[[Closed]] Let's ring in 2014 and see those BFP's!!

I don't plan on getting the flu shot either, or getting my babe one. I've never had one.. and have only had the flu once or twice my entire life. Just the basics :)
I feel weird this month. I've had cramping on and off since CD10. I'm now on CD13 and have backache too. No sign of ovulation. I usually have loads off EWCM from AF right until O. I've never had cramps and backache before O!
with everything i work with and my mom being a nurse, i will def vaccinate. also, OH and i get flu shots every year - so far so good. i think the flu shot is and should be voluntary, but what scares me more than what is in the vaccinations (which have greatly improved over their history of being on the market) is the fact that diseases that were gone from our first world (polio, measles) are making a return in unvaccinated populations. i agree, that the choice boils down to the parent, but i think the other side of the spectrum (getting a disease) is too scary for me to risk.
I got the flu shot (the pregnancy version that is stripped of preservatives) and given my MC I'd get it again in a heartbeat because I'd be absolutely fucking devastated if I got so sick from the flu that I damaged the baby or caused premature birth. I'd also be pissed if I got sick with the flu and couldn't take anything to offset the symptoms because I was pregnant.

I didn't get the flu shot a few years ago and I got horrendously ill for months. Mind you I had also just moved to California, so different set of bugs in the environment for my body to deal with plus a lot of stress. For someone like me who is often traveling and coming into contact with people from out of state I'd keep getting the flu shot.

Will I vaccinate? Absofuckinglutely. I watched my brother almost die from whooping cough... WHOOPING COUGH! And that isn't even the worst shit out there.

And no I'm not going to be late - this cycle is clearly not going to involve ovulating. I had a positive opk, then negative but no temp rise at all, no progesterone released (my boobs kill me for a week so I'm always certain) and now I'm spotting a little. I'm on CD 26. There is no way that this is going to be an ovulatory month based on everything I've read and what I see going on right now. I'm going to talk to my doctor next week if this spotting doesn't turn into anything and ask for Provera. I'm so sick of waiting for this and I feel like I'm going to puke every time I see someone pregnant, which is literally everyday because my boss is 7 months.

Literally. Pregnant people make me want to kill myself right now.
Please don't say that Amelia :( Seeing, hearing, reading about pregnant women etc hurts me too but I'd never say it makes me wants to kill myself. Do I feel like my heart has been ripped out? Yes! Could I cry and cry and cry? Yes! Do I want to scream? Yes! If you are honestly and truly feeling that way please please please talk to someone. Big hugs :hugs: You know I'm here for you.
It really does - not all day every day but jesus christ - i feel like someone is rubbing shit in my face sometimes and it makes me want to drive my car into a tree.

I might talk to someone when I get to Colorado... although I'm so cynical - it's like... oh you're helping me because I'm paying you.... and really, I studied this crap for 6 years and I know that half of it is a load of rubbish.

Let's talk about feelings? Sure... I feel inadequate, I'm angry that I continually get reminded that I'm not pregnant, that I'm old, that I'm not as spritely as I used to be, that I've made bad decisions,...

Do I feel better admitting that? Saying that out-loud. Nope... so why am I paying $250 an hour for the privilege? I'd rather buy fake tits and lipo... at least that'd make me feel more attractive and give me something that the preggo's don't have... a bang'n body.
You are far from old! Your being far to hard on yourself. None of this is your fault. You say it's because of your bad decisions well what about me? I haven't made any but it still happened. You know you had no control over this. You did everything you could right. Unfortunately and this is the bit that pisses me off most, some people don't deserve kids yet are blessed with kids and some of the most deserving of people are shit on from a great height. It's not fair but it is life. It may not feel like it now, hell I know that, but I do know that we WILL get our rainbow babies.
Amelia, I'm so sorry you are feeling that way...I've never experienced a MC but if you ever need to talk feel free to message me or text me. Please don't harm yourself, we all care about you...on days when its hard just try to focus on the positives in your life (I know its easier said than done) but think about your wonderful hubby, get excited about your possible new house...get to the gym and create that bang'n bod (you go girl!) You will get your rainbow...the part that sucks is waiting for it but it WILL happen. :hugs:
On a different note I have come up with some goals for myself...

