hello all, i just got my first postive test after a miscarriage in june and i am unsure how far along i am the test says 3+ weeks... so am i really 5 weeks +.... very confused.
Hiya hunnie... Basically, the 3+ means than more than 3 weeks ago you concieved... Now this could mean 4 or 5 weeks before (the test only goes upto 3+)
Im taking it as you havent had a Period since your MC??? I would get yourself to the doctor who will more than lightly send you for a quick dating scan
hey all i had a some light bleeding after the miscarriage on the 5 Aug. so my period was due on 10th septemeber, but i am not very regular so i never tested until Monday... i suppose i better go see a doctors and hopefully i will get to hold this baby.
Thanks all and good luck
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