***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Pumped 3oz this morning! :) mummas having a loooong uninterrupted bath tonight!
Wooh 5 kilo? already?
Imsoready - my son is there too @ 25centile . Did the health v said something about? Mine said he was supposed to be @ the 50th so when he is 8weeks she will weigh him again.
I'm not worried too be honest he is being breastfed, he is healthy and alert.

@osleeping wooh can't believe your babies r sleeping long!
Mine was doing that the first 2,5 weeks then it became every 3 hours which I don't mind !

R you guys cosleeping or have the baby in your room?
Ihave my son his basket next 2 me but strugle put him back as I'm bf him in bed fall asleep as soon he finished but put an hour later back to his bed.
I do have a nursing chair but don't use it @ night
I'm getting some huge smiles these days! Hard to get a good picture because I have to keep eye contact with her to get her to smile, so the camera ends up being off center.


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Hi girls, been missing in action but following thread.

Hope all unwell snowflakes are all better.

Good luck with flights/travel Bean and GenY

Here is a pic of my darling little boy (not so little, well over 12 lbs now), he is 7 weeks tom.

Stay well x


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Scooby cute pic!! Loving that smile. They are so hard to catch at times :)
Yay Amber is a month old today!
Happy one month to Camden too, Scooby! I haven't decided if I'm getting real smiles or burp smiles. Still looks cute either way. She has started making really cute noises though!
Ladies I'm having m 6weekscheck up 2morrow what can expect?
at the delivery they had to cut me soo...? Will the doc look down under? I absolutly hope not!

Wooh munch your son is soo big bless! He's couple days younger than mine and he doesn't have such a long arms!
They didnt do much at my check. It seemed mostly for LO but then again my
doc seemed like she was in a rush!
If you have a cut or 2nd degree year or more they usually check its healed nicely but that's for your own good unfortunately :(
Beautiful pics, munch and Scooby!

Can u all tell me what brand of bottle u like? DD will be in daycare soon so I need a good bottle. Not very happy with the one I'm using now.

Does anyone in Europe use the tummy tub? DH bought one and the packaging claims its used all throughout Europe. I hate it and find it hard to clean DD in it.
Beautiful pics, munch and Scooby!

Can u all tell me what brand of bottle u like? DD will be in daycare soon so I need a good bottle. Not very happy with the one I'm using now.

Does anyone in Europe use the tummy tub? DH bought one and the packaging claims its used all throughout Europe. I hate it and find it hard to clean DD in it.

We use dr browns bottles, a little fiddly with the inserts but great for a windy baby, we haven't had any issues with trapped wind since using these,

Haven't posted on here for awhile as the days just seem to go so fast, I am touching wood as I say it but so far I've been very lucky with my placid little baby, she's 5 weeks today and goes to bed anytime between 9&10, wakes once at 3 or 4 for a feed and is back in bed half an hour later, sleeping till 8am, so I'm not complaining at all!

Still bleeding which I can't wait to stop, can't decide on BC as had coil before and was a bit uncomfortable every now and then, so I'm trying to convince OH to o for the snip which he's not impressed with!!!

Hope everyone's getting on ok, teddie weighs 11lb10 now and is becoming a chunky monkey, but oh so cute and cuddly xxx
Yay Amber is a month old today!
Happy one month to Camden too, Scooby! I haven't decided if I'm getting real smiles or burp smiles. Still looks cute either way. She has started making really cute noises though!

Happy one month to Amber!! It's bittersweet, I want LO to stay tiny forever! But it's also fun to watch her progress. I'm confident that I'm getting real smiles at this point, as they are in response to me smiling and talking to her. Just melts my heart every time!!

Beautiful pics, munch and Scooby!

Can u all tell me what brand of bottle u like? DD will be in daycare soon so I need a good bottle. Not very happy with the one I'm using now.

I'm using Avent Natural and am very pleased with them. Are you breastfeeding or just bottle feeding? I was told by my lactation consultant that Avent and Dr. Browns are the best for breast fed babies. I chose Avent because Dr. Browns has so many pieces to clean and a friend of mine used them and said she had a horrible time with the little parts getting mildew in them.
Hi ladies

Hope you're all well. I haven't posted for a while either. Joseph is 6 weeks now and was 11lb 4oz on Wednesday. Doing well so far. He doesn't sleep as long as some of your babies though. 3.5-4 hours first stint in cot then 2-2.5 hours then maybe 1.5hours. Seems to have 3 sleeps in cot getting shorter for some reason. Has been like this since birth without improvement in length. Has the odd night where it every hour or 2 during growth spurts.

Any ideas how to get him to go longer? He's fully breast fed.

I have my 6 week check tomorrow. I'm still losing discharge. Mostly clear/yellow ish with occasional pink spotting. It's been like this for a couple of weeks. Anyone else have similar?