-Go to the gym at least 4x per week
-lose 20 pounds by my anniversary (April 9)
-be diligent with my food prep every Sunday
-check off at least 5 items on my to-do list for fixing up the house by summer

I figure if I put my list out on the internet it holds me more accountable than if I keep it in my head lol
Nice list Brittney. I'm with you on almost all of them.. in fact I've got one similar... will change depending on if we get this house or not which we'll know by tonight... vegetable garden + chickens :) almost takes precedence over painting and buying furniture.

You want to lose 20lbs?? For reals? Where?
Good list Brittney :)
I wish I could be bothered to exercise! :lol:

Amelia Good Luck!! Keep us updated!
When I get into a good routine, I love working out. It helps me clear my head and relieves a lot of stress. Its the "getting into a routing" that really seems to trip me up!! I joined the gym that my husband belongs to yesterday bc he said he would pay for it and we could go together 3x per week. I'm hoping it will be a fun way to spend time together as well as help me feel better about myself and maybe even help me ovulate on my own. Well see!
Brittney, do it! I love working out. Getting in a routine is hard, but its so much easier when you start to feel and see results.
would you gals prefer pregnant womean to not post in here anymore? i think we've all been on both sides of the aisle - ttc, some with losses, some without, some with western medicine intervention, etc. If it is truly hurting you so much, then maybe we need to decide if this is a ttc only thread.....?
my honest input: i tried SO. LONG. with a lot of heartache along the way. i loved having both people in my position and success stories to reach to for support - both negative and positive. i have followed many of you as well - your broken hearts, your struggles with cycles, with medical diagnoses, everything. i want to continue cheering you on! i want to say "yes! i understand! here's something i tried!". But if you are truly feeling like you are not getting that here, or you want to kill yourself, or your heart just hurts.too.much to see our signatures - then maybe it's time to break up. i do NOT want it to be "us" vs "you" - i hate that, it brings tears to my eyes. but i *do*, 100%, know how some of you are feeling. i do.
please think about this. PM me, or post in here. i want you to feel like i'm your cheerleader; if you're not feeling that, i'm sorry. but i certainly dont want to feel unwelcome either, because a lot of you have become very important to me.
Personally, I really like having the connection between both threads. I find it encouraging to see success stories and learning from all your the preggo journeys. I would be so sad if we "broke" up lol
oh and also on my to-do list is to get a space heater for my office because i am FREEZING!
I thought we went through all this - that's why the preggo thread was started.

I thought the preggo thread was there for all the YAY! announcements look how awesome my pregnancy is and how massive my child's brain is and my scan is perfect...and all that, and this one was for those of use still trying to get a baby in the first place.

That's why I unsubscribed from the pregnancy one when I lost my baby because I opted to not see that every day- it hurt too much and I needed to shield myself from that. I'd rather be over here until I either feel strong enough to be over there or until I got my "baby card" and could legally enter the club through the front door.

I have no problem with preggos being here and being supportive but honestly... I struggle with all the perfect pregnancy updates. I get it - you're pregnant, and I'm thrilled for you... but really, how is telling me that you reached another milestone, that I SHOULD be at actually supporting me in my quest for baby glory?

I opted to not be on here for a few days until people like BB coaxed me back and I felt safe and like I needed the camaraderie ... and I do and it's great and then I log on and I get a polar-vortex blast of baby announcement and I think why the fuck am I on here when it's not safe anymore?

I crave the support, but it's like walking barefoot at the beach and stepping on a sharp rock that you didn't see submerged in the sand.

I'm just still really upset. Who knows...maybe I should just take my hurt body and heart and head over to my journal and hang out alone over there.
I don't think we post anything like that on here Amelia, unless someone directly asks a specific question. Honestly, I have only tried to be absolutely supportive and positive towards everyone in the group. I can only imagine how those who have experienced losses feel. But I do feel unwelcome and like i'm walking on egg shells. I don't want you to feel alone. I don't want you to feel like i'm rubbing it in your face. But I also don't want to feel guilty and hated for still being pregnant. I wish I could take all the pain away, that everyone in this thread would get their BFPs and that the TTC and heartache of it all would go away.

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