Hi, I am 29yrs old and this is my story: Ive had 2 mc's in the past year and a half, and I think Im going through the third one at the moment (waiting on hcg levels to confirm my suspicions) . All my mc's have happened between wk 5-6 and have started with spotting that gradually gets worse. The spotting starts half way through wk 4. Ive also had an ectopic, the pregnancy before this one. I have been analysing my mcs alot and am starting to think there could be a genetic problem. I recently found out my cousin is also having a really hard time with staying pregnant. My doctor kind of dismissed the idea. Anyone else come across this or heard about miscarriages running in the family? Or am I just trying too hard to find an explanation for my mcs? I want to ask around my family, I have a lot of aunts and girl cousins, and find out if anyone else is having these issues. I just wish it was less of a taboe to speak about mc. I almost feel uncomfortable asking my family but I know I really shouldnt have to feel like I have anything to be ashamed about.