Here is my little cheeky face boy by the way!


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Hi everyone!

Toothfairy - Ava is practically the same. Goes down about midnight (after a fussy period of a couple of hours) then wakes at 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 by which point I give up and get up too! On some killer nights she wants to feed 1-2 hourly. She had only managed one 4 hour block ever. My 6 week check is on Wed - still bleeding but it is easing.

2016 - Yay for a good nights sleep! So pleased for you.

Bean - thinking of you and hoping you get some answers soon.

Ocean - I hear you! If its any help I pump once a day (am after the breakfast rush and about 30 mins after I have fed Ava). I usually get around 3-4 oz and then DH feeds LO in the evening so I can get to bed a bit earlier or have a break. It seems to work well - DH gets bonding time, I get a break and Ava has a Mummy that isn't totally losing it!

Samia - the weight centiles are a guide. The most important thing is that your LO grows along a centile and doesn't suddenly drop off as this can be a sign that something is wrong. Yes, 50th centile is average but 25th is still normal.

Big hugs to those with poorly LO's or facing going back to work x x x
I have my 6 week check tomorrow too. I'm hoping she will put in my mirena but I have the feeling I'll have to set up another appt for that :(

I also use Avent bottles and have had no problems with them. LO had been a bit windy but I had just switched her from breast milk to formula, and seems to be calming down again.
My 6 week check up is Wednesday too. As for sleeping Angel is down between 11 n 12 than gets up between 3 and 4 than 630 n 930-1030
Toothfairy...I've definitely heard of babies sleeps getting shorter during the night like that in that exact pattern. It's not uncommon. Can't remember the exact scientific reason why right now though.

Just so you ladies don't hate me and think I was bragging about the other night...it was a one-off and she's promptly gone back to going down at 7pm, then feeds at 10, 2 and 6. That's still way better than DS ever was as he woke every 2 hours until he was 7 months-ish which became hourly during growth spurts, teething or illness!

I could list a dozen things one could try to get a baby to
sleep longer but I'm a cynic now. With my son nothing changed his pattern - when he was eventually on formula, eating loads of solids, different lights/white noise, swaddled vs sleeping bag, dream feeds, wake to sleep. He was set in his ways.
Now with DD I don't try anything! Most nights I try not look at the clock at all and just get on with it doing what I have to do. My sons sleep only started improving around 21 months with sleeping all night from 24 months. He still often wakes once though.
But things change so quickly with these kiddies. Just this week DS decided he no longer wanted to nap in the day and I could cry!
Samia they had better check things on me down under! Not that I want that but after the episiotomy I want to know all is right with the world! Plus I'm convinced there is still a stitch left that hasn't dissolved.

Toothfairy I have been having the same kind of discharge for about two weeks now. I wish it would just stop now. I am really over pads now!

Amber isn't doing too badly with her sleep. She seems to have a better idea of night and day now. Generally I get her down between 10pm and 12am and sleeps for 4 to 5 hours. Then she eats and usually goes down for about another 4 hours. During the day she wants to be fed every 2 to 4 hours.

I've discovered that my electric pump is a waste of time! A friend sent me the manual Avent pump and I decided to try it just to see. I got double the milk in half the time! Still not pumping loads but clearly I should have invested in a better electric pump.

I'm not having a fun time with my DH at the moment. Its kind of putting a damper on everything. We argued the whole day yesterday. He's still angry but he says he can't tell me why because he can't remember what was said. So basically he's holding a grudge on something but refuses to let it go and I can't even try and fix it because I don't know what 'it' is. He left for work this morning when we were still sleeping so I didn't see him and he's just texted to say he's going straight to gym after work so he'll see me at about 8:30pm. I was tempted to tell him not to bother even coming home. :(
Oh Bean, don't do that. I can feel a strain on my relationship with DH too. I think it is to be expected, even more so after all you have been through. I think it's also a time of great change for the Dads. We have been growing and bonding with our LO's for 9 months but I often think a Dad can be almost in denial until the baby actually makes an entrance!

Either way, I think you are going to have to be the grown up here. Let him go to the gym and release the angst but if you can calmly explain that he needs to understand that you are more delicate than usual and that you need his love and support. Explain that now more than ever you need to work as a team and also reassure him that things will calm down. Don't push him away, despite how frustrating his behaviour can be!

2016 - I certainly didn't think you were bragging. If any of the mamas here can get a decent nights sleep, I am delighted for them! At the moment I have this daydream where I check into a boutique hotel, by myself and have a whole nights sleep! Bliss!
Well Oliver hated the bottle, screamed furiously when DP tried to feed him so that didn't work out! Might try again in a couple of weeks but I'm happy breastfeeding for now.

He slept from 9.30pm-2am last night! Was amazing but then was up again at 4am until 5am then again at 7 so knackered today! :)

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