here :( (saying that, the sun hates me)

enjoy that good weather girls! :thumbup:
I wish you could send some rain our way we are in the middle of a huge drought!
*gets the buckets at the ready*

us Scottish folk don't know what sun is. lol
I think I saw some on sun on Saturday but it has been so long I'm not sure!!
A friend of mine has just moved up to the borders and put a photo on facebook of the weather forecast on her iPhone for today for where we live and where she lives now, there is a big difference! I hope you get some sun, and it is lovely but it's waaay too hot for me!
Pichi, I ordered that book. I almost got one of those toilet seats with the little one built in, they are great. We just have a plastic one that goes over the loo seat. She is fine with that, won't sit on the potty at all.
Potty training not going at all well however, I think I will abandon it for a few weeks. She did a massive poo on the dining room floor and weed on my friends hand :dohh:
Aww poor Edie, I have no idea about potty training so can't help there. I am sure your friend won't have minded.

OH had just come back from Tescos with 2000 Pampers sensitive wipes in 4 boxes (!!) as they are apparently doing a deal atm!! I am not sure if this is good forward planning or just nuts.
i wish i could send some of our heat (and sun) to scotland! it was HOT here today. we spent the afternoon at our friend's cabin. Shawn and our friends went for a swim and i dipped my feet in the water at the edge of the dock. so nice! then we bbq'd and now we are just home. tomorrow is supposed to have showers. i am looking forward to showers! haha!

i just realized this evening that i am 7+2 today. my first baby stopped growing at 7+4. i am feeling pretty nervous. :( i have my next scan next monday. we have our fingers crossed for a positive experience.

i hope you are all well. take care!
Aww poor Edie, I have no idea about potty training so can't help there. I am sure your friend won't have minded.

OH had just come back from Tescos with 2000 Pampers sensitive wipes in 4 boxes (!!) as they are apparently doing a deal atm!! I am not sure if this is good forward planning or just nuts.

You will NEVER have too many wipes. :haha: we are just starting to do this now. A pack of little nappies here, some wipes there - spreading it like that you don't notice the cost and it does baby a good while :) muzzies (muslin squares) are next on the list for us lol

hope Edie likes the book Mrs Mig :D

T_S: think positive :hugs:
TS- those milestones are difficult, we all had to get past them so know how you feel. It is scary but this is new pg and trying to keep positive and take it one day at a time is all we can do. I am sure once you get past the next few days and have another good scan you will feel more settled and reassured. :hugs:

All the 'lists' say to get muslins and many people swear by them. Are they really worth it? What do you use them for?

I was a bit freaked when he came home with them last night, not sure why really. I kept thinking 'what if they don't get used?' OH picking up stuff is not new, we have nearly 100 toilet rolls all together as he keep buying them when on offer!!

I am going to get my butt in order and go swimming this morning.
oh you will use them Pink :haha: muslins i found handy because Pixie was kinda sicky so it saved me getting covered. we never really used bibs but muzzies we never seemed to have enough! there is a big bumper pack in Babies 'r' us and also asdas muzzies are good too and cheap :thumbup:

where are you going swimming? Think me and a friend who's 30 weeks are going to sign up for aquanatal and pregnancy yoga - that could be a sight for sore eyes (me, not her!)
My mum did that Pink, and bought me about 50 packs of wipes before Edie was born! I didn't use them for ages as she has really sensitive skin on her bum and I could only ever use cotton wool and water and nappy cream on prescription (still do) but boy the wipes got used when we started weaning! As for muslin squares I think they are great if your baby possetts a lot but mine never did, she was colicky but nothing ever came back up. Some of my friends had them over their shoulders the whole time but I didn't use mine much. That said they are always handy to keep in the changing bag for face and hand wiping or if you are out and about and have to do a nappy change somewhere slightly grotty. Some people use them for modesty while breast feeding but I never got the hang of that, just used good nursing tops (H&M are fab) and cardigans.
AF due today and no sign of her yay - starting to feel a bit less anxious, although still not that confident. So technically 4 weeks today, but we'll see how it goes...

