Hi all! I'm so confused! My chart has completely messed up. I've had a pretty rotten cold since just before new year & I think it's affected my chart. FF thinks I ovulated on CD22, normally I O on CD24. My temps are higher at that time, I think, because I was ill. (hence the open circles). My temp has suddenly started dropping & I'm wondering whether I even ovulated at all! Could it have been put off because of my cold? I've also gained a bit of weight over Xmas & not sure if that's had an effect too, I have pcos & losing weight brought my periods and ovulation back. I've not gained a lot though, so it might be a stretch.
I'd love some thoughts on my chart! Normally I'd at least stay in 36c after o! TIA xx
I'd love some thoughts on my chart! Normally I'd at least stay in 36c after o! TIA xx