Looking for a bit of advice, im a complete opk novice! I used the cb digi opk with my last dd and fell 1st time trying it so thought id give the dual hormone a go but didnt work so onto mth 2.. Anyways, i tested cd 16 fmu and got an 0... When was driving to collect kids from school could feel loads twinges a real sharp pain tl start which lasted few seconds then cramping. My cycles around 31 days so was expecting to ov around cd 19.. Anyway fone another test and got a .. Bit confused as never got the flashing to say high fertility just peak fertility. We had bd 12,14,15,16 not sure if this is enough. If i had on cd16 and cb say you ov 24-48 hours after peak would that mean then i would have ov cd 19? I tested cd 19 but got neg 0. Its all confusing lol. I did feel pain cd16 so im assuming that it was then?
Sorry i have went on a bit xx
Sorry i have went on a bit xx