Hello So My temps seem to be staying around about 36.60 x ff predict fertile days from tomorrow to Monday do you think that's why my temps are going steady now? x
I would say ur chances are good, but if u bd on ovulation day too then chances are high. To be honest ur chart totally confuses me... it almost certainly looks like u ovulated as your crosshairs suggest... but why no af or bfp. x
I totally think you will o. Thats what my temps did a few days befire my pos opk and temp shift. I reckon your in with a good chance huni...good luck xxx
I think thats very close...
This was my opk the day before my pos
Once it dried
My opk the day after..
And my chart, see how my temps where steady before I o'd
Ive just done an opk which is lighter than this afternoon. Ive read that some people's opk's can go lighter before all of a sudden becoming positive, im hoping this is the case for me and of course you x
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