Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Bean - good luck tomorrow and hope you are feeling okay. :hugs:

Loopylew - good luck with the cycle. The clomid hasnt made me feel sick at all just the odd hot flash the 1st few days.

Minstrel - good luck with your first cycle.

Rowan - i wish I was still in with a chance - not feeling very hopeful and of course I gave in and did a cheapie test this am.... dont know why cos its not like I feel like anything happening. And of course it was as white as snow! I dont know how many DPO's I am but its either 11 or 12 I think. Maybe too early I know but I ain't feeling it. So fecking annoying this crap!
big hugs bean - hope it goes ok and you can start to heal x

Reba - bless you - its so hard not to poas isnt it - Im a chronic poas-er - its took til DPO14 this time to get bfp and last time it was DPO25 so fingers crossed for you
Hello all :flower:

Bean- I hope your procedure is quick and painless. Will be thinking of you today. Good luck. :hugs:

Reba- I know the feeling. It does suck!! :growlmad: It is not too late for you though! Keeping my fingers crossed for you! :thumbup:

Rowan- How have you been feeling? Hope all is well :flower:

LoopyLew- Welcome. The first round of clomid was painful and had to lie down quite often and felt drained. I hope you feel better soon. :flower:

kka- My temps stay the same quite often, no worries! Good luck :thumbup:

Hopes- How are you hun?? Hope all is well this cycle! :thumbup:

Dream- So glad your tubes were clear. One less thing to wonder about! Can I ask how the procedure went? Hope you are feeling ok today :hugs:

Mrs G- Where are you in you cycle? FX :thumbup:

AFM- I believe I have O'd but will remain cautious until the bloodwork results! My nipples are sooooo sore today, like when I took the first round. If it does not work this cycle, I am glad to take a break next month. We really need it. It is starting to become stressful and that is the last thing I want for us!
fingers crossed hopeful!

Im ok thanks - lots of symptoms and a cold to boot which is really affecting my asthma and setting me off worrying about the poppet getting oxygen but tbh im not bothered what i ahve to go through as long as the poppet is ok. Mainly I'm a bag of nerves! :) Am absolutely petrified for the scan on Monday! We also pick up the keys for our new house on Monday and move Tuesday - then all being well on friday have to travel all day to a wedding for the weekend - so its a heck of a week!

fingers crossed for everyone x
Thankyou very much ladies for the lovely welcome and answering my questions...
Bean i would just like to wish you all the best and hope that things go smoothly...xx

hopeful you said the first round was painful for you... did you find it also exaggerated any symptoms you had...??? really dont want to symptom spot but havent stopped feeling nauseous and crampy since
hopeful you said the first round was painful for you... did you find it also exaggerated any symptoms you had...??? really dont want to symptom spot but havent stopped feeling nauseous and crampy since

I really thought I was pregnant on my first round.:blush: Granted, I have no clue what it feels like to be pregnant but I am sure it is pretty similiar to how I felt! I had every single sympton possible(stuffy nose, blue veins on breast, bloated, sore nipples, nausea, and more!!) Unfortunately, it was only the Clomid making me crazy during the two week wait! This is my 4th round. I did not ovulate on the 3rd round but the first and second I did. I have to say the first month was the worst as far as "symptoms". I know it is almost impossible to not symptom spot:dohh: If at all possible, try to stay off the two week wait forum. I drove myself insane for two weeks :wacko:

What kind of symptoms are you experiencing? Fingers crossed for you!
did any of u ladies get cramps after ov , im 4dpo and this morning i had the most aweful cramps
and iv got sooo many spots,, i never get spots?x
did any of u ladies get cramps after ov , im 4dpo and this morning i had the most aweful cramps
and iv got sooo many spots,, i never get spots?x

Cramping heaven i think it was and waves of nausea....Im 5DPO today and woke up with a stuffy nose sore throat and a bit of a headache...was well hungry so had boiled egg sandwich....YUM... felt sick after though...

