Cycles after loss


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2009
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Hi ladies, this is my first post after to TTC after a loss - I lost my beautiful little boy Gabriel in August 09 at 22 weeks. I am sorry for all your losses.

I have a question re cycles.

By way of background DH and I started ttc after my first period. I thought I would get pregnant quickly as I conceived on 2nd month of ttc with Gabriel. However roll on to Cycle 9 and I am starting to get concerned.

My cycles used to be 28 days (ov day 14). Since losing Gabriel my LP is consistently 8-10 days with a 22-25 day cycle and I am worried this is stopping me from getting pregnant.

Has anyone else's cycle changed? I'm on the Bvits and using acupuncture and TCM. I dont know what else to do. I need some stories of hope as I am losing faith that I will never have a healthy baby. The doctors have done my day 3 and day 21 bloods and all normal -so WHY do I have a short LP?!

Thanks to everyone.

Love Lisa xxxxxx
Hon, have you tried progesterone cream? I am on my same cycle after my loss still and as soon as I O I am trying the cream.
Sorry for your loss of your baby boy. I lost Chloe on the 29th July 09 at 25 weeks :hugs:

As for my cycles I was on the pill before coming off it in Dec 08 I had 2 random cycles (as I expected after coming off the pill for 5 years) and then fell pregnant. Since my loss the cycles haven't completly settled but are around 30 days on average with my ovulation still around day 14-15 but not using OPK's so can't be sure (done on temp and discharge plus online calculators/signs).

I guess I can't really help you except say I'm not much futher on from you (just about to start 7th period tomorrow if that helps) and I'm not pregnant yet either :hugs: Not sure why! Hope you get the answers you want!

:angel: RIP Gabriel :angel:
A short luteal phase could mean low progesterone which could mean it is hard for implantation to occur - your dr can do a 7dpo progesterone test and then can follow up with the appropriate treatment :) hx
Hello Lulu
So sorry for your loss big :hugs: to you.

I lost my baby at 11 weeks (I know quite a bit earlier than you) but I'm now on month 6-7 - cycle number 8 ttc. My cycles were initially all over the place. The last 2 have settled down to 30 days but LP is still only 7 days.

I have been prescribed progestrone for the second half of my cycle to try to 'mimic normal porgesterone levels' and kick start my body back into a normal cycle.

But... me and OH have decided to try things naturally for a few more months - NO MORE CRAZY HORMONES!!!

I've just started acupuncture and TCM with a chinese medicine doctor. I have also taken B complex 100 for the past 2 cycles. And just started temping this cycle (I have been monitoring CM before then and get good EWCM at day 20 or so). I am feeling increasingly positive that things will be ok in the next few months without the need for anything artificial or too medical!

Rambling on.... but essentially please please try not to worry you and your OH can obviously get pregnant and you will again - this is just your body settling down to being happy and healthy again.

lots of love and good luck
Maybe a silly question but what is LP. I'm gutted as just come on my AF today after wondering what was happening, 1st cycle after mc was 38 days and now this one is 48 days!

I know cycles can take a while to settle down but am just so fed up!
LP = luteal phase
Time from ovulation to next AF
If it's too short eggs might have trouble implanting
Hi everyone, thank you for all your replies and sorry for all your losses. :hugs:

I have not tried progesterone cream since my progesterone levels on my day 21 bloods were actually quite high. I'm also not sure if they are an American thing rather than UK as I can't seem to find where to get the cream? If anyone knows how to get in the UK then maybe its worth a try.

I am also taking Bvits (100s) and having acupuncture and TCM. This month I was thinking of trying Agnus Castus too. I have heard that stress can cause incease prolactin which in turn can cause a short LP, apparently agnus castus helps to normalise all the hormone levels. If anyone else has tried this would be great to hear of your experiences...

I think I should try not to expect too much from my body just yet. I went through such an awful physical trauma (30 hr labour, plus 4 pint blood loss and surgery!) nevermind the grief and stress that I think it will just take longer this time.

Love to all of you and positive vibes that we get our BFPs soon

Hello Lulu
So sorry for your loss big :hugs: to you.

I lost my baby at 11 weeks (I know quite a bit earlier than you) but I'm now on month 6-7 - cycle number 8 ttc. My cycles were initially all over the place. The last 2 have settled down to 30 days but LP is still only 7 days.

I have been prescribed progestrone for the second half of my cycle to try to 'mimic normal porgesterone levels' and kick start my body back into a normal cycle.

But... me and OH have decided to try things naturally for a few more months - NO MORE CRAZY HORMONES!!!

I've just started acupuncture and TCM with a chinese medicine doctor. I have also taken B complex 100 for the past 2 cycles. And just started temping this cycle (I have been monitoring CM before then and get good EWCM at day 20 or so). I am feeling increasingly positive that things will be ok in the next few months without the need for anything artificial or too medical!

Rambling on.... but essentially please please try not to worry you and your OH can obviously get pregnant and you will again - this is just your body settling down to being happy and healthy again.

lots of love and good luck

So sorry for you loss :hugs:. I have just posted a reply but have seen that you are in Plymouth (presumably in the UK!). How did you manage to get progesterone cream? I went to my doctor and they completely dismissed the fact that a short LP can even be a problem! thanks xxxx
I got my cream on Make sure its USP in the description.. that means its natural:)
My cycles have been all over the place since I lost Marc at 18 weeks on 22 August 08

From the first AF post MC to April 09 they seemed pretty "normal" with the odd short cycle thrown in but when we started TTC again in May 09 then things went really haywire.

I went from a 28/29 day cycle with an LP of 11/12 days to anything between 29 and 42 days with an LP of between 10 and 18 days. I've started suffering from pre-menstrual spotting from as early as 6DPO and just before January 10cycle I spotted for 10 days before AF came. It was at this point I got myself to my GP as I knew it wasn't right, plus losing a quite large (3cm long by 1cm wide) clot whilst "spotting" freaked me out too.

I have started taking Agnus Castus, Maca Root and Vitamin C with Zinc supplements as I believe my hormones are just mixed up.

I've had various blood tests done by my GP (FBC, Thyroid Function, LH/FSH, Clotting Factor, Testosterone & Prolactin) and all came back normal apart from the Thyroid (TSH slightly high at 10.7 however Thyroid antibodies came back as normal therefore <3% chance of going to overt hypothyroidism...GP won't treat). The only one I haven't had done is the "CD21" bloods which my GP did mention whilst she was doing the internal exam!!! :shy: She said that the gynae consultant may go ahead with those. I had a pelvic ultrasound yesterday which also showed everything is normal. No ovarian cysts nor polyps/endo/fibroids in my womb.

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