Interesting you say this...I am almost positive that my LO has at least a partial lip tie, if not full...he also has a partial tongue tie which WAS noticed at birth but they wouldn't do anything coz he was gaining weight and the midwife wouldn't even refere me to get it sorted, even tho bfing was painful. He's never been able to out turn his top lip whilst feeding and I only found out about more about ties baby I am demanding help if baby has ties.
How do you tell if a lip tie is full?
BUT back to your point.
Elijah is currently trying to cut his top teeth and it seems to be taking forever. He is almost 13months. I can feel one is practically fully down just not out of the gum...but below the gum's's taken weeks, and the second one is halfway down, I can feel them if I put my fingers on the front of his top gums.
I have always felt that it might have something to do with his lip tie. He also only has two bottom teeth.