Lorileigh, thats heaps good news =) GL for you on monday, Hope its all positive =)
More information would be a lot easier, then at least you know exactly what is going on. Its really hard where I'm from, Im able to go the my GP and get bloods done to see wether or not Im producing the right hormones (pretty much self monitoring).
Yeah I got my clomid from my Gyno, took me 3months to get in and initially see him =/, he then ran the test on myself and OH, which came back all good for him, PCOS for me, and couldn't find wether or not I O'd. So he gave me 3months worth too, I was told to take 50mg days 2-6, 100mg days 3-7 and 150mg days 5-9. I didn't even know you was supposed to be monitored, all the info I read did have anything like that, until I joined one forum site and copped a lot of crap for taking it unmonitored because I asked why shouldn't it be taken whilst not being monitored =/, all a little harsh, but I suppose its safer then buying it over the net lol?
Yeah I was also reading with PCOS & taking clomid that OPK's can give you false answers and you shouldn't use it with it.
My Gyno's instructions were: Take it on your days, have intercourse 14-15 days after the first day of your cycle, test for pregnancy 3 weeks after (incase I needed to start taking provera again), if it does start on its own, follow that step again.
So I just got the bay cheapie opk, sorta might help, and I also brought some forelife sperm care lube, (meant to be similar to that preseed), cause it always get a little dry around O, especially after taking the clomid! (Sorry if TMI).