Hopeful i will refrain from joining in the TWW forum cause i really dont want to go
Hi ladies. I am sorry I have been quiet; I am very busy preparing for our hol on Tuesday!

Bean, lots of love, I hope you are doing OK considering. X

Reba, how are you feeling? Any change? I know you feel its unlikely for you this cycle but I am keeping everything x'ed still. Hate the witch and want her to stay well away from you! X

Rowan, I understand how nervous you must be but I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. I will be thinking ofyou on Monday. X

Hopeful, really hoping you did o this time; when will you get your blood results? X

Dream, have you o yet? What are you doing to detect it this time? X

Hope you other ladies are all well and feeling optimistic for BFP's pre Xmas. X

Afm, today is CD8 and we will start dancing tonight! I think I will start OPK's CD11 - we will be travelling for most of the day on CD10 and so peeing on sticks and dancing may not be possible that day! I am hoping I o a little later this time - certainly not earlier, anyway. It seems a bit of a rush trying to get a sufficient build up of spermies on board when I o so early; af doesn't go completely until CD7, leaving just 6 days to BD (assuming o is CD13) Now I see it written down I suppose it's fine, I just panic that if I did happen to o much earlier then we wouldn't have fitted much BD in. Do you know what I'm sayng or am I rambling?! Anyhow, all is well, I felt a bit down when I was taking my pills but nothing major. I think something may have started happening downstairs now, I tried to lift my 2 year old Niece earlier and I felt a little tender - almost as though I'd done too many sit ups?

Will post again before I go on hols.

Lots of love and dust, Hopes. X
Hi everybody

Had d and c on friday. All went ok i think. Am in some pain though! Was really worried about the anaesthetic, thinking that something might go wrong. Was so glad to get home to the kids. Have not cried today. Gone to a few times but then just distracted myself. I have just got back from my friends daughters 5th b'day party. Somebody there that i have not seen for a while asked me if my dh and i were having any more children. I said Oh maybe.

Anyway it will all be fine. Am determined not to get down.

Hopes am so jealous of holiday. I hope you have a lovely time.

Rowan - will be thinking of you.

Dream and hopeful - Hope you are both ok.

Welcome to all new girls and thanks again to everyone for your support.

Maybe i will be back on the clomid soon myself?????

Hi ladies,
Bean im so sorry youve had to go through all of this :( Sending you lots of love and hugs xxx
Hopeful there is a BIG post in my journal in lots of detail about the hsg if you want to read it? One of my lovelies had asked for a step by step so it is!! :)
Im not on clomid this cycle so just going with th flow! Have dh's sa results at docs tomorrrow evening so hoping for the best!!
Love to you all xxx
Morning ladies,

Bean - glad the D&C went as good as can be expected and hope you are feeling okay. :hugs:

Dream - I just read about your HSG - i had the same - left side flowed fine but right side they had to inject alot more dye (which was like the worst period pain ive ever felt in my life) but if finally went through. They said no blockages but you wonder why it took so long to get through!!!!

Hopes - enjoy your hols and get :sex: . Hope you come back with a BFP! :thumbup:

LoopyLew - Ive read on another Clomid thread how clomid can give you the exact same symptoms like pregnancy - I personally havent felt any at all. Ive had a tiny bit of cramping but nothing pregnancy like. I hope yours are all good signs.

Keepsmiling - i hope those cramps are a good sign for you too. :thumbup:

Rowan - let us know how the scan goes today. Good luck - om sure all will be well!

Hopeful - when do you get your blood results?

And everyone else - how ya all doin'

AFM - well still no AF for me or no spotting either but I can feel it happening so not very hopeful. I did another HPT yesterday (an FR one that can detect 6 days early) and it was a BFN. I only did it cos its gonna be out of date in Nov (thats how long its been since I did a test cos I hate geting my hopes up). I didnt use FMU but I still think if I was preggers there would of been a hint of a line. What Im thinking is that I didnt Ov this month and thats why no AF or spotting yet - i def didnt feel like I ov'd this cycle and I never tracked anything either so think thats whats delaying AF. I did have those stabbing needle pains on 7 DPO (which made me think implantation) but nothing since and every morning I wake up I think the witch is gonna show but she hasnt yet - i know I;ll prob go to the loo in an HR and she'll be here.

