Well, I had my son May 16, 2012. I had my first and only depo shot May 18, 2012. I was supposed to get my 2nd shot in August but I didn't go back to get it. I started spotting on and off 2 weeks ago (it was light pink/brown and only there when I wiped). This spotting lasted for about 1 week then disappeared. 2 days later it started back up and it has gradually gotten a bit heavier. Sorta like a "period" per say, but still not very heavy. It's red now, but barely getting on my panty liner. It's more prevalent when I wipe. This is the first bleeding I've had since I had my son-once I was all healed up downstairs I never got my period back (I suppose bc of the shot right??) Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has gotten preggo within 3 mos of coming off of the shot?? If not, when did you get your period back? and what can I expect my cycles to be like? And is this bleeding my "period" or is it possible to be pregnant?? Should I waste my time testing?? Anyone else bleed like this and be pregnant? Thank you.