Hi all, im new to this site. I had unprotected sex back in January, the 1st to be exact. He ejaculated inside me and later that day my period came. It lasted about five days and thats normal for me. I keep track of my periods using the "my days" app for iphone. I love that app. anyway the app said that i ovulated on the 10th of that month(if I remember correctly) and my period ended up coming on the 31st. The only symptoms I remember feeling was very moody an emotional, my breast were very tender, bloating. crying spells came after my period had ended. Now another period is due in about 5 days but ive been experiencing stronger symptoms and wondering could it be pg or pms again? took an at home test the other day an bpn . But had another crying spell, breast are enlarged, slight stuffy nose, slight runny nose, mild sneezing. abdominal cramping. very tired and weak, ive been sleeping all day for weeks. a little nauseous the other day too. any thoughts?