***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Yeah I agree.. I thought a little rice in a bottle at 6 weeks sounded crazy too!! But if it helps LO and the reflux I would do it with the Dr's approval
Anyway-- I just got back from the GI specialist. I asked about the rice and she said it's not uncommon and she has told people to put a little rice in the bottle to thicken the milk(breast or formula), but she doesn't think we need to do that at this point. It's only for certain extreme cases. So we won't be doing that for now!
She is sending a new prescription of Zantac to a compounding pharmacy so he will take 1ml 3x per day. Also wants me to start LO on a probiotic and 2.5tsp of Maalox when he is crying or upset because of the spit in the back of his throat.
I'm hopeful and really praying this helps my little guy feel better!

Lolly- Hope she feels better soon! :(

Daydream- Wow, good to hear all went well. I'm sure you are relieved!

Bbygurl- I am 6 weeks PP. The actual blood stopped around 3 weeks, but I still had discharge. I had my 6 week checkup this past Monday and she said all was well. Tuesday night I started bleeding again. It surprised me and I thought I was getting my period. I called the dr and she said it wasn't my period (bc I'm breastfeeding) and it's normal to bleed or spot off and on until 10 weeks PP.

Anyone getting an IUD or had one in the past? I'm planning to get one in a few weeks.
I'm torn between Mirena or Paragard.
Kels...hopefully you won't have to go for the rice in a bottle because I really don't believe it will help. It just puts strain on the digestive system at a young age and that could make reflux worse.
Anyway, just about the Zantac - what is the strength in the bottle ie. how many mg/ml and how much does your LO weigh? I'm only asking cos at 5kgs my LO is on the maximum allowed dose of 0.6ml 2-3 times a day! At first when the doctors prescribed it that MISCALCULATED the dose and prescribed 1.5ml 3 times a day. That's triple the maximum dose! Thank goodness I was chatting to a friend with a refluxer whose now almost 2 years old and still on Zantac and she was like hang on my 2 year olds only on 1ml 3 times a day. :wacko:
Very disappointed in my GP for making such a careless error!

I was going to get Mirena but changed my mind because I have a history of ovarian cysts, depression, abnormal cervical cells and ectopic pregnancies which are all increased risk on it!
We won't be doing the rice in the bottle. :)

my LO is almost 5.45kgs/ 12lbs and the Gastrointestinal Specialist prescribed 1ml 3x per day. The label says "Ranit 15MG/ML(compound)"
I just picked it up from the pharmacy... thankfully this time they mixed it as a compound and added a banana cream flavor so he didn't struggle as much when I tried to give it to him... he didn't seem to mind it at all actually.
She also wants me to give the maalox --**which I can't find anywhere**--- 2.5ml(not tsp as i wrote earlier) as needed.
I just got the probiotic as well... baby biogaia (that was expensive!!!) 5 drops per day in a bottle of breastmilk.

How long was your LO on the zantac before you really started to see improvement?
My bleeding hasn't been heavy some days its red some days its brown. I just wish it would go away lol. n I'm getting the mirena iud
Kels...sorry I wasnt having a go Ive just been given strange advice by doctors many many times before!

Anyway ladies I'm sorry if this sounds boastful, and I know the tired among you will hate me for this because Ive been where you are...but DD slept fantastically last night! I got her down IN HER OWN BED for the first time ever at 7pm which meant I got to go eat dinner in peace. Normally I'd feed her at 10pm but she looked so peaceful I thought I'd leave her. Next thing my throbbing boob wakes me at 3am and I lay there wondering how long she will sleep all the way until 4am! After a quick feed she then slept until 7:30am!!! :happydance: My son was always such a terrible sleeper and even now still wakes most nights!
Hope the ill babies feel better soon!

Well I started my period today!! :( exactly a month after birth. Meh.

Tried to pump a bottle for my DP to feed Oliver but could only get an ounce because he eats all the time! I'm not sure when I could get more as he eats every 1-3 hours during the day. I'm thinking of letting DP give him a bottle of formula in the evening, what do you girls think?
Yay 2016! Fantastic news about DD sleeping. I had a good night as well, with DD down from 11pm to 6am. Haven't had a night like that in about a week.

