***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Thanks ladies, happy 4 weeks to Oliver! Ocean, if you have bf'ing cracked and he's feeding well, latches on well etc you'll be fine I reckon :thumbup: Millie isn't great with a bottle, she's quite slow to drink it, but I think she just prefers her milk straight from the source! She's never had trouble with feeding from me after having a couple of bottles when I've been out.

Millie is smiling loads, and now we have the colic cracked she's such a happy little soul so I'm getting a lot of smiles lately and I love it :cloud9:

Chloe, I'm not sure if its ok to pick cradle cap, I can't imagine it hurts!? The best way to get rid of it is either with the special shampoo you can buy for it or just by washing her hair, rubbing some olive oil into the cradle cap and then brushing it in circular motions with a soft bristle baby brush :thumbup: it brings it right off.
Chloe, Joseph has also lost his hair on top and has dry flaky skin. I reckon he will get cradle cap too. I've been putting baby moisturiser on for now.

Joseph is 5.5wks now and seems to be getting grumpy over last week. Especially in the evening. I don't think it's colic although sometimes when he's been upset for a while he ends up windy from gulping air whilst crying. This obviously makes things worse. He just seems to get upset and cry for couple hours. My instinct is that he's tired but nothing I try gets him to sleep. He's not a comfort feeder and if I try feed him to sleep he fights me. It's getting really frustrating and upsetting for us both.

I'm still only getting maximum 2-3 hours between feeds, no improvement on when he was first born. Any one any ideas? Thought he'd be going longer by now?
My son carried on with 2-3 hours between feeds (usually 2) until he was a year old! :wacko:
My son carried on with 2-3 hours between feeds (usually 2) until he was a year old! :wacko:


Aaaaagh is right!! Gabby is like that during the day, at 8 weeks, but then typically has a 5-7 hour stretch at night between feedings, followed by a 3 hour stretch.

with regards to bf and bottle feeding, Gabby has no problem taking a bottle and then switching back to the breast, but a bottle doesn't put her to sleep the same way the boob does. Switching between the two can definitely be done early tho. I started as early as 1 week to help with the sleep deprivation while my body adjusted to the lack of sleep.
Sorry ladies I believe my milk monster is an exception so don't worry.

My little miss refuses all dummies and won't take a bottle! :dohh:
Just popping in to say hi. Miss angelyca is a month old today I can't believe it.. She us still exclusively breastfeeding. She does suck her thumb once in awhile. She doesn't take a pacifier besides when she in the car and that's only very short lived. Which I'm kinda happy about cuz I haven't managed to wean it from dd1. I was going to take it away from her at a yr but got sick n I wasn't going to take it from her not feeling good. Than it was time for Angel to come n didn't want to take it from her while her n I adjusted to a new family member. And than bam she gets sick again. N its been miserable up until Friday. I was literally only getting two hours of sleep for a week straight. Ella was up all night n when I would get her to sleep Angel woke up. I took Ella last Monday to doctors n they said it was just a viral infection n that I just needed it to run its course. Come Friday it was worse so took her back n she has an ear infection in left ear n the start of one in right n a sinus infection on top of that. We got an antibiotic n now on the mend.
Hi! I was in the snowflake group but rarely posted because of time and work. I wanted to join the parenting thread !!

My LO was born on 12-11-12 at 12:53pm 8 lbs 2 oz 20 1/2 inches long. His name is William Bradford but we are calling him "FORD"

He was 6 weeks yesterday! :) Overall he is a very happy and alert baby.
Things are going well and I am breastfeeding but pumping a few times a day so my DH can give him a few bottles at night so I can get some rest. I'm still exhausted because my LO is still breastfeeding every two hours ... sometimes he will do a three hour stretch but it's rare. He is having some reflux which I think is waking him up before he would normally wake up and he confuses it with hunger. Any tips for reflux babies? He is on Zantac but its so hard to get him to take it I don't think its having much of an effect on him as I dont think he is getting the full dose. I've also taken him to the chiropractor a few times. He seems more comfortable after the visits but I dont think its helping with the reflux at all bc he still wake up uncomfortable and has little spit up bubbles in his mouth from the reflux.
Next thing I am going to try is adding a tiny bit of rice to one of his breastmilk bottles at night. I am waiting to hear back from the pedi if this is Ok. I read it is recommended for reflux babies, but don't want to do it unless the dr says it's ok. We are also going to see a GI specialist tomorrow. I really don't feel it's that serious but just want to have him checked to make sure we are doing everything we can.

I am going back to work next week, but thankfully LO is coming with me. I am a nanny and take care of two other children. I'm excited to get back to a normal schedule , but a little anxious about juggling everything.
@ sucking ; he is not completly sucking his thumb more his hands, but still accepting dummy!