Regarding muslin cloths... DS was a very spewy baby and I found those square cloth nappies a life saver!
It's nice to get that AF due day milestone out the way isn't it Ginny? I remember when I was pregnant with DD, I didn't even test until I was a couple of days late, and I only ever tested once. A bit different from the last time when I found out 5 days before AF was due.
Mindy just a few more days, one at a time of course, and you'll be seeing that little blob with a HB. :hugs:

2000 wipes- definitely good forward planning! :happydance:

Maybe Edie prefers the loo seat to the potty because its more dignified to perch upon a special seat than to do business in a potty! I must say, I did chuckle at the poo on the floor and the wee on the hand :haha: its all part of the process, I hope Edie didn't feel too embarrassed!

Ginny its hard knowing to early isn't it? When thinking back, my bfp's with my 2 boys are quite dark, and I was rubbish at knowing when AF was due, then this one, first bfp was so light at 11 dpo I must have been at least 5 weeks gone with previous bfps.
Crazy isn't it! DS was a surprise so I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was already 6 weeks - I was so naive, I wish I could go back to that
i have been trying to figure out what muslin squares were for quite a while now. haha! from what you guys have been saying in the last few posts i think they are what we call nursing blankets. very thin, light blankets that you would put on your shoulder to burp the baby. they are made of thin flannel type fabric. did i get it? haha!

it is funny how we all speak the same language but we have such different words for things.

does/has anyone here used clothe diapers? i have been thinking about it but i am still a little nervous. haha! if you do/did, can you share some of your experiences?

i am so sleepy today :( it was so hot in our bedroom last night. i thought we could open the bedroom door and get some air flowing at around 4:30 but as soon as Shawn opened the door i was covered in cats (not really, i only have 2. haha!) so, Shawn ended up going down into the basement to bring up the portable air conditioner. the cats got the boot again and our fluffy white dog laid on his back with his legs spread in front of the a/c. haha! now that same dog is running from window to window barking his fool head off. :dohh:

i hope you are all well today. i hope you feel better about posting here more often, ginny.
TS, I was thinking the same thing! The only thing I have seen called "muslin" anything are the really thin receiving blankets that you swadle the baby with. Anything thrown over your shoulder to burp a baby would be a burp cloth or burp rag here, some are flannel, some are cotton, it just depends.

The only thing I use cloth diapers for is burp rags! I just can't bring myself to rinse out poopy rags to reuse. I am all for being green, but I can't go that far! ;)

Oh and I sympathize with you hot room. Our's is unbearable. I sleep with a box fan blowing on me, and our 65 lb lab does the same thing as your dog. She jumps right in the middle of the bed and lays on her back and lets the fan blow on her, LOL :)
right! receiving blankets! i knew nursing wasn't right but my brain is not functioning properly right now. :dohh: haha!

my boys are both 65 lbs too :) luckily the white one doesn't sleep in bed with us. i think he gets too hot. the gsd cross, on the other hand, will get in bed with us occasionally. it is more common in the winter. you would think he was cold or something. haha! i think he is just spoiled rotten!

i think it is going to be yucky to wash the dirty diapers but i really do think i want to give it a shot. having so many pets and being involved with a few animal rescues has made poop not a big deal to me anymore. hahaha! :dohh:
Hello ladies.

Mrsmigg ah the fun of potty training. I too purchased one of those integral child seats and a fisher price potty the one that looks like a toilet with sounds. I can remember thinking when i started this is the hardest thing I have ever done. I also used pull ups bit let emily wear nothing in the house. She would not poo on the potty and ended up getting constipated. That's another story......I think i started her too soon but got there in the end. Good luck.

Ts those milestones are tough but we feel happier when they are over.

Ginny yeah for being past af that was my first fear.

Pichi have fun swimming I can't wait to be able to exercise again.

Loz twinkle and clobo hope its cooler for you today.

Afm. Scan 3.40pm tomorrow. I have work first so hopefully it will fly by and the team will be sympathetic to me being distracted. I hate to kind myself but i am feeling pretty good at the moment. Had a few days of strange pressure in my lower abdomen and peeing all the time. Initially thought it was a uti but tested at work and it was fine. Could it have been my uterus popping out? I do seem to have grown a little?

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