Clomid/Tamoxifen/Metformin/Injectables- O inducing meds.. 7 BFP's 5 more to come

Am cd21 today. Recent cycles have been around 26-28 since the drilling and metformin. We only bd on cd 14 and 16 due to me being away but I think I o'd before that as I had some pains around cd12. Don't really hold out any hope
for this cycle so waiting for af and then probably onto the last couple of cycles before ivf I guess. Def feel less stressed this month for not thinking about it all!
well 12dpo............. I am cd33 and no AF this morning.. my cervix is medium and open, usually is low and firm when AF is coming.. My temp is still high also. But I just feel out, just a gut feeling telling me to not get excited.. I guess I will just wait and see what this weekend brings! My longest cycle (once) was 35 days, so she still has time to show I suppose
Beanhunter- it's a good thing to not stress and will prob help a little whilst your ttc, I am praying that you get a bfp so you dont have to do ivf :hugs:

Pretty- eeeek my fingers are crossed for you your signs sound good :)
Oooh pretty you big tease! Well if you're not letting yourself get excited we'll get excited for you! :rofl:

Scerena - I thought you'd known the size of your follies before, soz. Must be thinking of someone else. It'd be great if you got your bambino via your secret stash of clomid.

Still no AF for me but my temp took a nosedive, almost back to baseline so I'm pretty sure the witch isn't far away.
Justwantababy- :hi: well yeH I had them measured but I never got a positive opk until late in my cycle so not sure- but that is the rough size they should be hun :) I hope I get a big fat positive too on my secret stash hehe! Makes me feel like I'm at school and being naughty :haha:
I hope af doesn't show and you have got a bfp! Otherwise :dust: to us all :) x
thanks scerena! :)
and your taking clomid unmonitored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that scares me, now I am gonna worry about you :nope::hugs: Promise me if you get any bad pain that you will call your doctor, promise me!!!:flower:
sorry, I am paranoid about clomid now. With my horrible cysts, which I thought was rarer, I guess is not. A friend at work just took her 1st cycle of clomid unmonitored and she is in so much pain dr ran ultrasound and she has a 7cm cysts!!! :nope: So I am paranoid beyond belief now LOL

JWAB :haha: I am not teasing LOL well I am not trying to! you can be excited for me in the mean time:) LOL I just don't see a point in testing early anymore, I realized how much money I was wasting :blush:
I hope AF stays away for you!! Have you tested yet? :) :)
when is af due??
Pretty- of corse I will :) I was ok on the two rounds so I'm just going to keep a proper eye on myself and I havent increased the dose or anything thanks for caring :hugs: I get what you mean about the waste of money I spent around £40 on tests last month :haha: stupid aren't I! X
Of course I've been testing... can't help myself! I've got about 40 tests stashed under my bed that I got free from my I've been a poas nut! Was getting a faint bfp as late as Tues, with the trigger shot. But only bfns since, no matter how much I squint or how long I leave them! And after I saw my temp this morn I didn't even bother testing. If this isn't my month I just want AF to get here so I can get on with next round.
mfine scerena,waiting to ovulate,hope i ctch the eggy
JWAB-sorry to hear about your messed up trigger shot! that is horrible! With being in the UK, do you have to pay for it? I would be furious if that happened to me because we have to pay alot of money!

Pretty-fingers crossed for you that AF doesn't show!

Scerena-i agree with pretty, be careful and get to a doctor asap if you feel any pain.
Hey, it's NHS treatment so free. I'm going to ask when I'm there next whether they could have told the difference (ie if it could happen again). But today I got AF, so that's me out (was no big surprise). This is my first natural AF (without provera) since April, so just trying to be grateful for that.

I see you use EPO hon...I was going to try it this cycle. Did you find any bad points with it?
I will do teddybearpug I wouldn't of took it unmonitored if I hadn't taken it before- as now I know what feels normal and what wouldn't feel normal but of course I would go to the docs :)

Justwantababy- sorry af got you :hugs: good thing about af naturally though right?
JUSTWANTABABY,SORRY THAT stupid witch got u,all the best for ur next cycle
SCERENA h r u,hows things going on at ur side
Aaw thanks Pink Mum and Scerena. :hugs: Got to stay positive for this cycle.

Think I'm going to cancel my acupuncture too.....I do find it relaxing but I'm not convinced it's helping. And at £40 a session not cheap either.....think using that money for some new shoes or even some sexy underwear might have just as positive an effect!
Pink mum- hey I'm fine :) nothing new with me

Justwantababy- I just buy myself new stuff too it's the best cure haha
hey girls!

JWAB, so sorry about AF:hugs:

scerena I will be watching you! LOL I am gonna be your internet "mommy" making sure you pain level is normal :haha:

TBP thank you! I am still holding on to hope.

Pink Hi! How are you doing?

so......... no af still and my temp dropped just a little, but still way above coverline. OH got hot last night and opened the window!:dohh: It was freezing in here this morning! And he told me that he opened it the night before too but shut it before I woke up. :dohh: :haha: O well, if AF is going to come, she is going to come. So I am still :coffee:
Pretty :haha: you can be my Internet mommy lol! Soooo glad af hasn't got you so far she best stay away as you need to give us a bfp girl! So your temp thing is that good? (remember I'm new to temping) x
Hey, it's NHS treatment so free. I'm going to ask when I'm there next whether they could have told the difference (ie if it could happen again). But today I got AF, so that's me out (was no big surprise). This is my first natural AF (without provera) since April, so just trying to be grateful for that.

I see you use EPO hon...I was going to try it this cycle. Did you find any bad points with it?

thats good that it is free! I've been taking EPO for months now and i haven't noticed anything bad from it. The bottle i have says to take 3 pills up to 3 times a day....which in my opininion is alot of pills. I started with taking on 3 once a day and it didn't help. Once i moved to 3 pills twice a day, i get tons of CM! so i think that is my dose that i'm sticking with. I'm actually out right now. i need some more! Sorry AF arrived but so glad your staying postive!

Pretty-your temp still looks good!
:hi: girls just wondering if you can help me with a quick TEMP QUESTION!

Well my normal time to take my temp is 7.15am, today I woke at 6.25 after 2 hours sleep as i woke at 4ish too and my temp was 36.12, so I went back to sleep for 3 hours until 9.30 and my temp was 36.86 what temp do you reasons more accurate would it be the last one as I had 3 hours sleep?

Anyway hope you are all ok? Xx

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