***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

scooby, I went through that too around the 3 week mark. I suddenly started getting a much heavier bleeding, which large clots too. I had the cramping and was worried that I would be getting after-pains so long after birth. It did settle down quickly, but I'm still not totally sure if it was a first period or just more after pains. I'm glad the bleeding has finally stopped now!
Hi ladies sorry I've been gone so long again. I just never have a quiet 10mins to myself anymore :lol: I've currently got the baby asleep on me in bed after nursing so thought I'd pop in :hi:

Samj, DD1 had awful nappy rash at 6weeks old and we took her to the drs in the end and they prescribed some sort of cream for it, I think it was steroid based. They also advised to give plenty of nappy free time to let her bum get some air (this is messy! We'd lay her on her changing mat on the floor and cover the bottom half with towels and tissue to catch poo :haha:). We also found that the wipes we were using weren't helping so switched back to cotton wool and water for a bit and I also switched nappy brand and as soon as we stopped using huggies it went away. I hope your LO recovers soon :hugs: it's so sore looking, I can only imagine how much it must hurt them :(

Stark, wow I'm so sorry your iud has done this. I had one before and the thought of that happening scared me so much but I know the chances of it happening were slim so I went ahead and had it done but you've put me off having another! I'm supposed to go have it fitted on Wednesday but I may cancel my appt now and look into other types of contraception. I hope surgery goes ok :hugs: with regards to getting your tubes tied, it's definitely a personal decision but for me it's too final and something I don't think I could have done. A friend I have from BnB had hers reversed 7yrs ago to start TTC and it's been a real hard struggle for her so far.

Scooby, are you breast or formula feeding? If the latter then it definitely could be your menses returning and even if you're bf'ing it could be too (sorry to hear yours has returned so soon munch :hugs:)

Sorry if I've missed anyone or anything important out. I'm on my mobile and just skimmed through but will try get on later and have a proper read through. AFM, Millie's colic got so bad that her evening screaming turned into all day, every awake moment screaming so I took her back to the docs who prescribed her colief. It's a lactase enzyme that helps break down lactose in the milk making it easier to digest, and I don't want to speak too soon as its only day 4 but it's like having a different baby and I'm sooo happy to finally have a happy baby :yipee: I'm hoping we can start to enjoy her being little more now and we definitely have these last few days.

Hope all of the UK ladies are safe and enjoying the snow!? It's quite deep here, I think we'll build a snowman with DD1 in the garden later :)
2016 and lolly- I didn't mean to make you nervous. Sorry! But my doctor is one in an office of three and has been practicing for six years and I'm the first person in the clinic it had happened to. So the odds are very minimal.

The more I think about the tubal the more I believe it's the right decision for our family. I plan in taking a few more days to think it over.
Thanks for the diaper rash advice ladies. I'm wondering if it isn't a yeast infection as Iz has been on amoxicillin since birth for a kidney problem. I will call the doctor on Monday and see what he thinks. Until then I will just keep doing what I'm doing now since its at least not getting any worse.
I'm breast feeding, so I was hoping it would take a while for AF to come back. :(
Lily we also put Amber down to sleep on her stomach now. We started because she struggles with her burps and sleeping on her stomach seems to bring some relief. She definitely sleeps longer this way. Her preference is to sleep on me though!!
Saying that we had a good night last night! I fed her at about 12am and then put her down in her bed and she only started to wake at 4:45am. Then I did a quick nappy change and she ate for 15 minutes. I put her down again and she slept til just before 10am.

Scooby sorry you're having bleeding issues. I'm so over pads now! I'm not even really bleeding anymore. I just wish everything would just stop now.

Question for those who are pumping and BF. How long did you pump for in the beginning, how often did you pump and how much did you get out? And how about now?
Iv found out that my babyson has red rash/spot all over his body I'm not sure what to make of it?
He goat it on his ears aswel legs too .
I'm going to doc 2morrow as I hve my 6weeks checkup ..but wonder any of you ladies know what it could be?

Btw as I'm bf too I def hope my period won't be coming soon
Question for those who are pumping and BF. How long did you pump for in the beginning, how often did you pump and how much did you get out? And how about now?

I started pumping when LO was 2 weeks (as advised by my lactation consultant to start stocking up for when I go back to work). When I first started pumping I pumped after the first 2 morning feedings (also as advised by the LC) and was getting 3-4oz per session (both breasts combined), now I'm getting between 1.5-4oz per session. I usually pump 3-4 times a day, and definitely get more in the early morning sessions than I do later in the day and at night. I pump until I don't see a stream anymore (usually 5-10 minutes), and then try to continue another few minutes as people say there could be a second let down, although I've never had one.
Question for those who are pumping and BF. How long did you pump for in the beginning, how often did you pump and how much did you get out? And how about now?

I started pumping when LO was 2 weeks (as advised by my lactation consultant to start stocking up for when I go back to work). When I first started pumping I pumped after the first 2 morning feedings (also as advised by the LC) and was getting 3-4oz per session (both breasts combined), now I'm getting between 1.5-4oz per session. I usually pump 3-4 times a day, and definitely get more in the early morning sessions than I do later in the day and at night. I pump until I don't see a stream anymore (usually 5-10 minutes), and then try to continue another few minutes as people say there could be a second let down, although I've never had one.