@smiling: my son will be 7 weeks this friday nd he has strted smiling ..its so cute! Do they have to coo a lot ornot? I only heard him coo twice this week

Mydoctor is on holiday till 4th feb. I'm kinda pissed off my son won't be having 6 weeks check up then? Gosh that makes me more angry

@pumping ; I was thinking about it , only when I leave him but don't wanna do yet . Let's hope he will take it lol .
Which pump is better?
Kels...DS had reflux and now DD has reflux, silent reflux and CMPI. She's on 2ml Domperidone 4x a day and 0.6ml Zantac 3x a day. How do you give the Zantac? I use a very skinny 1ml syringe and aim it at the inside of her cheek releasing just a few drops at a time. I also then use the syringe to gently prevent her gums from closing so she can't spit and sometimes gently blow a breath onto her face which makes her swallow!

Her cot is angled upwards to help her sleep or the acid bubbles up. I find swaddling her or letting her sleep on her side/tummy (she's got a breathing monitor) helps too.

I wouldn't recommend rice in a bottle for any baby and in my experience it doesn't help reflux. Even at 6 months when starting weaning DS would bring up solids! If you really want to thicken the milk you could try give one dose of infant Gaviscon mixed in 2-3ml water or put straight in the EBM though it may alter the taste.

Look out for signs of CMPI too - eczema/nappy rash, constant nasal/chest mucous, screaming, funny looking poos. DD has been loads better since I cut dairy out my diet and replaced with coconut/almond milk.
I think rice in a bottle is a no-no. Their guts are too immature for anything other than milk in the first few months hence why the recomened age for weaning is 6 months.
I took Amber to the hospital yesterday. The doctor had actually phoned my dh the day before to say we needed to take her in to check her jaundice levels. Thankfully it has all gone! :happydance: We also got her breathing checked - dr said there is no problem.
BUT.... our original doctor phoned my colleague yesterday afternoon to say Amber has a problem with her thyroid and we need to take her in for a check up on Friday morning. :cry:
I'm quite stressed out about this. Firstly because, as usual, I don't have much information. I'm guessing this was discovered from her heel test. And of course I would rather have taken her in asap. I did a bit of reading about thyroid problems in newborns and its not fun! She could have to take something for the rest of her life. It can affect her mental capabilities and lead to a low IQ and math and language problems. The fact that its been found early is a positive and with the right treatment she will more than likely go on to live a normal life with none of those issues. But its not nice to read about when your child isn't even a month old. :nope:
Great advice from 2016 :thumbup: I know some drs will tell a parent to wean early if baby suffers with reflux but you must only do this if your dr actually tells you to. I wouldn't give any baby at type of solid through a bottle either. It's a choking hazard and a risk for obesity later in life.

Millie has her first little cold :( no high temp, but she's very congested and sneezy, poor little babe. I have siphoned so much snot from her these past couple of days, it's unreal!
Wow, sorry for the LO's that are under the weather, Kel, Bean and Lolly! I hope they all feel better soon. And Bean, that is the beauty of modern medicine. What might once have caused your LO problems down the line can now be caught and managed so early it has little effect on quality of life! I do hope everything works out for you!

And I have heard mixed things on rice in bottles. My cousin's pedi said it was ok to give her son rice in bottle at 6 weeks. I had always heard wait til 4 months, preferably 6. Ideally i will wait until 6 months unless DD can't be filled up by just milk and becomes super cranky baby,

anyone's LO have flaky skin by the eyebrows? mine does, and its almost yellow, just by the eyebrows.
Why not just spoon feed instead of bottle feed solids to an infant over 4 months?

Chloe, it sounds like cradle cap. Clean in bath, rub some olive oil into it and brush it in circular motions and it'll come right off.
U ladies ahead of me. Did u or r u still bleeding at 5 Weeks PP
huh rice in the bottles that early?? im not judging but thats abig no no!
iv never heard such thing but then again imnot a expert when it comes to reflux
i thnk as a parent you would do anything just to make your baby a happy baby and yourself

@ Bean : iam sure your baby would be fine inlater life! Dont stress too mch about it!
Are there symptoms that ar noticeable for a baby havng thyroid problems?
Hi ladies, we've had quite a time the past two days. DS developed an inguinal hernia and had surgery to repair. Quite traumatizing for this momma but thank goodness it went well and we are now back home. He's recovering well, just hoarse from the breathing tube while he was under general anesthesia. Apparently it's the most common pediatric surgery, and thankfully we live close to a great Children's research hospital. I am more surprised I survived, I was a crying mess. He's only five weeks so it was awful to hand him over for surgery. Once he was done he was a little drowsy but ready to eat eat eat bc he had to fast from 4am but his surgery kept getting pushed back so he didn't go in until 1pm. When I had him back in my arms I was so relieved and all my anxiety was gone, I hadn't eaten and was suddenly starving. My first experience of really understanding how strong that mother instinct is.
Wow I hope I don't bleed that long. I'm so over it lol. With my other daughter I only bled for four weeks

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