Its my 4th Wedding anniversary on Wednesday - how cool would it be to get a BFP then..... it would be a great present to give DH... (which reminds me I better pick him up something before then (what is the 4th wedding anniversary - paper, leather???? )
thanks everyone - I am absolutelty bricking it!! Scan is at 3pm - a long time away yet!!

Bean big hug hon Im so sorry you're having to go through this, take it day by day and youll get through it one day at a time xxx

fingers crossed for everyone!

evening ladies - what a long day! im tired an emotional :) so you'll have to excuse me!

we were petrified about the scan after our previous experiences but it was fine - thank God! Just the one in there! We have another scan booked in for 10th Nov which is 2 weeks time so fingers crossed all will still be well, I think if we get past this one, then 9 weeks, then 12 weeks when i miscarried last time then maybe I can start to get excited and look to the future! Fingers crossed!

I hope its ok that I've talked about my scan Bean? Sorry if it causes you pain I really wouldnt mean to cause you any distress :hugs:

have just been crying as i dont want to move house as our current home is homely and cosy and the new house isnt (the curse of renting!) but I'll get over it - at least we have somewhere to live :) - its actually a nice house and in a nice area and within walking distance of our friends - thinks its just cos DH is still taking stuff over now and we havent had chance to take things in and just sit and be together :)

long post! sorry :)

hope everyone is ok and Hopes have a fab holiday! Thanks for the best wishes everyone x

ps I have a 3cm cyst as well they spotted today but they think its fine and will go away on its own accord - due to the clomid they think :)
thats gr8 news hun started a clomid weight loss group x

also has any1 had the hubbys take royal jelly, iv herd alot bout it and its suposed to help the sa x
Well we got dh's sa results. Its heartbreaking. I think we'll need ivf if this was a true indicator.
Hello ladies.

Bean, I hope you are doing OK and your boys are looking after you. I also hope that the physical pain has gone now. I remember that I was surprisingly OK for a few days after the D&C but 3 or 6 days later (I forget) I was in a lot of pain and passing clots. Big hugs and even though you are not taking clomid for the time being, you must not leave us! XXX

Dream, are you tracking o? I hope you are relaxed and having lot's of sex! Fingers x'ed for you, it would be lovely for you to conceive on a natural cycle. X

Reba, I am hoping and praying, I would love for this to be it for you. Don't give up whatever happens honey, I feel your BFP is coming very soon. X

Rowan, I'm so happy for you and DH though I feel for you, as I know you won't truly relax for a few weeks yet. Take it easy and I am sure your house will become a home in no time. Just imagine when your bambino arrives, the house will always be special if it's the 1st place you live with your baby! X

Hopeful, have you had your blood results yet? I will probably log in at 3am just to check; I really hope you have o'd with huge progesterone levels! X

Keep Smiling, are you 6DPO? Symptom spotting or not? I am sending a lorry full of baby dust for you! X

Mrs G, where ae you at? And everyone else, I hope you are all doing good.

Ladies, I will really miss you all for the next 2 weeks. I can't wait to catch up when I'm back and I hope there is at least 1 BFP to celebrate! I am all packed and ready and we are going to have an early night as we must dance - even though we are getting up at 3.15am?! Oh for real life when you simply wouldn't bother! I will be doing my 1st OPK of the cycle on the plane tomorrow - I figure I will be suitably dehydrated anyway. The only problem I have is that I will miss my blood test if I o around CD13 again, as we are not home until CD23. Any thoughts on a blood test 10/11 DPO?

I'd love to return from Mexico with a bean on board - please wish us luck!
Hopes. XXX

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