Wow, either my child is starving or my pump is rubbish! I pumped yesterday for five minutes each side after two afternoon feeds and combined I don't even have 20ml! I believe that's not even an ounce. I didn't pump til the milk stopped though. I think I'll try your way and see how it goes. Thanks!
Bean I've been pumping since day 3. But I'm also not breastfeeding. I get a consistent 2 oz out of each side and I pump 7-8 times a day. I also do a middle of the night pump between 1-5 am and usually a "power pump" which simulates a growth spurt or cluster feeding. 10 minutes on and 10 off for an hour. This is supposed to really help build supply. The kellymom website also has a lot of great information too.
Oh my word I'm ready to scream! Amber woke up at 3pm and its now 1:40am and she's basically been cluster feeding this whole time. She slept for an hour at 8:30pm and then 40 minutes at 12am. Otherwise its been 5 or 10 minutes here or there. I'm exhausted & got nothing done today! Plus I'm just tired of having her attached! I love my child but this is ridiculous!!
Bean,is ur daughter always clusTerfeeding round that time?
My son is always wants on my breast for hours in the evening nd when he falls asleep whitin 5 min he wakes up nd wants to suck again! Sometimes its alright but like you said you cnt have anything done

Ohh my son started well he is trying to suck his fingers lol ..its so cute
I just don't should I give a dummy or let him suck his thumb?
Ihave give twice dummy with no problem only bevause he need it
I was hoping till 3 month like my first child but this one wants to suck
I rather just giving him my breast but sometime when he is on his chair nd I'm doing whtever
I see him looking at his hands nd tries to suck lol
Iknow thumb will be forever ..which I don't really like
What should I do?
If he will suck his thumb personally I would leave him to it. My 2year old sucked his thumb as a baby but stopped awhile ago now.
I'm deciding whether to get one for my little man as he doesnt suck his thumb yet but constantly wants to suck something but gets upset if you put him on boob as he isnt hungry.
Ohh my son started well he is trying to suck his fingers lol ..its so cute
I just don't should I give a dummy or let him suck his thumb?
Ihave give twice dummy with no problem only bevause he need it
I was hoping till 3 month like my first child but this one wants to suck
I rather just giving him my breast but sometime when he is on his chair nd I'm doing whtever
I see him looking at his hands nd tries to suck lol
Iknow thumb will be forever ..which I don't really like
What should I do?

I think it is personal preference, but I like the idea that I can take the pacifier (dummy) away at a certain age, where as I can't take her thumb away, lol. I've let LO use a pacifier for the past week or so, she sometimes takes it and other times doesn't. She also is an attempted finger sucker. When my mom is over she keeps trying to help her suck her thumb and it drives me crazy, I don't want to have to try to break her of that when she's older.
I would prefer a dummy since you can take it away later and also it's easier to give a sterile dummy than make sure little hands are that clean all the time. Saying that, Flicka absolutely refuses the dummy. I have tried 8 different types though and she's not interested! She is however finding her thumb so I'm going to leave her to it!
Ohh my son started well he is trying to suck his fingers lol ..its so cute
I just don't should I give a dummy or let him suck his thumb?
Ihave give twice dummy with no problem only bevause he need it
I was hoping till 3 month like my first child but this one wants to suck
I rather just giving him my breast but sometime when he is on his chair nd I'm doing whtever
I see him looking at his hands nd tries to suck lol
Iknow thumb will be forever ..which I don't really like
What should I do?

I think it is personal preference, but I like the idea that I can take the pacifier (dummy) away at a certain age, where as I can't take her thumb away, lol. I've let LO use a pacifier for the past week or so, she sometimes takes it and other times doesn't. She also is an attempted finger sucker. When my mom is over she keeps trying to help her suck her thumb and it drives me crazy, I don't want to have to try to break her of that when she's older.

I agree that you can take away a dummy but not a thumb. Not that its always an issue though! But Amber also likes her fingers - and the Chinese don't approve of hands in mouths at all. So every time my ayi (nanny/cleaner) is holding Amber it drives her mad. She tells her in very serious Chinese that hands are not for eating!

Samia this is the first time that Amber has cluster fed. I hope it doesn't last much longer. She hasn't been as bad today but she won't sleep in her bed. So I'm the bed again!! Its ok though.

I am taking Amber to the doctor tomorrow. Something just isn't right with her breathing. She sounds very wheezy at times. But its not there all the time so I have no idea what it is. And we're having poo issues again. Once she finished the medicine all was fine. But now she's stopped going again. I don't know anymore if its normal or if she's blocked up. So frustrating.
I didn't pump until LO was older than 6 weeks as I didn't want to mess with my supply. I've only done it a few times, like when I leave OH a couple of bottles whilst I go to my diet club meets etc, but I get anywhere between 4-6 fl oz from each side.

Bean I'm sure Amber will be having a growth spurt. It's hardwork but it doesn't go on forever I promise :)

I prefer dummies to thumb sucking too. Millie has only recently started taking a dummy but she never keeps it in for long, just enough to settle her when she's irritable and won't be put down, so it's definitely helpful to me!

Hope everyone's ok? Millie's 8 weeks old today, I can't believe she'll be 2 months in just 5 days. Where has the time gone!?
I can't believe my boy is 4 weeks today! Happy 8 weeks to Millie!

I would love to pump a couple of bottles soon on the weekend so I can have a break when DP is here, will it affect his latch? Oliver has a dummy for when he's colicky and won't settle, he doesn't like it any other time.

Are anyone's baby's smiling yet? I can't wait until he smiles at me!
My boobs are very uneven producers. I'll get 4-5 oz out of the right one and 1-2 oz from the left.

Gabby has started smiling pretty regularly now. And she makes super cut baby noises, not just grunting and crying anymore. She still has very little interest in grabbing toys, but she will grab my fingers, and she can pretty much hold her head up by herself. And she loves.sucking her hand. Not.found the thumb yet. I am seeing cradle cap on her head now, as she has lost most of the hair on top of her head. Does anyone know if it's ok to just leave cradle cap alone or should I be scraping it off?

Happy 8 weeks Millie and happy 4 weeks to your DS, ocean!

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