If you're woried about the cost (and who wouldn't be!) I'd go for terries and wraps - Terries are about £12 for a dozen, we started off with two dozen, and then I cut down and overlocked a dozen when she was a teeny newborn as it worked better so I bought another dozen later on. Wraps can be bought second hand pretty cheaply - I found the imse vimse soft wraps to be perfect for us, but Motherease rikki are good, as are Motherease airflow (poppered version) and the poppolino ones weren't bad either. We started with four in newborn and four in small, then bought four medium a bit later on and use two sizes at the same time generally. We also have a pack of desperately cheap old style mothercare plastic pants for emergencies when a wash is on. We dry pail and wash in bio at 40 degrees. I suppose cost wise we spent about £80 at the beginning on terries, nippas, a pail and wraps, and £30 every so often on new wraps. Since she got solid poos, we've used flushable liners, but before that we didn't line her terries - no rash, no nothing, we just shoved dirty nappies straight in the bucket and then in the machine. We use the origami fold, easy as pie once you get the knack. I am pretty nifty on the old sewing machine, and I absolutely couldn't make them any cheaper.