I hope I have posted this in the right place, and not offended anyone. I recently had two positive cb +/- tests, they were faint, but a def thick blue line. Yesterdays, looked slightly fainter than the day before. did cb digi this am bfn. When wiping I found blood on the tissue, watery blood, but bright red, and sometimes darker, not enough to fill a pad atm. I am feeling achy, and have dull aching across my abdomin. Not like my usuall af symptoms. Also the blood smells different, really sweet like amniotic fluid ( sorry if tmi) My last period was 26th July, so I wouldn't have been very far along. I am just not sure if the tests were false positive, or whether I am having a chemical.
Any help wouldbe gladly appreciated.
Many thanks
Any help wouldbe gladly appreciated.
Many thanks