Background: I started giving my LO a bottle last thing at night as a way of consolidating the annoying top-ups my HV asked me to give LO and allowing me not to have to sit in the dark for an hour or more while she fed off the breast. Since then she learned how to latch better and became a quicker feeder but I continued with the bottle as it allowed my OH to take over and I thought would allow someone to babysit. It never quite worked out that way as she usually demanded boobie after the bottle. Sometimes just to comfort suck to sleep, sometimes through genuine hunger. Since starting solids I have reduced the size of this bottle and sometimes she drains it and I offer boobie, sometimes she leave some in the bottle so I don't offer boob and just rock/shhh her to sleep.
My Question: I wanted to remove the bottle altogether as formula is an added expense and as she was demanding boob anyway it seemed a bit pointless. However I also want to break my LO's reliance on boob to fall asleep, and the bottle has been helping with this. My question is to all those who breastfeed children of 10mnths + "How do you breastfeed last thing at night without allowing LO to transistion to comfort sucking and falling asleep on the breast??"
BTW: I feed formula rather than EBM because 1) after months of pumping after everyfeed etc I was bloody sick of it 2) I started not being able to pump more than 2oz which wouldn't be enough so I'd have to pump multiple times to get one feed - just not practical 3) My milk tastes sour VERY quickly - I've never got to it quickly enough to taste it sweet - which LO didn't used to mind but since getting used to formula top ups and being exposed to more flavours through solids she is a bit more fussy about it.
My Question: I wanted to remove the bottle altogether as formula is an added expense and as she was demanding boob anyway it seemed a bit pointless. However I also want to break my LO's reliance on boob to fall asleep, and the bottle has been helping with this. My question is to all those who breastfeed children of 10mnths + "How do you breastfeed last thing at night without allowing LO to transistion to comfort sucking and falling asleep on the breast??"
BTW: I feed formula rather than EBM because 1) after months of pumping after everyfeed etc I was bloody sick of it 2) I started not being able to pump more than 2oz which wouldn't be enough so I'd have to pump multiple times to get one feed - just not practical 3) My milk tastes sour VERY quickly - I've never got to it quickly enough to taste it sweet - which LO didn't used to mind but since getting used to formula top ups and being exposed to more flavours through solids she is a bit more fussy about it.