Ocean, its not bad to give LO formula, but I would hesitate if you are really wanting to BF for the long haul. I have read up through 8 weeks your body is learning to regulate the supply due to LO's demands, so if you interrupt that with a formula feed, you may screw something up, But if that is the only way you can keep your sanity, a sane mom who BF's most of the time is better than a sleep deprived crazy mom exclusively BFing! DD went through a growth spurt around 6 weeks and was on the boob every 45 min one day. I wondered how she could be getting anything, and DH kept saying we should give her a bottle, but those short spurts of feeding are what helps to stimulate supply increases.

Does anyone know when to start trying to get our LO's on a set sleep schedule? I keep trying to put DD down at 10, but usually she isn't asleep for the night until after 11. I would love to get her in bed for the night at 9, however!
Thanks hun, I guess you're right. I read that too and that they calm down the cluster feeds after 6-8 weeks so maybe I should hang in there. I'm not struggling at the moment and bf is going well so maybe I shouldn't rock the boat. I just hate that all the feeding is down to me and my DP gets so much time to himself
Sorry to hear of sick LO`s! Hope they feel better soon! I feel like I've been living at the doctor's lately... I was in for a bladder infection, DD1 had a yeasty diaper rash, Tessa had a cough, then Tessa got a yeasty diaper rash. Oh man! Plus the doctor did confirm that I have a small hernia. He said once I strengthen the muscles in the area (roller derby will help that!) it should correct itself, but if it doesn't or gets worse it may need to be repaired. We have to keep an eye on it. Bah, it's so gross to think of what a hernia is! It's a little tender at times, but not sticking out or too much in the way so can't complain I guess... I also still look like I'm at least 4 months pregnant. Maybe I shouldn't eat so many brownies, lol! Hernia isn't helping with the look of my stomach though, so I'll blame that ;)
LO is doing great, sleeping almost through the night. We will be putting her in her crib, starting tonight I think, but we have the bed pushed right next to the crib. Our bed is high, so I can just sit up and take her out to feed if needed. Still dreading it though, she doesn't usually sleep to great unless she's right next to me or in her baby swing.
2016- No worries at all! :) I agree Dr's seem to give conflicting information... we as mama's have to trust our instinct as well! :thumbup:
Chloe and 2016 -That's SOOO lovely that your LO's had a great nights sleep! I'm praying for that day to come soon for us!!!

Ocean- I feel the same with the feedings... I feel like it's all I do and DH gets to sit around most of the time watching movies and gets a ton of sleep...Not fair! :dohh: Thankfully I have a pretty big supply so I get a lot when pumping and DH is able to give a bottle at night so I can get some rest.
A friend of mine gave me the advice to pump about 45 min after feedings 4-5 times per day. I did this at first for the first few weeks collecting an ounce or two at a time. Save it up for a bottle and then have DH give the bottle of breast milk. Right before it's time to feed him the bottle... pump! You should get a good amount 3-6oz. Then you have enough for a bottle next time you want DH to help feed. Now I only pump a few times per day (usually in the morning when I have a ton of milk, and at night before DH gives the bottle).
My LO is 6 weeks, almost 12 lbs and is still feeding every 2 hours during the day and *sometimes* we get one or two 3 hour stretches during the night. Hoping nights get better soon because I'm exhausted!
(side note: my LO drinks about 2.5-3oz from a bottle during a feeding so I'm guessing he drinks about the same from my breasts as well)
Yaaaay excellent news 2016, long may it continue :yipee:

Millie is a lot better, less snotty but still sneezing a bit. She never got a high temp, and she was well in herself and not at all grumpy so I'm thankful for that.

I think I had PP bleeding for around 5 weeks. I can't remember exactly but I recall thinking it was lasting forever :lol:

Ocean, I tend to pump before Millie is due a feed as I get loads more out. You could always just pump a little throughout the day so you have enough for one bottle for the evenings. It's totally up to you if you want to start supplementing with formula hun. Is this so Oliver will sleep longer during the night or you just wanting a break from doing all the feeds?
My bleeding stopped last week, then started up again on sunday which I think was my period as I stopped pumping. Now I've had no bleeding at all for the last two days! :happydance:

I only have nine days left until I go back to work :(

Juless, what did they give you for the yeasty diaper rash?
Ocean, I know what you mean about DH getting a break while we are busy with all the feedings! My DH got home last night, held her for 15 min, then was like 'man, i'm exhausted from walking her around, here you take her'. I think smoke was coming out of my ears when he said that! It is exhausting being the sole source of food. I can't wait for the day she starts solids so I can get a break! only 2-4 more months!

