It can be bad for circulation but the main reason I don't do it anymore is because it is a bad position for the pelvis because it doesn't allow the front to open up and allow room for the baby which could cause a bad birth position. DD was sunny side up and it was an excruciatingly long and painful labor and while me sitting cross legged when I was pregnant with her (it was comfy for me too) probably wasn't the only reason for her bad position, this time I am doing everything possible to get this baby in a good position, so no crossed legs for me!
I was told to avoid it due to circulation issues (I have varicose veins) but also due to putting unnecessary pressure on my SI joint (hip position) which will aggravate hip pain, leg pain etc. It hasn't been a problem for me though since my belly has been so low I couldn't have crossed my legs if I tried!
I always go with what's comfortable. If it isn't working for you your body will let you know. My previous 2 I could sit with legs crossed no problem - no pain or numbness at all. So I continues. This time I have a nasty vein behind my left knee so I am avoiding it since it causes aching. So I don't do it!
I was told not to with my 2nd pregnancy as baby was breech late on. As a previous poster mentioned, it doesn't leave you with an awful lot of pelvis room and baby can stay in an odd position rather than go head down properly.
Midwife was reading out a list of ways to avoid a back to back baby and one of which was 'don't cross your legs' - I subtly uncrossed my legs as she continued reading the list. I've found myself doing it a few times since but it's not as comfortable as it used to be so hopefully I'll just stop doing it naturally.
Funny enough other day at the hosp the consultant went mad and said don't cross less causes varicose veins and blood clots which cause death!!! He actually came out with that! Shocked me some what! No more leg crossing x
When I asked my doc about it he said that if its comfortable then there is no reason not too. But reading these comments has me worried lol! I've crossed my legs throughout my pregnancy. Xxx
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