Gabby will be 2 months old on Monday :) I can't believe how big she is getting. I go back to work in less than a month, and the day care i really wanted still doesn't have any openings :( So I think we will go to the one by DH's work, which means he gets to drop her off AND bring her home. I hope he can handle it! I would love to leave him home for the entire day and night with her, so he can see that its not all fun and games! Its exhausting keeping a baby entertained all day! even tho she does sleep a lot. I really wish it wasn't winter so i could go for walks outside with her.
Wow. Some of you have really big healthy babies! 11 and 12 lbs already? Caitlyn is 6 weeks old and a bit over 9 lbs and the doctor said she is in the 25th percentile, which is obviously not big but very normal. She still breastfeeds a bit here and there and I try to pump, not getting too much, but she drinks a 4 oz bottle every 3-4 hours. She is very healthy and has yet to have a sniffle:thumbup:. She is also sleeping from 12/12:30 to 6:30 then eating, then sleeping from around 7/8 to 10.:thumbup: I would love if she would go down a bit earlier but it seems like she is slowly going down earlier and earlier so I hope it'll eventually be around 8 or so. And if she wakes to eat in the night, so be it, as long as she gets on some sort of routine. I'm still trying to get the hang of having her rely on me all of the time. Because of this, I haven't been getting much housework done:nope:. Hoping it'll all get better soon. I had my 6 week check up and everything is good. I bled for proabably 3 weeks and spotted/ had discharge for about 2 more after that. I still haven't had a period and I started taking the minipill. Haven't had sex yet as I really haven't had time:blush: Poor DH. :dohh:

Hope you and your babies are all well!
Sorry to hear of the sick LO's, hope everyone feels better soon!

Bean - I hope you get some answers about LO's thyroid, and hope that it's not something you'll have to deal with long term.

My LO is doing well, we've been going through a growth spurt the past few days and LO wants to eat constantly, but I think today we're back to normal. It also seems like LO isn't having as frequent bm's, but is having bigger ones when she does go. Which is fine with me as I don't have to change her constantly. Anyone else notice this?
Scooby- my lo is having a bm every 2-3 days and they are big ones when she goes.

Tomorrow lo will be 2 months old. Crazy to think about. She had her checkup Monday and will have to get a few shots :( not looking forward to that.

Since going back to work I have switched over to formula. It was getting too difficult to pump all the time, work and get any housework done. I wish I could have breastfed longer but without a set schedule at work it wasn't working.
Hello everyone! I fell off the BnB planet for a while there, so I'm not caught up but big hellos and hugs to you all :)
I've been spending my time enjoying every second with Summer before I go back to work on Feb 7th. DH will stay home with her Mon/Fri and she'll be in daycare Tue-Thurs..she's in good hands...just not my hands :(
No tine to dwell though-we leave early tomorrow morning to FLY with the baby (from Oregon to Idaho)!!! It's a short trip but I'm soooo nervous! Send good wishes my way, please!
Anyway...I'll try to keep up better- thinking fondly of you all!
GenY good luck with your flight! If Ambers passport and visa get done in the next three and a half weeks I'm going to take her to South Africa. That will be a ten hour and eight hour flight!!! I'm quite nervous about that, especially all alone!

Yesterday they took more blood from Ambers heel. We'll get the results on Tuesday. Really hoping they come back all clear!
Thanks for the pumping advice, that really makes sense! I make a lot of milk morning and evenings but by then don't have th energy to pump as I'm either bathing baby or waking up and trying to somehow make breakfast one handed lol!

Lolly - it was more for a break and so DP can bond with him as he feels left out right now as he works long hours, hardly sees ollie and when he does he cries with him a lot as he's unfamiliar :( I think forumla could mess up my supply and ollies tummy so might not risk it. Ill try pumping more x
I think giving a bottle for bonding purposes is a fantastic idea...you can always pump during that time to maintain supply

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